Android green

Android green
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet #A4C639
sRGBB  (r, g, b) (164, 198, 57)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k) (17, 0, 71, 22)
HSV       (h, s, v) (74°, 71%, 78%)
Source Google[1]
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

Android green is a shade of yellow-green, defined by Google as the color of the "Android robot" logo for the Android operating system. It is defined to be RGB hex value #A4C639 online and Pantone PMS376C in print.[1] However, the logo shown with the defining language at the Google website, as well as other versions of it in different resolutions and formats, are a slightly different #A4C439. Additionally, in the headers of that site and elsewhere, the color used varies substantially.


  1. 1 2 "Brand Guidelines: Android Developers". Google. Retrieved December 21, 2013.

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