Original author(s) TechDivision GmbH
Developer(s) TechDivision GmbH
Stable release 1.1.0 / 11. November 2015
Written in PHP, C, Shell
Operating system Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Type Application server
License OSL (open-source software)
Website is an implementation of an application server for PHP based web environments. It's goal is to bring the concept of application server middleware into the PHP market to enable and support enterprise application development and management. To ensure this, the project consists of a middleware which delivers classical PHP web applications and provides additional web services.


The basic idea of a WildFly equivalent for PHP was present within TechDivision quite some time but due to technical shortcomings of the PHP language it took until July 2013 before development on the project could start.

At that time the possibility of programming a non-blocking socket-based middleware in PHP was given by using an asynchronous event driven workflow or using forked processes.[1][2] In parallel as of August 2012 a threading extension for PHP by Joe Watkins enabled true POSIX compatible multithreading.[3] Even if controversially discussed[4] threads were used as implementation base as they allow the programmer to account for hardware usage instead of relying on the used runtime environment and enable easier communication in between parallel working batches.

After deciding on the technical blueprint, development began on the GitHub platform and the project shaped fast. As of now As of 2015 the project consists of 36 separate repositories, around 80,000 lines of code and estimated effort of 18 years (COCOMO model).[5]

Licensing is an open-source software under the OSL in version 3.0. It can be downloaded free of charge either as an installable package from the project page, or as a source from GitHub. The project aims at a freemium marketing approach splitting the software into a Community, Professional and an Enterprise Edition. As of 2015 the Community Edition[6] contains all base features as listed below and is, and always will be, open source and free of charge.

As of 2015 the Professional Edition[7] can only be used within the Microsoft Azure cloud service and offers additional developer support.

The Enterprise Edition[8] (currently in planning state) will offer a widely extended feature range unique to it. It can be tested free of charge but is bound to a license fee if used commercially.

Product features comes with its own runtime environment, containing PHP in a current version extended with several external libraries, PHP extensions and service daemons.[9] This idea of a self-containing environment makes an out-of-the-box runtime environment for PHP development but has a downside with the specific setup. Mainly the usage of a multithreading environment is seen critically, as it is considered to break the so-called shared nothing concept of PHP as it allows for inter-process communication on object level.[10]

Together with the bundled runtime, tries to bundle administration by offering an easy deployment. As of version 0.6.0 application management is implemented to the full extent and allows for easy file based deployment of applications. Additional features such as virtual host management, logging, dashboards and extended clustering and deployment options are planned for the future.

As another concept besides known sandboxed PHP applications offers the usage of servlets, objects which are persistent in between client requests. These are able to, in theory, yield big performance gains as repeated bootstrapping of applications is avoided, but they need the wrapping of these bootstrap parts to make use of the servlet concept. In addition offers an Enterprise Bean implementation based on the Enterprise Java Beans functionality.

As the project's Java role model, offers several services which can be used individually by internal and external applications. As a core concept of application servers, these services are organized in a modular way.

Below is a list of features an installation provides (some of them usable as standalone products):

Powered by this service based approach, allows for component based scalability. Services and servers (e.g. an HTTP webserver) are easily scalable in size and number based on an XML configuration file. Additional components can also be configured as being remotely accessed, allowing for distributed systems and component replication.

The paid enterprise version of will offer further features,this including:


As of 2014, is in an early stage of development. However, it provided tested pre-release versions of its product over their GitHub project page. The following list contains versions released up to this date. beta versions

Version Release date
Old version, no longer supported: 0.5.7 10. October 2013
Old version, no longer supported: 0.5.8 5. February 2014
Old version, no longer supported: 0.5.9 13. February 2014
Old version, no longer supported: 0.6.0 9. May 2014
Old version, no longer supported: 0.7.0 14. July 2014
Old version, no longer supported: 0.8.0 22. July 2014
Old version, no longer supported: 0.9.0 23. July 2014
Old version, no longer supported: 0.10.0 23. October 2014
Old version, no longer supported: 0.11.0 27. November 2014
Old version, no longer supported: 1.0.0rc 19. January 2015
Old version, no longer supported: 1.1.0rc 6. November 2015

In addition, there are development releases regularly published over the homepage of the project.

Since the release of version 1.0.0, stable releases are made in a timely manner. Stables releases (not including bugfix releases) are shown in the table below. stable versions

Version Release date
Old version, no longer supported: 1.0.0 "Iron Horse" 16. February 2015
Current stable version: 1.1.0 "Iron Knight" 11. November 2015 follows a naming convention based on the major and minor version number digits. The major digit does specify a certain context in which minor version names will exist. The 1.*.* major version is named Iron which stands for a mythological view on the medieval age. Every minor version 1.x.* within this major release consist of a noun describing something common to this major context.

Version milestones

The project had several big milestones within the versions above:



External links


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, April 26, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.