Awards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Known internationally as the MVD, The Ministry of Internal Affairs of The Russian Federation encompasses all militia (police) forces, Interior Troops and the State Migration Service. It has its own ministerial awards system subordinate to state awards. This article will endeavour to give as complete a picture as possible on the awards of this Russian ministry.

Ministry of Internal Affairs


Award Name (English/Russian) Order Inception Date Award Criteria

Medal "For Military Valour"

Медаль «За Воинскую Доблесть»
№ 50
№ 989
Awarded to soldiers of the troops of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation for excellent performance in training; for distinction in the performance of military duties; for merit in the protection of public order and public security; for courage, dedication and high achievements displayed during military service.[1]

Medal "For Valour In Service"

Медаль «За Доблесть В Службе»
№ 50
№ 989
Awarded to members of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation for excellent operational performance of duties; for active work in the protection of public order and combating crime; for courage, dedication and achievements displayed during service in the Interior Ministry.[2]
Medal "For Merit in the Activities of Special Units"

Медаль «За заслуги в деятельности специальных подразделений»
№ 623 2010-08-27 Awarded to police officers and soldiers of Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for professional excellence, courage and determination, initiative and bold and decisive actions displayed in operational service and (or) combat service during activities in special police units or with special forces of Internal Troops of the Russian Federation, in special forces or intelligence units. In exceptional cases, the medal may also be awarded to other citizens for aid and assistance to special units of the Interior Ministry.

Medal "For Bravery in a Fire"

Медаль «За Отвагу На Пожаре»
№ 50 2001-01-24 Awarded to members of the Interior Ministry, the military forces of the Interior Ministry of Russia, employees of the State Fire Service and in some cases to other citizens of the Russian Federation for courage and dedication while extinguishing fires, rescuing people and saving property from fire; for leadership in leading efforts in fire fighting and rescuing people; for courage, determination and high professionalism as demonstrated in preventing an explosion or fire.[3]

Medal "For Explosives Disposal"

Медаль «За разминирование»
№ 466
№ 989
Awarded for dedication, bravery and courage in detecting and neutralising (destroying) explosive devices on the ground; for organising and managing activities aimed at detecting and neutralizing explosive devices on the ground. In some cases awarded to citizens for assisting employees of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation or the military forces of the Interior Ministry in carrying out their tasks to detect and neutralize explosive devices on the ground.
Medal "For Courage During a Rescue"

Медаль «За смелость во имя спасения»
№ 989 2012-10-31 Awarded to police officers, soldiers of Interior Troops of Russia, federal civil servants and employees of the Interior Ministry of Russia for displaying courage and dedication in rescuing people during natural disasters, on water, underground, when fighting fires or in other circumstances.
Medal "For Merit in Service in Special Circumstances"

Медаль «За заслуги в службе в особых условиях»
№ 989 2012-10-31 Awarded to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, servicemen of Internal Troops of Russia, federal civil servants, employees of the Interior Ministry of Russia already awarded the Decoration "For Distinguished Service in Special Circumstances", for high performance in service and diligence in the performance of tasks during a period of martial law, a state emergency, an anti-terrorist operation, in the context of an armed conflict, in the aftermath of accidents, natural or man-made disasters or other emergencies.
Medal "For Merit in Aviation"

Медаль «За Заслуги в Авиации»
№ 970 2008-11-11 Ministerial Order was identified but not yet found in its entirety for translation to this article.

Medal "For Military Cooperation"

Медаль «За Боевое Содружество»
№ 50
№ 989
Awarded to members of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation, the military forces of the Interior Ministry of Russia for services in strengthening the Brotherhood of Arms and military cooperation, and in some cases to other citizens of the Russian Federation or foreign citizens for assisting in the performance of the tasks assigned to the ministry.
Medal "For Labour Valour"

Медаль «За трудовую доблесть»
№ 989 2012-10-31 Awarded to federal civil servants and employees of the Interior Ministry of Russia for many years of fruitful work, achievements in performing duties, high work quality, the successful implementation of tasks entrusted to bodies of internal affairs or internal troops of Russia, for contribution to the improvement of activities.
Medal "For Merit in Financial and Economic Activities"

Медаль «За Заслуги в финансово-экономической деятельности»
№ ? ? Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
Medal "For Merit in Management Activities"
1st Class

