Australia 2020 Summit

The Australia 2020 Summit was a convention, referred to in Australian media as a summit, which was held on 19–20 April 2008 in Canberra, Australia, aiming to "help shape a long term strategy for the nation's future".[1] Announced by the new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, the summit drew limited bipartisan support from Brendan Nelson and the opposition Coalition parties, and ran as 10 working groups of 100 participants.[2]

1002 delegates[3] attended the summit to discuss ten "critical areas". Ideas and proposals were invited from all members of the community, and an official web site was set up to accept submissions.

The 10 critical policy areas were:

  1. Productivity—including education, skills, training, science and innovation
  2. Economy—including infrastructure and the digital economy
  3. Sustainability and climate change
  4. Rural Australia—focusing on industries and communities
  5. Health and ageing
  6. Communities and families
  7. Indigenous Australia
  8. Creative Australia—the arts, film and design
  9. Australian governance, democracy and citizenship
  10. Security and prosperity—including foreign affairs and trade


The summit was led by an 11-member steering committee, whose initial membership was announced on 26 February 2008. The committee played a key role in selecting the other participants, and each member led one of the working groups together with a government co-chair.[4] Since the initial announcement, Dr Kelvin Kong (Indigenous Australia) withdrew due to family health reasons, and Dr Jackie Huggins was appointed to replace him. On 14 April 2008, an additional co-chair, Dr Julianne Schultz, was announced for the Creative Australia stream.

There were two additional late participants who had been granted special entry as winners of competitions and their names did not show in the original lists of participants. They both attended the Productivity Stream Agenda. Their names were Susan Roberts, TAFE Head Teacher of Child & Family Services from Taree who had won a national competition by Channel Nine[5] and Ernie Peralta, a university lecturer whose "Golden Guru" concept of business mentoring was later adopted in Queensland.[6]

The members of the steering committee were as follows:[4]

Working group (stream) Committee member Government co-chair
Chair Professor Glyn Davis N/A
Productivity Warwick Smith Julia Gillard
Economy Dr David Morgan Wayne Swan
and Climate Change
Roger Beale Penny Wong
Rural Australia Tim Fischer Tony Burke
Health Professor Michael Good Nicola Roxon
Communities and Families Rev. Tim Costello Tanya Plibersek
Indigenous Australia Dr Jackie Huggins
(replaced Dr Kelvin Kong)
Jenny Macklin
Creative Australia Cate Blanchett and
Dr Julianne Schultz
Peter Garrett
Australian Governance John Hartigan Maxine McKew
Security and Prosperity Professor Michael Wesley Stephen Smith

Australia 2020 Summit Delegates (General)

