
Androcide refers to the systematic killing of men, boys, or males in general.


It is a coordinate term of femicide and a hyponym of gendercide.[1] The etymological root of the word is derive from a combination of the Greek prefix andro meaning man or boy,[2] with the Latin suffix cide, meaning killing.[3]


With regards to plants, androcide may refer to efforts to direct pollination through emasculating certain crops.[4] In the proactive scenario of human societies, androcide may be a deliberate goal, perhaps with the goal of degrading the offensive capabilities of an adversary.[5] In a more passive scenario androcide has been likened to misandry when society in general participate or permit the decimation of a significant proportion of men and boys during conscriptions for military service.[6] In fruit flies an androcidal animosity towards males may be due to rivalry, a perception of a challenge to their dominance or a combination of the two.[7] Some organizations that are critical of feminism as well as some publishers have argued that the targeting of men is a contemporary issue in war.[8] Androcide has also been a feature of literature in ancient Greek mythology[9] and in hypothetical situations wherein there is discord between the sexes.[10]

See also


  1. Welsh, EE (2012). Establishing Difference: The Gendering and Racialization of Power in Genocide (PDF).
  2. Danner, Horace (2013). A Thesaurus of Medical Word Roots. p. 17.
  3. Green, Tamara (2014). The Greek & Latin Roots of English. p. 51.
  4. Verma, MM (1978). Ethrel-a male gametocide that can replace the male sterility genes in barley.
  5. Synnott, Anthony (2012). Re-Thinking Men: Heroes, Villains and Victims.
  6. Nathanson, Paul (2015). Replacing Misandry: A Revolutionary History of Men. without referring to the androcide of course that many societies have imposed at a later stage of the life cycle in the form of military conscription
  7. Srivastava, U.S. (1980). Golden jubilee commemoration volume, 1980. p. 51.
  8. Nathanson, Paul (2006). Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men. p. 154.
  9. Skempis, Marios (2014). Geography, Topography, Landscape: Configurations of Space in Greek and Roman Epic. p. 172.
  10. Morgan, Robin (1977). Going Too Far: The Personal Chronicle of a Feminist. p. 3.
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