Медаль «За Заслуги в управленческой деятельности»
I степени
№ 355 2008-04-21 Awarded to employees of the ministry, soldiers and officers of Interior Troops, with at least 15 years of managerial service in the MVD, who have special merit in the development of system-wide or generic ministerial document management, by objectives or conceptual nature, for the effective management of divisions within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the implementation of a set of management functions.
Medal "For Merit in Management Activities"
2nd Class

Медаль «За Заслуги в управленческой деятельности»
II степени
№ 355 2008-04-21 Awarded to employees of the ministry, soldiers and officers of Interior Troops, with at least 10 years of managerial service in the MVD, who have made a significant contribution in the introduction and development of new and emerging technologies in management of the Interior Ministry, in establishing science based technologies in combating crime and facing new criminal threats, in the formation of concepts and in defining required reforms in police and Interior forces, in the development of effective mechanisms for the implementation of advanced forms and methods of successfully carrying out operational and combat tasks, in improving the management of subordinate units of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of Russia.
Medal "For Merit in Management Activities"
3rd Class

Медаль «За Заслуги в управленческой деятельности»
III степени
№ 355 2008-04-21 Awarded to employees of the ministry, soldiers and officers of Interior Troops, with at least 5 years of managerial service in the MVD who have distinguished themselves in the introduction of new science-based managerial approaches for internal affairs agencies and offices, for the preparation of other documents used in of crime fighting, for the development of socially significant predictive and analytical papers, complex research problems on crime and crime fighting, in laying the groundwork for inter-agency cooperation and other documents that define the format of multilateral cooperation, for optimizing system goals and objectives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the scale of major public policies, strengthening institutional foundations and prestige of internal units in Russia, for the effective organization of work of internal affairs bodies and units of the Interior Ministry of Russia, for professional excellence and high personal achievements.[4]
Medal "For the Promotion of Interior Troops"

Медаль «За Содействие ВВ МВД»
№ 347 2009-05-06 Awarded to recognise the citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign nationals who promote the work carried out by the armed forces of the Interior Ministry of Russia and assist in fulfilling the responsibilities and combat assignments entrusted to the service.[5]
Medal "Veteran of the MVD"

Медаль «Ветеран МВД»
№ ? ? Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
Medal "For Impeccable Service in the MVD"

Медаль «За безупречную службу в МВД»
№ 989 2012-10-31 Awarded to police officers and servicemen of internal troops of Russia, with length of service of 20 years or more and previously awarded departmental distinctions of the Interior Ministry of Russia, for excellent service and significant contribution to the development and improvement of the Russian Interior Ministry.
Medal "For Contribution to Strengthening the Rule of Law"

Медаль «За вклад в укрепление правопорядка»
№ 989 2012-10-31 Awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation and other persons for their significant contribution to strengthening the rule of law, improving the legal regulations of bodies of internal affairs, for the training of qualified personnel for the bodies of internal affairs, for assisting law enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation in the discharge of their duties.

Medal "For Distinction In Service"
1st Class

Медаль «За Отличие В Службе»
I степени
№ 641
№ 140
№ 989
Awarded to personnel of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation for 20 years of good service.[6]

Medal "For Distinction In Service"
2nd Class

Медаль «За Отличие В Службе»
II степени
№ 641
№ 140
№ 989
Awarded to personnel of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation for 15 years of good service.[7]

Medal "For Distinction In Service"
3rd Class

Медаль «За Отличие В Службе»
III степени
№ 641
№ 140
№ 989
Awarded to personnel of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation for 10 years of good service.[8]


Award Name (English/Russian) Order Inception Date Award Criteria
"Honoured Fellow of the MVD"

Нагрудный знак
«Почетный сотрудник МВД»
№ 772
№ 989
Awarded to officers and other ranks of bodies of Internal Affairs and servicemen of internal troops who have served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for 10 years or more, for efficient work organisation and high performance indicators while serving in internal affairs agencies, formations and units of internal troops, for exemplary performance in service in carrying out military duties and for displaying initiative, courage and dedication.
"For Distinguished Service in Special Circumstances"

Нагрудный знак
«За отличие в службе в особых условиях»
№ 989 2012-10-31 Awarded to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, servicemen of Internal Troops of Russia, federal civil servants, employees of the Interior Ministry of Russia, for high performance in service and diligence in the performance of tasks during a period of martial law, a state emergency, an anti-terrorist operation, in the context of an armed conflict, in the aftermath of accidents, natural or man-made disasters or other emergencies.
"For Excellent Service in the MVD" 1st class

