Andrews University Seminary Studies

Andrews University Seminary Studies  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
Discipline Christian theology
Language English
Publication details
Publication history
ISSN 0003-2980

Andrews University Seminary Studies (AUSS) is a refereed scholarly Christian journal published by the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. It is issued twice a year from Berrien Springs, MI. The journal was founded in 1963 and currently has a circulation of 600 copies. AUSS publishes research articles and brief notes on the following topics: biblical archaeology and history of antiquity; Hebrew Bible; New Testament; church history of all periods; historical, biblical, and systematic theology; ethics; history of religion and mission; and selected research articles on ministry and Christian education.

Reports of the Andrews University archaeological digs appear regularly in AUSS. Abstracts of Andrews University dissertations in religion are also published. Articles usually appear in English, but occasionally an article may be in another major Western language. Most of the articles are written by Seventh-day Adventist scholars, many of them Theological Seminary professors. However, subject to the refereeing process, AUSS accepts articles by authors of other persuasions.[1] Since 1967 AUSS has included reviews of significant new scholarly books in the same areas as its research articles. Articles are indexed in several scholarly bibliographical works, among which are Religion Index One and Elenchus of Biblica.


See also


  1. AUSS Guidelines
  2. One article is "Kenneth A. Strand: Editor, Author, Pastor, Teacher, Administrator, and Friend" PDF by George Knight. AUSS 33 (Autumn 1995), p167–170

External links

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