A long-term national health strategy

  • Professor Diane Geraldine Alcorn
  • Ms Pat Anderson
  • Mr Warwick Anderson
  • Professor Kaarin Anstey
  • Mrs Julianne Badenoch
  • Professor Perry F Bartlett
  • Professor Louise Alison Baur
  • Professor Peter Brooks
  • Mr Graham Charles Brown
  • Professor Graham Brown
  • Dr Ngiare J Brown
  • Associate Professor Brendan Burkett
  • Ms Belinda Caldwell
  • Dr Ian Cameron
  • Ms Alisa Camplin
  • Professor Jonathan Rhys Carapetis
  • Ms Kate Carnell
  • Professor Elizabeth Mary Chiarella
  • Associate Professor David Colquhoun
  • Ms Janelle Colquhoun
  • Professor Suzanne Cory
  • Dr Catherine Crock
  • Mr David Crosbie
  • Professor Tony Cunningham
  • Professor Jon Nicolas Currie
  • Professor John Daly
  • Mr Robert de Castella
  • Professor Caroline May de Costa
  • Ms Hanan Dover
  • Ms Elizabeth Elliot
  • Professor Niki Ellis
  • Professor Christian Ansgar Otto Gericke
  • Mr Michael Gooda
  • Professor Michelle Haber
  • Dr Clive David Hadfield
  • Dr Mukesh Chandra Haikerwal
  • Professor Margaret Hamilton AO
  • Professor Ian Bernard Hickie AM
  • Mr James Hird
  • Ms Helen Hopkins
  • Dr Anna Howe
  • Ms Gerardine (Ged) Kearney
  • Professor Helen Marie Keleher
  • Professor Anne Kelso
  • Professor Hal Kendig
  • Professor Michael Richard Kidd
  • Ms Sabina Margaret Knight
  • Mr Jonathon Kruger
  • Professor Stephen Ross Leeder
  • Mr Michael Luscombe
  • Professor Tony McMichael
  • Dr Caroline McMillen
  • Dr Brian McNamee
  • Professor John Anthony Mendoza
  • Professor Rob Moodie
  • Dr Beverly Sara Muhlhausler
  • Associate Professor Christopher Newell AM
  • Professor Brian Frederick Oldenburg
  • Dr Susan Oliver
  • Ms Lynne Pezzullo
  • Mr Frederick Allan Pidgeon
  • Professor Lawrie Powell
  • Dr Vasantha Preetham
  • Dr Deborah Rathjen
  • Mr Michael Rayner
  • Dr Leanna Read
  • Professor Sally Redman
  • Dr Ian Reinecke
  • Dr Mike Rungie
  • Associate Professor Elizabeth Savage
  • Ms Anne-Marie Scully
  • Professor Cindy Shannon
  • Dr Sunita Shaunak
  • Professor Margaret Sheil
  • Dr Meredith Sheil
  • Dr Clare Alice Skinner
  • Professor Andrew (John) Spencer
  • Dr Rosemary Allison Stanton
  • Ms Janelle Stirling
  • Dr Marian Sullivan
  • Associate Professor Paul Torzillo
  • Ms Anne Trimmer
  • Dr Jim Varghese
  • Dr Alison Venn
  • Professor Emma Whitelaw
  • Associate Professor Ted Wilkes
  • Mr Peter Wills AC
  • Professor Gary Allen Wittert
  • Dr Fiona Wood
  • Dr Catherine Elizabeth Yelland

Australia’s future security and prosperity in a rapidly changing region and world

  • Mr Waleed Aly
  • Professor Kent Anderson
  • Ms Kate Barelle
  • Dr Walter Samuel Grono Bateman
  • Ms Tamerlaine Beasley
  • Dr Sarah Bekessy
  • Mr Christian David Bennett
  • Associate Professor Santina Bertone
  • Mr Bill Bowtell
  • Ms Denise Boyd
  • Dr Susan Jennifer Delyse Boyd
  • Ms Susan Margaret Brennan
  • Ms Sharan Burrow
  • Mr Damian Burton
  • MS Danielle Louise Chubb
  • Ms Melissa Conley Tyler
  • Mr Gregory Rolph Copley
  • General Peter Cosgrove AC MC (ret)
  • Mr Paddy Crumlin
  • Dr Jane Patricia Cunneen
  • Dr James Barton Curran
  • Ms Aguil De Chut Deng
  • Ms Geraldine Doogue
  • Professor Alan Dupont
  • Ms Katherine Fallah
  • Dr Simon David Feeny
  • Ms Dimity Fifer
  • Ms Julia Anne Fraser
  • Mr John Gibson
  • Ms Sara Louise Goldsworthy
  • Dr Jane Elizabeth Golley
  • Mr Abraham Steven Gubler
  • Mr Alan Gyngell
  • Dr Bronwyn Delveen Harch
  • Professor David Hill
  • Ms Felicity Jane Hill
  • Dr Anna Hutchens
  • Ms Elena Jeffreys
  • Professor Alison Jones
  • Dr Chris Theng Hong Kang
  • Ms Antonia Krystina Kaucz
  • Ms Phoebe Cecile Knowles
  • Ms Martine Letts
  • Mr Jason Yat-Sen Li
  • Ms Serena Lilywhite
  • Professor Tim Lindsey
  • Mr Alastair Fraser MacGibbon
  • Professor Andrew MacIntyre
  • Ms Eliza Matthews
  • Professor Lorraine Mazzerolle
  • Associate Professor Jude McCulloch
  • Mr Ben McDevitt
  • Ms Jennifer Margaret McGregor
  • Mr Huw McKay
  • Mr Alexander Callum McLeod
  • Ms Fiona Margaret McLeod SC
  • Ms Louise Michelle Merrington
  • Ms Louisa Jane Minney
  • Ms Caroline Emma Morrison
  • Dr Katherine Morton
  • Mr Warren Mundine
  • Ms Maha Najjarine
  • Mr Gregory Williams Nelson
  • Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon
  • Mr Andrew O'Neil
  • Dr Dave Peebles
  • Associate Professor Sharon Pickering
  • Dr George Quinn
  • Mr Paul Andrew Godwin Ramadge
  • Ms Mahboba Rawi
  • Mr Garry Llewellyn Redlich
  • Professor Benjamin Reilly
  • Mr John Francis Richardson
  • Mr Neville Joseph Roach
  • Mr Michael Roux
  • Professor Amin Saikal
  • Ms Leigh Peta Sales
  • Dr Ben Saul
  • Mr Phil Scanlan
  • Mr Gregory Sheridan
  • Mrs Jillian Sylvia Shoebridge
  • Dr Gary Gordon Sigley
  • Ms Robyn Slarke
  • Ms Deborah Rosalyn Storie
  • Professor Swee-Hin Toh
  • Ms Nola Watson
  • Associate Professor David Peter Wright-Neville
  • Associate Professor Samina Yasmeen
  • Mr Kevin Wei-Cher Yeoh