Нагрудный знак
«За отличную службу в МВД» I степени
№ 989 2012-10-31 Awarded to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with at least 10 years of continuous service in one of the bodies of the MVD already awarded the decoration 2nd class, for courage and selflessness demonstrated in the line of duty, for achieving high results in personal performance, for marked improvement of professional skills, for the development and introduction of new working methods to improve the efficiency of MVD bodies.
"For Excellent Service in the MVD" 2nd class

Нагрудный знак
«За отличную службу в МВД» II степени
№ 989 2012-10-31 Awarded to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with at least 5 years of continuous service in one of the bodies of the MVD, for courage and selflessness demonstrated in the line of duty, for achieving high results in personal performance, for marked improvement of professional skills, for the development and introduction of new working methods to improve the efficiency of MVD bodies.
"For Distinction in Service of Interior Troops of Russia"
1st Class

Нагрудный знак
«За отличие в службе ВВ МВД России»
I степени
№ 28
№ 989
Awarded the soldiers of the Interior Ministry of Russia for initiative, diligence and distinction displayed in the discharge of official duties.
"For Distinction in Service of Interior Troops of Russia"
2nd Class

Нагрудный знак
«За отличие в службе ВВ МВД России»
II степени
№ 28
№ 989
Awarded the soldiers of the Interior Ministry of Russia for initiative, diligence and distinction displayed in the discharge of official duties.
"For Faithful Duty"

Нагрудный знак
«За верность долгу»
№ 633 2000-06-14 Awarded to employees of the Interior Ministry who have worked continuously in the same service for at least five years: for courage and dedication shown during the performance of duties; for achieving high personal performance indicators, for improvement of professional skills; for the development and introduction of new working methods enhancing the effectiveness of ministerial agencies; for active cooperation with other services of Internal Affairs which contributes to strengthening the protection of public order and strengthening crime fighting.
Decoration "For Distinction" in Non-Departmental Security of the MVD

Нагрудный знак «За Отличие» вневедомственной охраны МВД
№ 574 1999-08-02 Awarded to officers and employees of non-departmental security units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have served in the ministry for at least 15 years, for achieving high operational and managerial standards of performance in the protection of business and individual property, in the protection of public order, for personal initiative and perseverance in the line of duty. Also awarded to employees of other entities of the MVD, as well as citizens for their active assistance in the development and improvement of non-departmental security, enhancing the credibility and image of the service, for dedication and courage in combating crime, apprehending criminals, or that have made a great contribution to the development of the service.
"For Distinction in Service in the GAI"
1st Class

Нагрудный знак
«За отличие в службе ГАИ»
I степени
№ 50 1997-01-25 Awarded to employees of the Main Directorate for Road Traffic Safety (GAI) who have served in the ministry for at least 15 years with at least 5 years with the GAI, for achieving high performance indicators in enforcing preventive measures aimed at reducing the severity of road - traffic injuries, or in the suppression of offences to road safety. May also be awarded honorarily to representatives of other ministries, departments, enterprises, organizations and institutions for their active participation in the aforementioned activities.
"For Distinction in Service in the GAI"
2nd class

Нагрудный знак
«За отличие в службе ГАИ»
II степени
№ 50 1997-01-25 Awarded to employees of the Main Directorate for Road Traffic Safety (GAI) who have served in the ministry for at least 10 years with at least 5 years with the GAI, for achieving high performance indicators in enforcing preventive measures aimed at reducing the severity of road - traffic injuries, or in the suppression of offences to road safety. May also be awarded honorarily to representatives of other ministries, departments, enterprises, organizations and institutions for their active participation in the aforementioned activities.
"Participant in Combat Operations"

Нагрудный знак
«Участник боевых действий»
№ 333
№ 989
Awarded to servicemen and officers of the Interior Troops of Russia, for faithful execution of combat duties and fighting for the rule of law, combating crime and terrorism, conducting counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus region; to members of the bodies of Internal Affairs and internal security forces, other employees of the MVD, for taking part in law enforcement activities and public safety in combat areas.
"Exemplary Worker of the Criminal Police"

