Aurel Iancu

Aurel Gh. Iancu (born December 17, 1928 in Răcoasa, Vrancea County) is a Romanian economist, Ph. D. in economics in 1972, visiting scholar at MIT in 1970/71, researcher and associate professor, member of the Romanian Academy (since 1993), the most respected and influential scientific forum in Romania.

Academic Contributions

Major publications

  1. Maximum Economic Efficiency, Modelling Methods,1972, Editura Politică, 430 p.
  2. Economic Growth Models, 1974, Editura Academiei Române, 292 p.
  3. Economic Growth and Natural Resources, Editura Politică, 1976, 260 p.
  4. Energy Consumption and Production Structure, co-author and editor, 1979, Editura Academiei Române.
  5. Resources and the Structure of Industry (co-author and editor), 1980, Editura Academiei Române, 250 p.
  6. On the Development of the Energy System and Energy Conservation (with reference to Romania’s Economy), 16th International Seminar, The Problems of Energy: East and West, Milan, September 25–27, 1980, in Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales vol. 25, nr. 1-2, 1981.
  7. Treatise of Economics: vol. 1, Economic Science and Its Interferences, Editura Economică, 1993, 300 p.; vol. 5, Fundamentals of the Economic Policy Theory, ALL&BECK, 1998, 650 p.
  8. Liberalisation, Integration and the Industrial System, 2002, Expert Editura, 200 p.
  9. Economic Convergence. Applications, 2007, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, No. 4, 18 p.
  10. Real Convergence and Integration, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2008, No. 1, 20 p.
  11. Economic Convergence, vol. 1, 2008, and vol. 2, 2009, (co-author and editor), Editura Academiei Române and CH Beck, 255 p. and 300 p.
  12. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Founder of Economic School, 2009, Romanian Academy, CIDE.


External links

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