Aurora Egido
Aurora Egido Martínez (Molina de Aragon, 1946) is a Hispanic philologist and chair of Spanish literature at the University of Zaragoza[1] Her research centres on Golden Age Spanish literature and in particular the literature of Aragon. She is one of the leading researchers onBaltasar Gracián and Spanish baroque literature. Amongst other accolades, she has received the Medal of the Courts of Aragon of 2005 and in the Ramón Menéndez Pidal National Research Prize in 2009.
Doctor in Spanish Philology by the University of Barcelona with a thesis directed by José Manuel Blecua The Aragonese poetry of the 17th century and the culteranismo.
Chair of Spanish literature of the University of Saragossa, has been professor of the Universities of Barcelona, Autonóma of Barcelona and León. Also it has been reader of Spanish or professor visitor in Cardiff, the Westfield College of London, the University of California of Los Angeles and the Johns Hopkins of Baltimore. It was appointed, likewise, Professor Distinguished by the University of New York and chair of the University of Cambridge. Between his desempeños fits to mention also the vicerrectoría of Humanities of the International University Menéndez Pelayo.
It has the direction of the Chair "Baltasar Gracián" of the Institution "Fernando the Catholic" and is Academic of Number of the Royal Academy of Noble and Fine arts of Saint Luis, both important cultural institutions of Saragossa.
President of Honour of the Spanish Society of Emblematic, founder of the International Association Century of Gold and of the foundational board of the Centre for the Edition of the Classical Spaniards, is member of the Association of Cervantists, the Centre of Humanistic Studies and the International Association of Hispanists.
Belong to the council of editorial of several stood out skilled magazines academicians of Hispanic Philology, such the Hispanic Review, Hispanic Research Journal, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Criticón or Rivista gave Filologia and Letterature Ispaniche.
Royal Spanish Academy
On 23 May 2013 it was chosen to occupy the armchair "B" of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), vacancy from the demise of the film-maker José Luis Borau on 23 November 2012.[2] It took possession of his square on 8 June 2014 with a speech titled The research of the immortality in the works of Baltasar Gracián.[3][4]
It has published numerous literary editions, like the Rhymes of Juan of Moncayo, the extensive poem Classroom of God, Cartuja Real of Saragossa of Miguel of Dicastillo, the enclosed Paradise for many, open gardens for few of Soto of Rojas, The fiera, the ray and the stone of Calderón of the Boat, the autograph of The Hero of Baltasar Gracián and the best available edition of The Discreet, between others.
From among his monographs fits to stand out:
- The Eagle and The Cloth: Studies on San Juan de la Cruz and Santa Teresa of Jesús
- The Aragonese poetry of the 17th century: roots culteranas
- Silva of Andalucia: studies on the Baroque
- Borders of the poetry in the Baroque
- Cervantes and the doors of the dream: study on «Galatea», «The Quijote» and «Persiles»
- The big theatre of Calderón: characters, subjects, scenography
- The rose of the silence: studies on Gracián
- The faces of the prudence and Baltasar Gracián
- Humanities and dignididad of the man in Baltasar Gracián
- Weddings of Art and Wit. Studies on Baltasar Gracián
- ↑ Aurora Egido: «Yo tiendo a acentuar la palabra “solo” cuando existe ambigüedad»
- ↑ Elegida la profesora Aurora Egido para ocupar la silla B de la Real Academia Española, Real Academia Española, 23 de mayo de 2013.
- ↑ Aurora Egido ingresa en la RAE con un discurso dedicado a Gracián, Real Academia Española, 8 de junio de 2014.
- ↑ Discurso de ingreso en la RAE, de Aurora Egido, en la web, consultado el 17/11/2014