Нагрудный знак
«Лучший сотрудник криминальной милиции»
№ 633 2000-06-14 Awarded after at least five years of service in the criminal police for courage and dedication shown during the performance of duty; for achieving high personal standards, for improvement of professional skills in preventing and solving crimes or capturing wanted criminals; for the development and introduction of new crime fighting techniques, enhancing the effectiveness of the criminal police service, for initiative and resourcefulness; for active cooperation with other services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs which contributes to strengthening the protection of public order and crime fighting.
"Exemplary District Police Inspector"

Нагрудный знак
«Лучший участковый инспектор милиции»
№ 633 2000-06-14 Awarded to district police inspectors and senior inspectors of police precincts who have attained the highest results in the discharge of their duties and have occupied their positions for at least five years.
"Exemplary Employee of the Militia Patrol-Guard Service"

Нагрудный знак
«Лучший сотрудник патрульно-постовой службы милиции»
№ 633 2000-06-14 Awarded to members of police patrol services who have worked continuously in the patrol service for not less than five years: for high personal achievements in operational performance, for improving professional skills in the prevention, detection and solving of crimes and the arrest of wanted criminals; for the development and introduction of new working methods enhancing the effectiveness of the patrol service, for initiative and resourcefulness; for active cooperation with other bodies of the MVD contributing to the enhancement of public order and strengthening the fight against crime.
"Exemplary Worker in Fire Prevention"

Нагрудный знак
«Лучший работник пожарной охраны»
№ 633 2000-06-14 Awarded to members of the State Fire Service, the military, fire service and fire prevention services of other ministries, departments and organisations, members of voluntary fire units, who have served in that capacity for at least five years: for dedication and exemplary work in fire-fighting, in accident and disaster relief, during natural disasters, in rescues, in the protection of public and private property from fire; for active and fruitful work in promoting fire security; for excellence in design and implementation of advanced fire fighting equipment and techniques; for active assistance in the activities of the State Fire Service.
"Exemplary Inspector of the Juvenile Division"

Нагрудный знак
«Лучший инспектор по делам несовершеннолетних»
№ 633 2000-06-14 Awarded to staff members of the Juvenile Division and temporary isolation institutions for juvenile offenders who have attained the highest results in the discharge of their duties and have worked in their positions for at least five years.
"Exemplary Employee of Special Militia Units"

Нагрудный знак
«Лучший сотрудник специальных подразделений милиции»
№ 633 2000-06-14 Awarded to members of police special units who have attained the highest results in the performance of their duties and worked in special intervention units for at least five years.
"Exemplary Investigator"

Нагрудный знак
«Лучший следователь»
№ 633 2000-06-14 Awarded to middle, senior and top management officials of the investigative apparatus of the ministry who have been in post for a minimum of five continuous years: for courage and dedication displayed during the performance of duty; for achieving high personal performance indicators, for improvement of professional skills; for the development and introduction of new working methods to enhance effectiveness of the investigative apparatus; for active cooperation with other MVD agencies which contributes to the fight against crime.
"Exemplary Detective"

Нагрудный знак
«Лучший дознаватель»
№ 633 2000-06-14 Awarded to middle and senior management officials of investigative units who continuously worked in the Interior Ministry for at least five years: for courage and dedication displayed in the performance of official duties; for achieving high personal operational performance indicators, for improving professional skills; for the development and introduction of new working methods, for enhancing the effectiveness of investigative units; for active cooperation with other agencies and bodies of the Interior Ministry contributing to strengthening the fight against crime.
"Excellent Militia"

Нагрудный знак
«Отличник милиции»
№ 633
№ 989
Awarded to the militia rank and file, junior command personnel of the militia, cadets and students of educational institutions of the MVD of Russia conducting police training, for achieving high standards in public order and crime fighting, for improving their professional qualifications, for courage, resourcefulness and initiative in the performance of duty, and who served in the police for at least three years.
"Excellent Fire-fighter"

Нагрудный знак
«Отличный пожарный»
№ 633 2000-06-14 Awarded to the rank and file, junior command personnel, employees of the State Fire Service, cadets and students of educational institutions of the MVD of Russia, conducting training for the SFS, as well as employees of fire services of other ministries, departments and organisations, members of voluntary fire units, in position for no less than three years, which have achieved high standards in fire prevention and fire-fighting, in raising their professional qualifications, for bold and decisive action demonstrated in the performance of duty.
"200 Years of the MVD of Russia"

