Authorities (V franchise)

This is a list of Authorities from the V science fiction franchise.

Known members of the police and military forces on Earth defending or aiding against the Visitor horde are detailed below.

U.S. President William "Wild Bill" Brent Morrow

William Morrow was the President of the United States and a former Air Force pilot who served in Vietnam. During the First Invasion, Morrow was abducted by the Visitors and was held prisoner on the New York Mothership for most of the war. During his captivity, the Visitors subjected him to multiple sessions in the conversion chamber. However, agents of the Fifth Column helped him escape before he was totally converted and he aided the New York "White Christmas" group when attacking the Visitor's ground headquarters (though no-one knew his real identity as he simply went by the name of "Bill"), and helped rebuild the government after the Visitors were driven from the Earth by the Red Dust. One year after Liberation Day, Morrow and the rest of the government went underground to prevent being captured by the Visitors and now directs what's left of the U.S. Military to aid the Resistance, which has become the world's last line of defense.

Defense Secretary Farley "Moose" Mason

Farley Mason is the Secretary of Defense and an old friend of President Morrow, normally using his old nickname of "Wild Bill" and Morrow addressed him by his nickname of "Moose". Though he sometimes appears lax, lazy and doesn't take his job seriously, he takes his job to heart and knows when to be serious. When the First Invasion began, Morrow and Mason were captured by the Visitors and Mason was successfully converted. However, when the New York Mothership was captured by the Fifth Column and its population freed, Mason was freed from the effects of his brainwashing. When the Second Invasion began, he along with the rest of the government went underground to prevent being captured and converted again. Mason now commands what's left of the U.S. Military and is directing them to help the Resistance whenever he can.

General Curtis Morgan

Curtis Morgan is a high-ranking general in the U.S. Military and commands a large portion of the country's remaining ground and air defensive forces. When the Second Invasion began, Morgan was hoping to use the Red Dust on them, but Nathan Bates revealed the dangers of using it. Nevertheless, Morgan and Bates agreed to formulate a doomsday weapon of massive amounts of Red Dust linked to explosives, that would destroy all life on Earth, along with all the Visitor armies, should the war end in their favour and was named "Code: Delta". Morgan currently leads the military forces against the Visitors, but waits for the day when "Code: Delta" can be initiated.

General Loman

Loman was a general in the U.S. Military and loyally serves as Defense Secretary Mason's right-hand man during the First Invasion. Unlike Mason, who was converted, Loman retained his freedom and continued the fight against the Visitors until the Red Dust was deployed. He again joined the fight when the Second Invasion began one year after Liberation Day and now helps to lead what's left of the U.S. military against the Visitors.

Federal Agent Barnabas

Barnabas was a federal agent in the U.S. government. Just after the end of the First Invasion, Barnabas and two other federal agents attempted to free Diana under orders from "individuals" within the government who hoped to use her to learn about Visitor technology, but was stopped and arrested.

Federal Agent Stover

Stover was a federal agent in the U.S. government. Just after the end of the First Invasion, Stover and two other federal agents attempted to free Diana under orders from "individuals" within the government who hoped to use her to learn about Visitor technology, but was stopped and arrested.

Colonel Kent Fletcher

Kent Fletcher was a high-ranking colonel in the National Guard and leads a complement of 300 men. Though he helped fight the Visitors, he sought to gain more power by taking advantage of the growing power vacuum following the Visitors fleeing the Earth. He led a coup against the local governor with help from Lieutenant Dennis W. Simon and planned to use it to eventually take control of the entire U.S. government, but was stopped by the Resistance and taken into custody by the Military Police.

Major Garret

Garret was a major in the National Guard and a member of Kent Fletcher's senior staff. Garret supported Fletcher's coup over the local government, but the coup was stopped by the Resistance and Garret was taken into custody by the Military Police.

Lieutenant Casey

Casey was a lieutenant in the National Guard and a member of Kent Fletcher's senior staff. Casey supported Fletcher's coup over the local government, but the coup was stopped by the Resistance and Casey was taken into custody by the Military Police.

Lieutenant Dennis W. Simon

Dennis W. Simon was a lieutenant in the National Guard under Colonel Kent Fletcher's command. Despite his low rank, Simon was very powerful and usurped the local governor and placed the entire state into martial law, as a stepping stone for Fletcher to take control of the country. However, the coup failed because of the Resistance and Simon was taken into custody by the Military Police.

Lieutenant Wallace

Wallace was a lieutenant in the National Guard under Colonel Kent Fletcher's command. Wallace supported Fletcher's coup over the local government, but the coup was stopped by the Resistance and Casey was taken into custody by the Military Police.

Captain Broadbent

Broadbent was a captain in the National Guard under Colonel Kent Fletcher's command. Unlike most of his comrades, Broadbent was hesitant to use such extreme force on the Resistance and didn't think Fletcher's coup was a good idea. Nevertheless, he followed his orders as any other loyal soldier would, but the coup failed and Broadbent was taken into custody by the Military Police.

Corporal Tom

Tom was a corporal in the National Guard under Colonel Kent Fletcher's command. Unlike most of his comrades, Tom was hesitant to use such extreme force on the Resistance and didn't think Fletcher's coup was a good idea. Nevertheless, he followed his orders as any other loyal soldier would, but the coup failed and Tom was taken into custody by the Military Police.

Private Higgins

Higgins was a private in the National Guard under Colonel Kent Fletcher's command. Unlike most of his comrades, Higgins was hesitant to use such extreme force on the Resistance and didn't think Fletcher's coup was a good idea. Nevertheless, he followed his orders as any other loyal soldier would, but the coup failed and Higgins was taken into custody by the Military Police.

Private Stockwell

Stockwell was a private in the National Guard under Colonel Kent Fletcher's command. Unlike most of his comrades, Stockwell was hesitant to use such extreme force on the Resistance and didn't think Fletcher's coup was a good idea. Nevertheless, he followed his orders as any other loyal soldier would, but the coup failed and Stockwell was taken into custody by the Military Police.

Police Captain Emil Jonkers

Emil Jonkers was a police captain with 18 police officers under his command. During the First Invasion, Jonkers led his men against the Visitors and when the Visitors left the planet, helped restore order in the power vacuum that followed.

Police Sergeant Binkley

Binkley was a police sergeant and Emil Jonker's second-in-command. He, along with the rest of his squad, fought the Visitors during the First Invasion and when the Visitors left the planet, he helped restore order in the power vacuum that followed.

Police Sergeant Sam Yeager

Sam Yeager was a police sergeant in New York City at the time of the First Invasion. When the Visitor's power over the city grew, Sam steadily recognised that the police no longer controlled law and order, and defected to the newly made "White Christmas" Resistance group. He fought alongside the group throughout the First Invasion, and when the Visitors were defeated, rejoined the police to restore order in the power vacuum that followed.

Police Officer Brad

Further information: Resistance (V franchise)

Police Officer Mark

Further information: Resistance (V franchise)

Introduced in "V":The Final Battle Mark is a former police officer who help Julie and Mike with the failed raid of the Visitor's processing plant. He's the first to realize some firearms don't work on Visitors. during the raid of the reservoir Mark is wounded by a Visitor trooper and killed.

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