Askey–Wilson polynomials

In mathematics, the Askey–Wilson polynomials (or q-Wilson polynomials) are a family of orthogonal polynomials introduced by Askey and Wilson (1985) as q-analogs of the Wilson polynomials. They include many of the other orthogonal polynomials in 1 variable as special or limiting cases, described in the Askey scheme. Askey–Wilson polynomials are the special case of Macdonald polynomials (or Koornwinder polynomials) for the non-reduced affine root system of type (C
, C1), and their 4 parameters a, b, c, d correspond to the 4 orbits of roots of this root system.

They are defined by

p_n(x;a,b,c,d|q) =
(ab,ac,ad;q)_na^{-n}\;_{4}\phi_3 \left[\begin{matrix} 
q^{-n}&abcdq^{n-1}&ae^{i\theta}&ae^{-i\theta} \\ 
ab&ac&ad \end{matrix} 
; q,q \right]

where φ is a basic hypergeometric function and x = cos(θ) and (,,,)n is the q-Pochhammer symbol. Askey–Wilson functions are a generalization to non-integral values of n.

See also


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