Avrohom Yitzchok Ulman

Rabbi Avrohom Yitzchok Ulman

Rabbi Avrohom Yitzchok Ulman (also Ullman or Olman) (Hebrew: אברהם יצחק אולמן) is a senior Haredi rabbi living in Jerusalem.

He was born in Hungary and immigrated to Israel as a child. He serves on the Beis Din (court of Jewish law), also known as the Badatz, of the Edah HaChareidis, Jerusalem's council of Haredi communities. He also presides over his own Beis Din, which deals mainly with financial matters. He is known as an expert in Choshen Mishpat (Jewish law on financial/property law matters). He is a respected Haredi leader, often officiating at public gatherings of Haredi Jews in Jerusalem.

Rabbi Ulman is a member of the Dushinsky Hasidic movement. He was the closest talmid ("disciple") of the previous Rebbe of Dushinsky, Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Dushinsky, and was present when the latter died, leading the massive prayer and funeral services that followed.[1]

He has endorsed and signed numerous declarations and works against Zionism in general and against the practices of the state of Israel.[2][3][4]

He lives in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Givat Shaul, where he is the rabbi of the largest synagogue of the neighborhood, called Ner Yisroel, more commonly known as "Zupnik", and of the section of the neighborhood surrounding it. Rabbi Ulman became leader of the community upon its foundation, about 30 years ago.

Ulman was one of the main speakers at a major protest rally against the growing influence of nationalistic (Zionist) thought and philosophies in the Haredi world, held on Sunday, 24 February 2008 in Yeshivas Meah Shearim.[5]

In festive gatherings in Dushinsky, Ulman usually sits next to the Rebbe.[6]

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  1. Kahn, Betzalel (2 April 2003). "NEWS: HaRav Yisroel Moshe Dushinsky, zt'l". Dei'ah VeDibur. Retrieved 2 March 2015.
  2. "Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem opposes Israel Independence Day celebrations". jewsagainstzionism.com.
  3. "Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem condemns provocations against Arabs". jewsagainstzionism.com.
  4. "Signed approbation for Efes Biltecha Goaleinu in Hebrew". jewsagainstzionism.com.
  5. HaEdah, parashas Ki Siso, 5768, page 17
  6. Purim Tish 5767 / 2007: the Rebbe and Rabbi Ulman sitting in the middle of the table of honor; Rabbi Ulman wears a white shawl

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