Future directions for the Australian economy

Future directions for rural industries and rural communities

  • Ms Sue Ann Adair
  • Ms Susie Allison
  • Professor Margaret Alston
  • Ms Kate Andrews
  • Mr David Ansell
  • Mr Peter Bailey
  • Mrs Deborah Bain
  • Mrs Maxine Margaret Baldwin
  • Ms Genevieve Mary Barlow
  • Mr Dean Belle
  • Mr Donald Ian Blesing
  • Mr Kenneth Arnold Boundy
  • Ms Robyn Claire Boundy
  • Ms Merrill Joan Boyd
  • Mrs Susan G Bradley J P
  • Mr Drew Braithwaite
  • Mrs Bobby Brazil
  • Ms Lucy Broad
  • Mrs Helen Marguerite Reading Cathles
  • Ms Anne Champness
  • Mr Roy Chisholm
  • Mr Joel Michael Clark
  • Mr Everald Ernest Compton
  • Mrs Lucinda Lee Flinders Corrigan
  • Mrs Lynette Coulston
  • Mr David Charles Crombie
  • Mr Monte Dwyer
  • Associate Professor Anthony English
  • Mr George Etrelezis
  • Mr John Fisher OAM
  • Dr James Paul Fitzpatrick
  • Mr Roger Fletcher
  • Ms Susan Natalie Frater
  • Ms Jodie May Goldsworthy
  • Mr John Laurence Gosper
  • Mr Robert Geoffrey Granger
  • Mr Frederick Sheppard Grimwade
  • Professor Fiona M. Haslam McKenzie
  • Mr Ben Scott Haslett
  • Mr Brett Heading
  • Mr Stuart James Higgins
  • Ms Serenity Hill
  • Mr James Graham Houston
  • Mr Paul Howes
  • Mr Robert Beresford Hudson
  • Dr Bill Hurditch
  • Ms Alana Johnson
  • Mr Gary Richard Johnston
  • Ms Kerrina Victoria King
  • Dr John William Kramer
  • Dr Susan Jennifer Lambert
  • Mr Paul Lane
  • Professor Deidre Lemerle
  • Professor Bob Lonne
  • Ms Kate Maree Lord
  • Mr Alexander Ian Macintosh AM
  • Mr Simon Mansfield
  • Dr Suzanne Elizabeth Martin
  • Dr Mark Francis McGovern
  • Ms Catherine McGowan
  • Mr John Martin McQuilten
  • Mrs Karen Diane Morrissey
  • Ms Marion Murphy
  • Mr Sidney Hordern Myer
  • Mrs Mary Elizabeth Nenke
  • Mr Bryan Geoffrey John Nye
  • Dr Julianne Maree O'Reilly-Wapstra
  • Mr Scott Pape
  • Ms Elaine Janet Paton
  • Ms Claire Anne Penniceard
  • Mr Charles Jeffreys Prell
  • Ms Vanessa Rankin
  • Mr Peter Reading
  • Professor Timothy Gerald Reeves
  • Mr Steven Victor Richardson
  • Ms Linda Sewell
  • Ms Frances Marie Shapter
  • Mrs Georgina Jane Persse Somerset
  • Mrs Jacqueline Stutt
  • Mrs Michelle Leanne Thiele
  • Ms Terry Underwood
  • Ms Diane Walsh
  • Mrs Mary Ann Walsh
  • Mrs Beth Louise Welden
  • Mr Richard (Dick) Wells
  • Councillor Robert Ian Wilson
  • Mrs Heather Adelle Wilton
  • Dr Susan Wong
  • Ms Rosemary Young, AM

