Ariarathes VII of Cappadocia

O: Diademed head of Ariarathes VII R: Athena holding Nike with wreath and resting hand on shield, spear behind; monograms in field


Silver drachm struck in Eusebeia or Tyana 106 BC; ref.: SNGCop 141

IA in exergue is a greek numeral and means 11th year of reign

Ariarathes VII Philometor (Ancient Greek: Ἀριαράθης Φιλομήτωρ, Ariaráthēs Philomḗtōr; reigned in 116101 BC or 111100 BC), King of Cappadocia, was the first son of King Ariarathes VI of Cappadocia and his wife Laodice of Cappadocia. Ariarathes VII had an older sister called Nysa and a younger brother called Ariarathes VIII of Cappadocia.

In his first years he reigned under the regency of his mother Laodice, the eldest sister of the King Mithridates VI of Pontus. During this period the kingdom was seized by King Nicomedes III of Bithynia, who married Laodice. Nicomedes III was soon expelled by Mithridates VI, who restored upon the throne Ariarathes VII; but when the latter objected to his father's assassin and ally of Mithridates VI, Gordius, the King of Pontus had him killed and put in his place a son of his, Ariarathes IX of Cappadocia.


Preceded by
Ariarathes VI
King of Cappadocia
116 BC 101 BC
Succeeded by
Ariarathes VIII
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