Augmentation (algebra)

In algebra, an augmentation of an associative algebra A over a commutative ring k is a k-algebra homomorphism A \to k, typically denoted by ε. An algebra together with an augmentation is called an augmented algebra. The kernel of the augmentation is a two-sided ideal called the augmentation ideal of A.

For example, if A =k[G] is the group algebra of a group G, then

A \to k, \, \sum a_i x_i \mapsto \sum a_i

is an augmentation.

If A is a graded algebra which is connected, i.e. A_0=k, then the homomorphism A\to k which maps an element to its homogeneous component of degree 0 is an augmentation. For example,

k[x]\to k, \sum a_ix^i \mapsto a_0

is an augmentation.


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