Future of Australian governance

Options for the future of Indigenous Australia

  • Dr Mick Adams
  • Mr Alfred Parry Agius
  • Ms Carolyn Allport
  • Professor Jon Altman
  • Professor Ian Anderson
  • Dr Veronica Arbon
  • Mrs Leah Marie Armstrong
  • Ms Muriel Bamblett AM
  • Mr Wayne Bergmann
  • Mr Mark Bin Bakar
  • Ms Susan Pamela Boucher
  • Professor Wendy Brabham
  • Father Frank Brennan
  • Mr Paul Anthony Briggs OAM
  • Professor Peter Buckskin
  • Ms Alison Carroll
  • Ms Julie Cobb
  • Ms Renee Kay Coffey
  • Ms Adele Helena Cox
  • Ms Brenda Louise Croft
  • Ms Megan Jane Davis
  • Mr Graham Hamilton Dillon
  • Mr Rodney Scott Dillon
  • Mr Damien Djerrkura
  • Mr Patrick Dodson
  • Ms Marcia Ella Duncan
  • Ms Anne Murren Dunn
  • Ms Caroline Edwards
  • Ms Jeannie Nugeryai Egan
  • Mrs Christine Fejo-King
  • Ms Eugene Elizabeth Hooi Lee (Eugenia) Flynn
  • Mrs Nicola Margaret Forrest
  • Mr Darryl Gardiner
  • Ms Janina Gawler
  • Ms Kate George
  • Mr Daniel Thomas Gilbert
  • Ms Mary Graham
  • Mr Stephen Hagan
  • Mr Bill Hart
  • Associate Professor Colleen Patricia Hayward
  • Dr Richard Hazelwood
  • Mrs Dot Henry
  • Mr Gary John Highland
  • Ms Tanya Louise Hosch
  • Mrs Matilda House
  • Professor Edward Shane Houston
  • Ms Terri Janke
  • Dr Christine Jeffries-Stokes
  • Dr Marlene Kong
  • Mr Steven Raymond Larkin
  • Associate Professor Teresa Sue Lea
  • Mr Danny Lester
  • Ms Barbara Mary Livesey
  • Dr Sarah Maddison
  • Professor Ann Margaret McGrath
  • Mr Jeff McMullen AM
  • Ms Shirley McPherson
  • Ms Karen Michelle Milward
  • Ms Makinti Rosalind Minutjukur
  • Mr Romlie Mokak
  • Mr Bill Moss
  • Mr Vince Mundraby
  • Ms Yananymul Mununggurr
  • Professor Nicholas Martin Nakata
  • Ms Sana Nakata
  • The Honourable Alastair Nicholson
  • Ms Bronwyn Nimmo
  • Dr Rae Norris
  • Ms Kristie Parker
  • Mr Bruce Pascoe
  • Mr Noel Pearson
  • Mr Andrew Penfold
  • Ms Hetti Perkins
  • Mr Shane Phillips
  • Ms Susan Pinckham
  • Dr Marika Raymattja
  • Mr Thomas Jangala Rice
  • Mr David Ross
  • Ms Darcel Russell
  • Professor Fiona Juliet Stanley
  • Mayor Napau Pedro Stephen
  • Ms Georgia Symmons
  • Mr Barry Taylor
  • Mr Ian Richard Trust
  • Ms Patricia Ann Turner
  • Commissioner Klynton Wanganeen
  • Dr Mark Wenitong
  • Ms Tammy Williams
  • Mr Neil Michael Willmett
  • Mr Wali Wunungmurra
  • Mr Peter Yu
  • Mr Tyson Yunkaporta

