Austrian Social Service
The Austrian Social Service (Österreichischer Sozialdienst) is part of the Austrian Service Abroad, founded by Andreas Maislinger in 1998. It offers the possibility to substitute the compolsary military service in Austria with a 12-months service abroad.
Mission and structure
The Social Service supports the social and economic development of a country. It can be done at various deployment locations that are operated by a multitude of partner organisations. Austrian Service Abroad currently offers 42 placements for social service. (as of February 2010). The partner organisations are spread over 4 continents and have a vast number of tasks and aims.
The placements are with projects for street children, educational projects and children's villages, projects to help the aged or handicapped, to provide medical care and to support homosexuals. Furthermore, there are environmental projects and projects supporting economic development in third-world countries.
Social service in England
The Royal London Society for the Blind is one of Austrian Service Abroad's oldest partner organizations. At the RLSB’s Dorton House School for blind and disabled children, Austrian social servants support the staff as assistant teachers, in and outside classes. Frequently, they also join the staff on the school’s several excursions, where additional help is always needed. With their work, Austrian Social Servants not only represent their home country in a unique way, but also contribute an important part to the success and welfare of the many students.
- Sarajevo - Phoenix Initiative
- Alagoinhas - Associacao Lar Sao Benedito
- Lauro de Freitas - Community Centre Christ Liberator
- Rio de Janeiro - Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL)
- Qiqihar - China SOS Children's Village Association Beijing, Qiqihar city, Helongjiang Proviince und Yantai City, Shandong Province
- La Gamba - Tropical Field Station La Gamba
- Puntarenas - Finca Sonador - Asociaicón de Cooperativas Europeas Longo Mai
- Puntarenas - Union de Amigos para la Protección del Ambiente (Unaproa)
- San Isidro - Asociación Vida Nueva
- Auroville - Auroville Action Group (AVAG)
- Dharmshala - Nishtha, Nishtha - Rural Health, Education and Environment Centre
- Dharmshala - Tibetan Children´s Village:*Dharmshala - Tibetan Welfare Office
- Kerala - Mata Amritanandamayi Mission
- Jerusalem - St. Vinzenz-Ein Karem
- Nairobi - Kenya Water for Health Organisation (KWAHO)
- Oslo - Jodisk Aldersbolig
- Huancayo - Unidad Territorial de Salud Daniel Alcides Carrión
- Lima - The information and education centre for the prevention of drug abuse (CEDRO)
- Kraków - Polska Akcja Humanitarna
- Prague - Jüdische Gemeinde
- Fort Portal - Mountains of the Moon University (MMU)
- Kabale - Diözese Kabale - Bishops House