
Ammaiyagaram is a village in the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu, India. It is situated in the Kaveri delta region. Nearby towns are Thirukattupalli (9 km), Budalur (8 km) and Thanjavur (21 km).

It is an agricultural village, largely producing rice in Paddy fields, but also some sugarcane, banana, blackgram, gingelly, and some livestock such as cows, bulls, goats, hens. The total percentage of land fit for cultivation is 90%. There are three seasons for agriculture in Ammaiyagaram – Kuruvai (June to September), Samba (August to January) and Thaladi (September, October to February, March).

Coordinates: 10°49′43″N 78°59′56″E / 10.8286°N 78.9990°E / 10.8286; 78.9990

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