Population, sustainability, climate change and water

  • Ms Maria Atkinson[7]
  • Ms Cheryl Batagol
  • Mr Damien Troy Bell
  • Mr Michael Peter Berwick
  • Professor Marcela Bilek
  • Mr Carl Eric Binning
  • Dr Stuart Blanch
  • Dr Grant Blashki
  • Ms Georgina Elise Boon
  • Mrs Leith Boully
  • Mr Greg Bourne
  • Ms Petrea Bradford
  • Ms Jillian Broadbent
  • Ms Larissa Brown
  • Emeritus Professor Valerie Anne Brown
  • Mr Russell Ronald Caplan
  • Ms Irina Cattalini
  • Ms Erin Mara Cini
  • Mr Peter Coates
  • Professor Chris (Christopher Reid) Cocklin
  • Dr Peter J Cook
  • Dr Wendy Craik
  • Professor Mary Elizabeth Crock
  • Ms Cheryl Desha
  • Mr Stewart Ellis
  • Ms Penelope Figgis (AO)
  • Dr Brian Fisher
  • Professor Timothy Flannery
  • Professor Ross Garnaut
  • Professor Stephen Thomas Garnett
  • Dr Geoff Garrett
  • Ms Melissa-Leigh Jane George
  • Professor Ross Stewart Guest
  • Ms Tanya Ha
  • Dr Steve Hatfield Dodds
  • Mr Michael Hawker
  • Professor Lesley Margaret Head
  • Dr Judy Isabel Henderson
  • Ms Anne Howe
  • Mr Gerry Hueston
  • Dr Karen Elizabeth Hussey
  • Mr Andrew Jaspan
  • Ms Susan Barbara Jeanes
  • Dr Andrew Kenneth Leonard Johnson
  • Honourable Dr Barry Owen Jones
  • Professor David John Karoly
  • The Hon Roslyn Joan Kelly
  • Professor Shahbaz Khan
  • Mr Ian Bruce Kiernan
  • Mr Eric Ronald Wing-Fai Knight
  • Dr Gabrielle Sarah Kuiper
  • The Hon Susan Mary Lenehan
  • Professor Ian Lowe
  • Professor Amanda Lynch
  • Ms Romilly Madew
  • Professor Warwick James McKibbin
  • Ms Robyn Leigh McLeod
  • Dr Pam McRae-Williams
  • Mr Stephen Mills
  • Mr Joe Morrison
  • Ms Sam Mostyn
  • Dr Chloe Munro
  • Ms Elizabeth Ann Nosworthy
  • Adjunct Professor Monica Viviene Oliphant
  • Ms Natasha Palich
  • Mr George Pappas
  • Dr Graeme Ivan Pearman
  • Mrs Joanne Louise Pfeiffer
  • Professor Hugh Possingham
  • Ms Elaine Prior
  • Professor John Quiggin
  • Mr Marcus Randolph
  • Dr Russell Evan Reichelt
  • Ms Tania Ritchie
  • Dr Bev Ronalds
  • Ms Anna Rose
  • Mr Joe Ross
  • Mr Bernard Joseph Salt
  • Ms Ann Kathryn Shaw Rungie
  • Mr David Shelmerdine
  • Dr Paul Simshauser
  • Professor Will Steffen
  • Dr Lorraine Stephenson
  • The Honourable John Thwaites
  • Professor Patrick Nicol Troy, AO
  • Dr Tony Paul Wilkins

