Antipope Paschal III

Antipope Paschal III (or Paschal III) was Antipope from 1164 to 20 September 1168.


His real name was Guido of Crema. Paschal III was the second of the antipopes to challenge the reign of Pope Alexander III. In 1164, a small number of cardinals who had elected Victor IV met again to vote Paschal III as his successor. He was established at Viterbo and successfully prevented the legitimate pontiff from reaching Rome.

In order to gain more support from Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, Paschal canonized Charlemagne in 1165. The Catholic Church has never recognized this canonization, since Paschal was an antipope. In 1179, the Third Council of the Lateran annulled all of his ordinances, including the canonisation. Charlemagne remained in good regard still, however, among Catholics, and Prosper Guéranger even composed a prayer to Charlemagne.

See also


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