Animal By-Products Regulations

The Animal By-Products Regulations (No 1069/2009) (SI 142/2011) allows for the treatment of some animal by-products in composting and biogas plants (anaerobic digesters). The following article describes procedures required to allow solid outputs (compost, digestate) from composting plants and anaerobic digesters onto land in the United Kingdom.

Categories of Animal By-Products

Category 1

Must all be destroyed, not for use in composting or biogas plants

Category 2

Can be used in composting and biogas plants after rendering (133C, 3 bar pressure) Manure and gut contents only can be used after pretreatment

Category 3

Can be used in composting and biogas plants without pretreatment

Treatment Standards


Closed reactor

Housed windrow

Biogas plants




  1. Application and inspection form for approval to treat animal by-products and/or catering waste composting or biogas plants

Further reading

See also

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