Strengthening communities, supporting families and social inclusion

  • Dr Mohamad Abdalla
  • Ms Hala Abdelnour
  • Mr Fadi Abdul-Rahman
  • Ms Maayan Adler
  • Ms Vivienne Amery
  • Ms Gina Nancy McGregor Anderson
  • Mrs Shelley Argent
  • Dr Mark Bagshaw
  • Ms Toni May Bauman
  • Ms Elleni Bereded-Samuel
  • Ms Jennifer Branch
  • Professor Freda Briggs
  • Ms Elizabeth Broderick
  • Monsignor David Cappo
  • Ms Elizabeth Cham
  • Associate Professor Chris Chamberlain
  • Mrs Katrina Clark
  • Ms Margherita Coppolino
  • Major General William James Crews
  • Dr Kylie Cripps
  • Ms Sarah Davies
  • Professor Julian Disney
  • Ms Hazel Douglas
  • Ms Julie Mary Edwards
  • Mr Paul Andrew Evans
  • Mr Ahmed Fahour
  • Ms Maree Ann Faulkner
  • Ms Valerie Thelma French, AM
  • Reverend Keith Vincent Garner
  • Ms Kerry Graham
  • Ms Sara Haghdoosti
  • Professor Ann Harding
  • Ms Lisa Harvey
  • Ms Lin Hatfield Dodds
  • Ms Katrine Ann Hildyard
  • Mr Mark Hubbard
  • Ms Joan Anne Hughes
  • Ms Lyndsey Kate Jackson
  • Mr Kon Karapanagiotidis
  • Ms Corinne Kemp
  • Ms Joan Kirner
  • Revd Dr Catherine Laufer
  • Ms Catherine Jean Leane
  • Dr Marie Leech
  • Associate Professor Michael Herbert Levy
  • Mr David Manne
  • Ms Nickky McColl Jones
  • MS Cathryn McConaghy
  • Mr Alex James McDonald
  • Ms Jayne Meyer Tucker
  • Mr Tony Nicholson
  • Mr Michael O'Neill
  • Mr Daniel Petre AO
  • Ms Sandra Joy Pitcher
  • Mr James Allan Pitts
  • Professor Barbara Ann Pocock
  • Mr Francis Gerard Quinlan
  • Ms Zoe Scott Rathus
  • Ms Elizabeth Jean Rayner
  • Father Christopher Riley
  • Associate Professor Alison Ritter
  • Ms Anne Miriam Robinson
  • Dr Wendell John Rosevear
  • Ms Roslyn Sackley
  • Professor Ann Sanson
  • Reverend Graham Sawyer
  • Professor Peter Shergold
  • Mr Iqbal Singh
  • Associate Professor Michelle Slatter
  • Dr Judith Marion Slocombe
  • Dr Kevin John Smith
  • Mr Xian-Zhi Soon
  • Professor Daniela Anna Stehlik
  • Ms Tirrania Suhood
  • Ms Kathleen Swinbourne
  • Mr Quang Ba Thich
  • Mr David George Thompson
  • Adjunct Professor Clyde Spence Thomson
  • Dr Adam Matthew Tominson
  • Ms Jessica Catherine Wellard
  • Mrs Julie Margot White
  • Ms Linda White
  • Ms Indigo Willing
  • Archbishop Philip Edward Wilson
  • Ms Michele Wright
  • Mr Galarrwuy Yunupingu

The Productivity Agenda (education, skills, training, science and innovation)

