An Essay on Liberation

An Essay on Liberation

Cover of the first edition
Author Herbert Marcuse
Country United States
Language English
Subject Philosophy
Published 1969 (Beacon Press Books)
Media type Print
Pages 91
ISBN 0-8070-0595-9

An Essay on Liberation is a 1969 book by Frankfurt School philosopher Herbert Marcuse.


Marcuse argues that advanced industrial society has rendered the traditional conception of human freedom obsolete, and outlines new possibilities for contemporary human liberation.


Author Brian Easlea writes that Marcuse, having in the past been attacked by Marxists for his "quite unambiguous indictment of science and perhaps feeling that he had directed too much attention away from the rulers of advanced industrial society", apparently "reversed direction" in An Essay on Liberation by endorsing science and technology as "great vehicles of liberation".[1]



  1. Easlea, Brian (1981). Science and Sexual Oppression: Patriarchy's Confrontation with Woman and Nature. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. p. 25. ISBN 0 297 77894 3.

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