Assamese rô

In the Assamese alphabet, (Assamese:ৰ) (IPA:ɹɔ) is the twenty-seventh consonant, or in other terms, twenty-seventh letter of the byônzônbôrnômala (ব্যঞ্জনবৰ্ণমালা).[1][2]

When vowels are added

Ro has an inherent vowel in it, which is ô, as in most other Assamese consonants. But, many a times, ô is to be replaced by another vowel or swôrôbôrnô. In such a case, the vowels change their forms.

As examples....

Words starting with ৰ

Given below are examples of words starting with ৰ

When added to other consonants

Ref (ৰেফ)

When ৰ is added before another consonant to form a conjunct, ৰ turns into ref. In other words, ref indicates that there is 'r' sound before the letter it is used before.[4]

For example,

Examples of words are[3] আৰ্জন (arzon, which means 'gain'), কৰ্তা (korta, which means 'doer') etc.

Rô-kar (ৰ-কাৰ)

When ৰ is added after another consonant, ৰ changes into ro-kar. In other words, ro-kar after a consonant means that there is 'ro' sound after it.[5]

For example,

Some consonants change their shape when ro-kar is added.[5]

For example,


  1. ৰ is shown in the twenty-seventh place omniglot too, along with many other sources. Retrieved Feb 17, 2015. 14:31 IST.
  2. The letter is shown on the 27th place in Assam Portal too. Retrieved Feb 17 2015. 14:37 IST
  3. 1 2 3 4 "Xobdo online dictionary". Xobdo online dictionary.
  4. From শব্দ's paragraph on Ref. Retrieved February 17, 2015. 13:47 IST
  5. 1 2 From শব্দ's Ro-kar section. Retrieved Feb 17, 2015. 14:20 IST.
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