  • Ms Yasmin Allen
  • Associate Professor Marian Baird
  • Dr Subho Bannerjee
  • Professor Sharon Joy Bell
  • Ms Jane Bennett
  • Ms Michelle Bissett
  • Mr John Braithwaite
  • Ms Sarina Bratton
  • Professor Deb Brennan
  • Ms Jennifer Buckingham
  • Ms Allison Burgess
  • Professor Brian Caldwell
  • Professor Jack Caldwell
  • Ms Gillian Calvert
  • Mr Rod Camm
  • Professor Bruce James Chapman
  • Mr Phillip Clarke
  • Professor Mark Considine
  • Mr Michael Julian Cooney
  • Dr Rachael Claire Cooper
  • Mr Alan Cransberg
  • Dr Terrence Austin Cutler
  • Ms Deb Daly
  • Mr Cholmondeley (Chum) Darvall
  • Ms Gail Davidson
  • Professor Peter John Dawkins
  • Ms Leanne De Bortoli
  • Mr Jihad Dib
  • Mr Peter Kevin Dorling
  • Rev Monsignor Tom Doyle
  • Ms Patricia Faulkner
  • Ms Marion Fitzpatrick
  • Mr William James Frewen
  • Professor Bryan Malcolm Gaensler
  • Professor Joshua Samuel Gans
  • Mr Angelo Gavrielatos
  • Mr Bob Gregory
  • Dr Nicholas John Gruen
  • Professor Jeanette Hacket
  • Ms Sandra Harding
  • Professor Elizabeth Harman
  • Dr Ian Harper
  • Ms Liz Harris
  • Professor Jeannie Herbert
  • Ms Bee Ho Teow
  • Mr William (Sam) Jeffries
  • Mr Tony Keenan
  • Prof Dr Marcia Lynne Langton
  • Mr Jeff Lawrence
  • Dr Andrew Leigh
  • Ms Catherine Brighid Livingstone
  • Mr Ken Loughnan AO
  • Mr Christopher Jonn Lovell
  • Ms Lucy Macali
  • Ms Tanya Major
  • Professor Geoff Masters
  • Mr Patrick McClure AO
  • Professor Barry McGaw
  • Ms Barbara McPherson
  • Dr Zoe Morrison
  • Ms Karen Moses
  • Ms Julie Moss
  • Professor Bruce David Muirhead
  • Mr Peter Noonan
  • Mr Andrew Norton
  • Mr Frank Oberklaid
  • Mr Dave Oliver
  • Ms Marilynne Paspaley
  • Ms Rachel Peck
  • Ms Marie Persson
  • Mr Anthony Pratt
  • Professor Janice Reid AM
  • Dr Chris Sarra
  • Mr Bill Scales
  • Ms Sally Margot Sinclair
  • Mr Steven Michael Skala
  • Ms Judith Sloan
  • Mr Keith Spence
  • Ms Rosa Storelli
  • Ms Natalie Tabbah
  • Professor Collette Tayler
  • Professor Leon van Schaik
  • Ms Gerri Walker
  • Mr Peter Francis Waters
  • Professor Jonathan West
  • Dr Fiona Quality Wood
  • Ms Helen Wyatt
  • Mr Mandawuy Yunupingu

Towards a Creative Australia

Australia 2020 Summit Youth Delegates

Eleven young people were also selected by their peers at the 2020 Youth Summit, running from 11 to 13 April 2008, to represent Australian youth at the Australia 2020 Summit:

Related events

Several events were held in the lead up to the Australia 2020 Summit:


The summit was initially criticised for the near-absence of women on the 11-member steering committee who would pick the 1,000 delegates—only actress Cate Blanchett had been named. The Government responded by saying six of the co-chairs would be female politicians.[8][9] By the time of the summit, there were three women on a 12-member committee.[4] Additionally, other commentators such as the Institute of Public Affairs, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy and Australian Monarchist League criticised what they saw as the unrepresentative nature of the delegates, which in their view biased the final report towards republicanism and ideas such as constitutional reform and a bill of rights.[10]

