Anders Åslund

Anders Åslund
Born 1952
Nationality Sweden
Institution Atlantic Council
Field Economics of Transition
Alma mater Oxford University (D.Phil)
Information at IDEAS / RePEc

Per Anders Åslund (Swedish pronunciation: [andəʂ oːslʉnd]) (born 1952) is a Swedish economist and a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. He is also a Chairman of the International Advisory Council at the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE).

His work focuses on economic transition from centrally planned to market economies. Åslund served as an economic adviser to the governments of Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Ukraine and from 2003 was director of the Russian and Eurasian Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Åslund was an advocate of early, comprehensive, and radical economic reforms in Russia and Eastern Europe.[1] He worked at the Peterson Institute for International Economics from 2006-15. In 2013, David Frum wrote that “Anders Aslund at the Peterson Institute is one of the world’s leading experts on the collapse of the planned Soviet economy.” [2]

Anders Aslund lives permanently in Washington, DC, with his wife Anna and their two children.

Åslund in Sweden

From 1989 to 1994, Åslund worked as a Professor of International Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics; and in 1989 he became the founding director of the Stockholm Institute of East European Economics.

On April 22, 1990, Åslund published a controversial article in the leading Swedish daily, Dagens Nyheter, drawing parallels between the collapsing communist regimes in Eastern Europe and the social democratic policies in Sweden.[3] He argued that Sweden had too large a public sector; supported communist dictatorships, such as Cuba, in the Third World; and had excessive state intervention in all areas of life. The ruling Social Democratic government opposed the views of Åslund in dozens of articles. In June 1990, Social Democratic Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson voiced public disagreement with Åslund in the Swedish parliament.,.[4][5] However, opposition leader, Carl Bildt, defended Åslund.[5][6]

Involvement in Russian economic reform

From November 1991 to January 1994, Åslund worked with Jeffrey Sachs and David Lipton as a senior advisor to the Russian reform government under President Boris Yeltsin and Acting Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar.[7] He worked also with Deputy Prime Ministers Anatoly Chubais and Boris Fedorov. Åslund summarized his views in his book How Russia Became a Market Economy.[8]

Other Work

After his experiences in Russia, Åslund worked as an economic advisor to President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine from 1994–97, and from 1998–2004, to President Askar Akaev of Kyrgyzstan. Åslund has also worked substantially with economic policy in the Baltic countries, first as a member of the International Baltic Economic Commission from 1991 to 1993,[9] and later as an informal advisor to Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis from 2009.[10]


  1. Anders Åslund, Post-Communist Economic Revolutions: How Big a Bang? The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, and Westview, 1992, pp. 106
  3. Anders Åslund, "Storstäda i Sverige! (Clean up in Sweden!)", Dagens Nyheter, April 22, 1990
  5. 1 2 http://www.riksdagen≠.se/sv/Dokument-Lagar/Kammaren/Protokoll/Riksdagens-snabbprotokoll-1990_GE09131/
  6. Anders Åslund, "Statsministern och verkligheten (The Prime Minister and the Reality)", Svenska Dagbladet, July 3, 1990.
  7. Nelson, Lynn D. and Irina Y. Kuzes, 1994, Property to the People: The Struggle for Radical Economic Reform in Russia. M.E. Sharp, New York.
  8. Anders Åslund, How Russia Became a Market Economy, Washington, DC: Brookings 1995.
  9. Anders Åslund, How Capitalism Was Built, Second Edition, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  10. Anders Åslund and Valdis Dombrovskis, How Latvia Came through the Financial Crisis, Washington, DC: Peterson Institute for International Economics.


Authored Books

Edited Books

External links

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