Нагрудный знак
«200 лет МВД России»
№ 707 2002-07-25 Awarded to officers and employees of internal affairs, military and civilian personnel of internal security forces and federal public servants for faithful performance regardless of length of service (work); to former employees of internal affairs or veterans of military internal forces who impeccably served in bodies of internal affairs or in the Internal Troops of Russia and had previously received awards from institutions or organs of the criminal police, correctional system, state fire service, federal bodies of the tax police, Customs Service of the Russian Federation and other federal bodies with executive powers who provide for military service; to citizens who have rendered assistance in the tasks entrusted to the MVD of Russia.
"For the Promotion of the MVD"

Нагрудный знак
«За Содействие МВД»
№ 633
№ 989
Awarded to citizens of Russia and other friendly countries for assistance in the implementation of specific activities for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
"200 Years of Interior Troops of Russia"

Нагрудный знак
«200 лет внутренним войскам МВД России»
№ 680 2010-09-24 Awarded to military and civilian personnel of internal troops of Russia who conscientiously fulfill their duties and responsibilities regardless of length of service. For assisting the internal forces in carrying out their assigned tasks and/or combat missions as well as for international cooperation with Interior Ministry troops of Russia. Can be awarded to both Russian and foreign citizens.[9]
"Honoured Fellow of the OVDRO"

Нагрудный знак
«Почетный Сотрудник ОВДРО»
№ ? ? Award of the Department of Law Enforcement in Restricted Areas and Sensitive Sites (OVDRO). Establishment decree not yet published.


Award Name (English/Russian) Order Inception Date Award Criteria

"200 Years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs"

«200 Лет Министерство Внутренних ДЕЛ»
№ 542 2002-06-05 Awarded to military and civilian personnel or former officers or civilian personnel of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation who served faultlessly for 20 years or more.
"70 Years of the Traffic Control Division of the State Automobile Inspectorate for Road Safety"

№ ? 2006 Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"50 Years of Department 6 of the MVD of Russia"

«50 лет шестое УВД МВД России»
№ ? 2007 Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.

"70 Years of the Economic Security Units of the MVD of Russia"

«70 Лет подразделениям экономической безопасности МВД России»
№ 140 2007-02-07 Awarded to personnel of the economic security staff of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation for achievements in operational performance and management; to civil servants and employees for faultless service and/or the promotion of the units of economic security; citizens and foreign nationals who provide substantial assistance to units of the economic security of the MVD in the implementation of their tasks.[10]
"90 Years of the Russian Militia"

«90 Лет Милиция России»
№ ? 2007 Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"15 Years of the "LYNX" Special Rapid Response Unit"

№ ? 2007 Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"90 Years of the Personnel Office of the MVD of Russia"

«90 Лет кадровой службе МВД России»
№ ? 2008 Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"90 Years of Criminal Investigations"

«90 Лет Уголовному Розыску»
№ ? ? Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"90 Years of Staff Units of the MVD"

«90 Лет Штабным Подразделениям МВД»
№ ? ? Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"100 Years of Fingerprint Records in Russia"

«100 Лет Дактилоскопическому Учету В России»
№ ? ? Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"85 Years of Police Patrols and Sentry Services"

«85 Лет Патрульно-постовой службе милиции»
№ 866 2008-09-02 Ministerial Order was identified but not yet found in its entirety for translation to this article.
"90 Years of the Information Service"

«90 Лет информационная служба»
№ ? 2008 Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"85 Years of ODON of the Internal Troops of Russia"

«85 лет ОДОН ВВ МВД России»
№ ? 2009 Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.

"100 Years of Canine Units of the MVD of Russia"

«100 лет кинологическим подразделениям МВД России»
№ 347 2009-05-06 Awarded to soldiers, officers and employees of canine units of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation and military dog units of Interior Troops of Russia for professional excellence, achievements in the service-operational and operational performance; to veterans of the service and ex employees of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, servicemen of internal troops of Russia who have made a significant contribution to the development of canine units; to Russian citizens and foreign nationals who provide substantial assistance to dogs unit in implementing the tasks entrusted to them.
"40 Years of Units for Licences and Permits"

«40 лет подразделениям лицензионно-разрешительной работы»
№ ? 2009 Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"90 Years of Expert Forensic Units"