Some of the delegates themselves expressed criticism of how the summit was conducted. In particular, claims were made that the final paper which purported to represent the resolutions of the sub-groups did not reflect ideas which they had espoused or did include ideas which they had not discussed, possibly reflecting an agenda which had been determined before the summit.[11][12][13] Others were concerned that hard issues, such as terrorism in the group examining foreign affairs and security issues, were ignored.[14]

Journalist Nicholas Stuart was initially struck by the people who were not invited to Australia 2020, including two ANU professors Paul Dibb and Hugh White who had both advised Kim Beazley. Looking at the list of those invited, he found that the holes kept expanding as I looked further and further, searching for the others who should have been there. He said it began to appear as if one group of advisors .... under Howard had been replaced with another group of similarly hand-picked individuals, plus some media names.[15] There was no continuing secretariat for any follow-up action for the recommendations from the conference or the ten subgroups or forums.[16] Wayne Swan managed to get a review of the taxation system, to be prepared by the Treasury,[17] but in May 2010 when Rudd eventually released the report, he rejected 135 of the 138 recommendations .[18] Stuart wrote The 2020 summit provided a paradigm for much of the activity in Rudd’s term of office .... His rhetoric inspired and enthused voters. And yet .... and yet .... nothing happened. [19]


  1. "Australia 2020, about the summit". Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Archived from the original on 14 February 2008. Retrieved 2008-02-18.
  2. "2020 summit not just another talkfest". The Australian (New Limited). 2008-02-04. Retrieved 2008-02-18.
  3. "Rudd opens 2020 summit". SBS News. 2008-04-19. Archived from the original on 21 April 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-12. Mr Rudd says there were 1,002 delegates attending the summit.
  4. 1 2 3 Australia 2020. "Steering Committee". Government of Australia. Archived from the original on 3 April 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-13.
  5. "2020 Summit winner", Today, Nine Network, 17 April (2008)
  6. "Ernie Peralta's golden gurus to share knowledge with young workers" by Emma Chalmers, The Daily Telegraph, 22 April 2009
  7. "Prime Minister’s 2020 summit attendees announced". Business Environment Network. 23 June 2011. Retrieved 20 February 2014.
  8. "Gillard deflects 2020 summit panel criticism". ABC Online. 27 February 2008. Archived from the original on 2 May 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-12.
  9. Maiden, Samantha (27 February 2008). "Rudd 'blokefest' attracts 3,000 hopefuls". The Australian.
  10. "2020 a 'blatantly political exercise'". ABC (The World Today). 21 April 2008. Archived from the original on 23 April 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-12. For other comments on Roskam's view, see "2020 summit 'a PR stunt'". ABC Online. 21 April 2008. Archived from the original on 25 May 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-12.
  11. Salusinszky, Imre (23 April 2008). "Bright ideas fade under controversy". The Australian. Archived from the original on 29 April 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-12.
  12. Marr, David (21 April 2008). "Glimmers of hope survive in the mush". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 2008-05-12. Mush," declared Jack Waterford of The Canberra Times as he read their [the professional facilitators] attempt to boil down the first day's work of our "Open Government and the Media" substream – sorry about the language – of the Governance stream. He demanded to know: "What's happened to all our ideas?
  13. Australian Associated Press (AAP) (2008-04-21). "Feisty debate at summit". Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 2008-05-12. Dissention [sic] has emerged in the ranks at the 2020 summit with some delegates angry their ideas are falling on deaf ears, or not being heard at all.
  14. Allard, Tom (21 April 2008). "Diverse input, but little output". Sydney Morning herald. Retrieved 2008-05-12.
  15. Stuart 2010, p. 5.
  16. Stuart 2010, p. 6.
  17. Stuart 2010, p. 7.
  18. Stuart 2010, p. 256.
  19. Stuart 2010, p. 9.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, April 07, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.