Androić is a Croatian surname. The surname is mostly concentrated in the vicinity of Zlatar, Croatia, though most Androić of the past hundred years were born in Petrova Gora near Lepoglava, where every twentieth resident had the Androić surname. Today in Croatia there are about 400 people named Androić in around 130 households. In the middle of the last century there were about 300 people.[1] The two principal migrations of Androićs in the last century were from Lobor to the cities of Varaždin and Zagreb.
It may refer to:
- Mirko Androić (1922-1982), Croatian historian and archivist
- Toni Androić (1991-), Croatian tennis player
- Miljenka Androić (1954-), Croatian actress
See also
- ↑ Map of name distribution "Podrjetlo - Androići su Hrvati, najvećim dijelom iz okolice Zlatara. Razmjerno najviše Androića u proteklih sto godina rođeno je u Petrovoj Gori kraj Lepoglave, gdje se svaki dvadeseti stanovnik prezivao Androić. U Hrvatskoj danas živi oko četiristo Androića u oko stotrideset domaćinstava. Sredinom prošlog stoljeća bilo ih je približno tristo, pa se njihov broj do danas povećao za nepunu polovinu."
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