Avis (name)

Avis is both a female given name and a surname.

Female given name

The earliest form of this female given name was the Old German Haduwig comprising the elements hadu "battle" and wig "fight": the original form of the modern German female name Hedwig, Haduwig was modified to Havoise by the Normans and subsequent to the Norman Invasion the name occurred frequently in England throughout the Middle Ages, the standard Middle English form of the name being Hawise. As a female given name in modern times Avis is associated with the Latin avis "bird" although the spelling Avice is sometimes found.

Notable namesakes

The 1897 novel The Well-Beloved by Thomas Hardy features three characters named Avice.

A character named Avice is the protagonist of the critically acclaimed 2011 novel "Embassytown" by China Miéville.

Surname, with notable namesakes

Apparently engendered by the female given name: notable namesakes include:


  1. "Avis". Surnamedb.com. Retrieved July 10, 2013.
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