Anthem of His Majesty the Tsar

Химн на Негово Величество Царя
English: Anthem of His Majesty the Tsar

The Bulgarian Royal Coat of Arms

Royal anthem of Bulgaria Kingdom of Bulgaria

Lyrics Georgi Agura
Music Emil von Sauer
Adopted 1908
Relinquished 1946

Anthem of His Majesty the Tsar or God Save the Tsar (Bulgarian: Химн на Негово Величество Царя [ximn nɑ nɛɡovo vɛlit͡ʃɛstvo t͡sɑrjɐ]) was the royal anthem of the Kingdom of Bulgaria from 1908 to 1944.The original music was written by Emil von Sauer.[1] Later the composition by Emanuil Manolov was adopted, and the lyrics were written by Major General Georgi Agura. During this period, the national anthem of the Kingdom of Bulgaria was Shumi Maritsa and the "Anthem of His Majesty the Tsar" was played immediately after it on every solemn occasion in the Tsar's presence.


Bulgarian Cyrillic Transliteration English Translation
Всемогъщий правий Боже,
молим Царя ни пази,
дай му сила, за да може
зли поврати да срази.
За погром на враговете
и за славни бъднини,
Боже, царю на царете
дай на Царя светли дни.
А на българското племе
ума Боже просвети,
със любов да се обеме
и задружно процъфти.
Чрез съгласие да може
сила, воля да развий,
чрез напредък дай му, Боже,
славно име да добий!
Vsemogyštij pravij Bože,
molim Carja ni pazi,
daj mu sila, za da može
zli povrati da srazi.
Za pogrom na vragovete
j za slavni bydnini,
Bože, carju na carete
daj na Carja svetli dni.
A na bylgarskoto pleme
uma Bože prosveti,
sys ljubov da se obeme
j zadružno procyfti.
Črez syglasie da može
sila, volja da razvij,
črez napredyk daj mu, Bože,
slavno ime da dobij!
Almighty, righteous God,
We pray, save our Tsar,
Give him might to overwhelm
Dire vicissitudes.
For defeat of the foes
And for a glorious future,
Oh God, Tsar of Tsars,
Give the Tsar bright days.
And enlighten the minds, oh God,
Of the Bulgarian people,
Let them be filled with love
And flourish in unity.
Let them through accord
Develop their strength and will,
Through progress grant them, oh God,
To deserve an honourable name!


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