Asier Olaizola

Olaizola I
Full name Asier Olaizola
Born (1975-05-05) 5 May 1975
Goizueta, Navarra
Country Spain
Province Navarra
Height 1,86 m
Weight 87 kg
Debut date April 13, 1996
Debut fronton Baztan fornton
Categories Hand-pelota
Position Forward
Management Asegarce
1st Hand-Pelota doubles championship 1999, 2001

Asier Olaizola Apezetxea, known as Olaizola I is a pelotari in the 1st category of hand-pelota.[1]

His brother is the pelotari Aimar Olaizola, whom along with started playing in the fronton of town. During his professional career he won the doubles hand-pelota championships of 1999 and 2001, and earned subchampionships of 2002 and 2007.

Doubles hand-pelota championship finals

Year Champions Subchampions score Fronton
1999 Olaizola I - Elkoro Goñi II - Zezeaga 22-15 Adarraga
2001 Olaizola I - Goñi III Alustiza - Beloki 22-13 Atano III
2002 Xala - Lasa III Olaizola I - Patxi Ruiz 22-19 Atano III
2007 Xala - Martínez de Eulate Olaizola I - Beloki 22-18 Ogueta


  1. "Cuadro de pelotaris". 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
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