Antoni Palau i Dulcet

Antoni Palau Dulcet (Montblanc, 1867 - Barcelona, 1954), librarian and bibliographer, author of the monumental Manual del librero hispano americano[1] (Hispanic American bookseller Manual , 1923-1945), Conca de Barbera (1912),and numerous guides from "Montblanc, Poblet i la Conca" (1930-1932).


He investigated the introduction of press in Spain in the De los orígenes de la imprenta y su introducción en España ( From the origins of printing and its introduction in Spain ), 1952.

He is best known as the author of an indispensable[2] Manual del librero hispano-americano: inventario bibliográfico de la producción científica y literaria de España y de la América Latina desde la invención de la imprenta hasta nuestro días, con el valor comercial de todos los artículos descritos (1923-1945), en siete volúmenes ( Handbook of the Spanish-American bookseller: bibliographic survey of scientific and literary production of Spain and Latin America since the invention of printing to our days, with the market value of all the items described (1923-1945), in seven volumes).

In its second edition it consisted of 28 volumes published between 1948 and 1977 and seven volumes of indices between 1981 and 1987 by Agustín Palau Claveras with: Alphabetical title-materials, corrections and additions connections, a total of 35 volumes.[3]

He also prepared bibliographies of Cervantes and Quevedo and an interesting autobiography, Memòries d'un llibreter català ( Memoirs of a Catalan bookseller ) (1935)., which demonstrates his humanist spirit and Cultural altruistic desire.[4]

He was named favorite son of Montblanc in 1949. On 31 July 1949, the mayor of the "Vila Ducal" , Jose Maria Abelló Barrios handed him the silver medal.



Antoni Palau i Dulcet i Josep Porter i Rovira: dos montblanquins apassionats pels llibres. Montblanc: Centre d'Estudis de la Conca de Barberà. Col·lecció biografies 2. 2007. ISBN 978-84-921799-2-3[5]

See also


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