Asoka Bandarage

Dr. Asoka Bandarage is a professor at Georgetown University.
Dr. Asoka Bandarage.

Asoka Bandarage is an Affiliated Associate Professor at Georgetown University’s Public Policy Institute in Washington, DC. Her courses include Comparative Ethnic and Religious Conflict, Democracy in South Asia, Global Social Movements, Women in International Security, and Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Bandarage specializes in international development, political economy, women and gender studies, multiculturalism, conflict analysis and resolution, peace and security, South Asia, Sri Lanka, population and ecology.

Bandarage also serves on the boards of Critical Asian Studies and The National Advisory Council on South Asian Affairs.

Education and academic teaching

Bandarage received her B.A. in Sociology at Bryn Mawr College in 1973. In 1975, she received a master's degree in Religion from Yale University and in 1980, she received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Yale University.

Asoka Bandarage began her teaching career at Brandeis University, where she taught from 1979-1985. At Brandeis University, Bandarage taught courses in Comparative Ethnic Relations, Social Change and Stratification, and South Asia. In the fall of 1988, she taught Sociology and International Relations as the Hubert H. Humphrey Professor at Macalester College. From 1989 to 2006, Bandarage taught at Mount Holyoke College, where she received tenure. At Mount Holyoke, she also taught Women’s Studies and Asian Studies, specifically courses in Gender and International Development, Population and Global Crisis, Asian-American Women, and Buddhism, Feminism, and Ecology. Bandarage was the Chair for the Women’s Studies Program at Mount Holyoke from 1995-1997. Since 2005, Bandarage has taught at Georgetown University, in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, the Government Department, and the Public Policy Institute. She taught courses in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, and Women in International Security at Georgetown University's Public Policy Institute. She currently teaches Views from the 'Third World' at American University.


Bandarage is the author of several publications, including articles, books, and encyclopedia entries on South Asia, global political-economy, ethnicity, gender, population, ecology and other related topics. Her recent publications include Ethnic and Religious Tension in the World: A Political-Economic Perspective (Routledge), and The Sri Lankan Conflict: A Multi-Polar Approach (Harvard International Review).



Encyclopedia entries

Recent articles


  1. "Bandarage Documentary Exposes Mining Threat to Sri Lankan Village," College Street Journal, Mount Holyoke College

External links

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