
AthenaPlus is a CIP best practice network started in March 2013 which aims to facilitate access to networks of cultural heritage, enrich metadata, as well as improve search, retrieval and re-use of Europeana’s content by enhancing multilingual terminology management and the export/publication tool. By the end of the project, AthenaPlus will contribute more than 3.6 millions of metadata records to Europeana, from both public and private sectors, focusing mainly on museums content. In addition to enabling access to cultural heritage, AthenaPlus is also focused on creative use of content, and adapting data to users with different needs by means of tools that support the development of virtual exhibitions, tourist and didactic applications.[1]


MOVIO is an open source CMS, a kit of tools, developed within the AthenaPlus project, which enables web content creation. MOVIO has a semantic approach; it can be defined as a SCMS (Semantic Content Management System) as well. It enables building online digital exhibitions targeted to different audiences and aims to enable long term accessibility to the mass of knowledge generated by temporary exhibitions that, for their nature, have a limited life span. The content is shaped using different tools integrated in the software: media archive, ontology builder, storyteller, different types of image galleries, hotspots, maps, timeline, etc. The project was initiated by the Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian Libraries (ICCU), a body of the Ministry, developed by GruppoMeta, and owing to a grant of the Fondazione Telecom Italia 2011. MOVIO is released under MIT license that allows the widest possible reuse of software.[2] The source code has been published on GIT-HUB.


The consortium is composed of 40 partners from 21 member countries[3]:


  1. I. Ehrlicher, M. Hagedorn-Saupe, S. Linnemann, S. Rohde Enslin (Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin). Logo, corporate message, project website, shared dissemination plan, guidelines for Partners. 2013, p. 4.
  2. Sam Habibi Minelli, Maria Teresa Natale, Barbara Dierickx, Paolo Ongaro, Daniele Ugoletti, Rubino Saccoccio, Marc Aguilar Santiago, MOVIO: A semantic content management and valorisation approach for archives and cultural institutions. ICA, 2014, p. 3.
  3. "Partners and Contributors", AthenaPlus, 4 March 2015

External links

MOVIO software has been released under MIT license and is available for download on GIT-Hub

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, March 16, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.