Apogee Books

Not to be confused with Apogee Books, founded by Archie Roy.
Apogee Books
Parent company Collector's Guide Publishing
Founded 1998
Founder Robert Godwin
Country of origin Canada
Headquarters location Burlington, Ontario
Publication types Books
Nonfiction topics Space
Fiction genres Science Fiction
Official website www.cgpublishing.com

Apogee Books is an imprint of Canadian publishing house Collector's Guide Publishing. The Apogee imprint began with "Apollo 8 The NASA Mission Reports" in November 1998 at the request of astronaut Buzz Aldrin, second man on the moon. The first publication by Apogee was printed to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the first manned flight around the moon. A limited edition print run of this Apollo 8 book led to Aldrin suggesting that the imprint continue with further anniversary publications.

In March 1999 Apogee published the book Apollo 9 - The NASA Mission Reports. Since that time Apogee has been the winner of the Space Frontier Foundation's media award and has published almost 100 books on space flight. Almost all of the Apogee titles were packaged with CDROMs or DVDs which included what was, at the time, the first digital release of seminal NASA footage, including the first commercial release of the uncut television broadcast of the Apollo 11 moonwalk. Notable contributors to the Apogee series include Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Tom Hanks, Ron Howard, Buzz Aldrin, Harrison Schmitt, William Pogue, Wernher von Braun, David Lasser, Sy Liebergot, Guenter Wendt, Robert Zubrin, Wally Schirra, David R. Scott, Rick Tumlinson and Winston Scott. Apogee Books has performed contracted work with or for, Lockheed, Boeing, Energia, NASA, Imax, Space Frontier Foundation, The Mars Society and The National Space Society.

An offshoot of Apogee Books, publishing science fiction, began in 2005. Apogee Science Fiction specializes in space-related historical science fiction. By 2007 titles had been published by Hugo Gernsback, Garrett P. Serviss, Wernher von Braun, and George Griffith.

External links


1. Ott, Terry (2000) From Rock To The Moon - National Post Canada (January 3, 2000)
2. Space is the Place - Playboy Magazine (March 2000)
3. Agle, D.C. Just The Facts - Air & Space Smithsonian (Oct/Nov 2000)
4. Kiss, J.Z. Virtual Apollo - Choice Magazine (Dec 2003)
5. Kelly, J. A year after Columbia disaster many wonder how to get report - Florida Today (Apr 21 2004)
6. Mosley, J Apollo 11 - The NASA Mission Reports - The Planetarian Journal of The International Planetarium Society (June 2004)
7. Day, D Destination Moon - Air & Space Smithsonian (Nov 2004)
8. Millard, D Rocket Science - NewScientist (Dec 18 2004)
9. Taylor, F. Prof. Deep Space - BBC Sky at Night Magazine (July 2005)
10. Doyle, S. Schirra Returns for a Hurrah - The Huntsville Times (Aug 27 2005)
11. Kiss, J.Z. Beyond Earth - Choice Magazine (Nov 2006)
12. Oberg, J. A Rocket Family Album - IEEE Spectrum (Feb 2002)
13. Hiscox, J. X-15 - The NASA Mission Reports - Astronomy Magazine (May 2002)
14. Taylor, R. Apollo 11 Vol 3. - Spaceflight (Dec 2002)
15. Kelly, J. Von Braun's vision not far off - Florida Today (Nov 16 2003)
16. Giilk, S Out-of-this-world Publisher - The Enterprise Bulletin (Mar 10 2006)
17. Taylor, B Armchair Astronaut - The Toronto Star (Dec 27 2001)

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