Anianus of Celeda

Anianus (sometimes Annianus) of Celeda was deacon of the church at a place called Celeda in the early fifth century and a supporter of Pelagius. It is not known where Celeda was: candidates include Pannonia, Northern Italy, Campania, Syria, and Cyrenaica.[1]

He translated two collections of homilies by John Chrysostom into Latin, including the first 25 of Chrysostom's 90 homilies on the Gospel of Matthew and seven homilies in praise of the apostle St. Paul. These translations were known to Augustine of Hippo, Pope Leo I, Cassiodorus, and Bede.[2]

A critical edition of Anianus' Letter to Orontius, which serves as the preface to his translations of Chrysostom's Homilies 1-25 on Matthew, has been published by Adolf Primmer.[3]

A critical edition of his translation of Chrysostom's Homily 9 on Matthew has been published by Emilio Bonfiglio.[4]

A digital transcription of Anianus' prefatory letter to his Latin translations of Chrysostom's homilies 1-25 on Matthew and the first eight homilies from PG 58, 975-1058, as well as Chrysostom's homilies De laudibus sancti Pauli apostoli from PG 50, 473-514, are provided online by The Electronic Patres Graeci in Latine Project. A digital transcription of Anianus' Latin translations of Chrysostom's homilies 1-25 and his prefatory letter from the 1503 Venice editio princeps is provided online as one of the auxiliary resources of the Electronic Manipulus florum Project. Note that the versions in Migne's edition in PL 50 and the 1503 Venice edition are significantly different.

The Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum (Pseudo-Chrysostom) is sometimes attributed to Anianus.[5]


  1. Kate Cooper, "An(n)ianus of Celeda and the Latin Readers of John Chrysostom", Papers presented at the Eleventh International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford 1991 Google Books
  2. W. Trent Foley, Arthur G. Holder, editors and translators, Bede: A Biblical Miscellany, Liverpool, 1999, ISBN 0-85323-683-6, p. 134 Google Books
  3. A. Primmer, "Die Originalfassung von Anianus' epistula ad Orontium" in Antidosis: Festschrift fuer Walther Kraus zum 70. Geburtstag, edited by R. Hanslik, A. Lesky, & H. Schwabl (Vienna, 1972), pp. 278-89.
  4. E. Bonfiglio, "Anianus Celedensis, Translator of John Chrysostom's Homilies on Matthew: A Pelagian Interpretation?" in: Papers from the First and Second Postgraduate Forums in Byzantine Studies: Sailing to Byzantium, edited by S. Neocleous (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009), pp. 77-104.
  5. James A. Kellerman, Thomas C. Oden, Incomplete Commentary on Matthew (Opus Imperfectum), InterVarsity Press, 2010, p. xx Google Books

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