«90 лет экспертно криминалистическим подразделениям»
№ ? 2009 Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"70 Years of MVD Drunk Tanks"

«70 лет медвытрезвители МВД»
№ ? 2010 Medal was confirmed as having been awarded but Ministerial Order not yet found and is possibly unpublished to this date.
"75 years of the Russian MVD juvenile services"

«75 лет служба ПДН МВД России»
№ ? 2010-05-31 1935-2010
"200 Years of Interior Troops"

«200 лет внутренним войскам МВД России»
№ 679 2010-09-24 Awarded to soldiers and members of the civilian staff of internal forces, as well as to citizens discharged from military service who impeccably served in (worked for) Internal Troops for 20 years or more, or receiving a disability pension (without a set length of service) or who are combat veterans. Can be awarded to both Russian and foreign citizens.
Jubilee medal
"100 years of international police cooperation"

Юбилейная медаль
«100 лет международному полицейскому сотрудничесву»
№ 150 2014-03-14 Awarded to federal civil servants, employees of the National Central Bureau of Interpol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, employees of the Legal and Treaties Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, employees of Interpol territorial departments (divisions, groups) of the Russian Interior Ministry at the regional level, for professional excellence and achievements in operational performance; to employees of law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation, of other government agencies and organizations, as well as to veterans of the police, who made a significant contribution to the development of international police cooperation and the fight against international crime; to Russian citizens and foreign nationals for significant assistance to law enforcement bodies in the fight against international crime and the development of international police cooperation.
"80 years of the Russian MVD juvenile services"

«80 лет служба ПДН МВД России»
№ ? 2015-05-31 1935-2015

Regional Medals

Award Name (English/Russian) Order Inception Date Award Criteria
"90 years of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department"

«90 Лет Московскому Уголовному Розыску»
"For Excellence In Criminal Investigation In The Saint Petersburg And Leningrad District"

«За Отличие
ГУВД Санкт-Петербурга И Ленинградской Области»
"45 Years of Criminal Investigations in the North-West (Saint Petersburg And Leningrad) District"

«45 лет следственное управление при северо-западном УВДТ МВД РФ»
"90 Years of the Criminal Investigations Department of the Moscow Region"

««90 лет уголовного следственное управление Московской области"»
"80 Years of the North West Department of Internal Affairs on Transport"

«80 Лет Северо-Западному УВД На Транспорте»
"90 Years of Criminal Investigations in the Sverdlovsk Region"

«90 лет Уголовный Розыск Свердловская область»
"70 Years of the Interior Department on Economic Crimes of the Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Territory"

«70 лет УБЭП УВД по ХМАО-Югра»

Federal Migration Service

Award Name (English/Russian) Order Inception Date Award Criteria
Breast Badge
"For Merit"
Нагрудный Знак
«За Заслуги»
Medal "For Service"
1st Class

Медаль «За службу»
I степени
№ 455 2007-12-12 Awarded to police officers assigned to the Federal Migration Service of Russia, to federal civil servants and employees of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, for faithful service (work) during continuous service of at least 15 years.
Medal "For Service"
2nd class

Медаль «За службу»
II степени
№ 455 2007-12-12 Awarded to police officers assigned to the Federal Migration Service of Russia, to federal civil servants and employees of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, for faithful service (work) during continuous service of at least 10 years.
Medal "For Diligence"

Медаль «За усердие»
№ 456 2007-12-12 Awarded to officers of the various bodies of the MVD assigned to the FMS of Russia and the civil servants of the Federal Migration Service for high work performance, achievements in the development of the FMS of Russia, the protection of the rights and interests of citizens, individual initiative, and innovation.
Medal "For Faithful Service"

Медаль «За добросовестную службу»
№ 104 2007-05-10 Awarded to police officers assigned to the Federal Migration Service of Russia, for high performance in their work, personal initiative, exemplary dedication and impeccable service; to civil servants of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, for the faithful performance of duties, innovation and impeccable service.
Medal "For Merit"

Медаль «За заслуги»
№ 104 2007-05-10 Awarded to employees of state, public, religious and other associations, organizations, enterprises, institutions, art groups and unions, for their active support and assistance of the Federal Migration Service, in ensuring its development, skills, moral and cultural and aesthetic education of police officers assigned to the FMS Russia, civil servants and employees of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, for raising the prestige of the Russian Federal Migration Service in the community; to other persons providing assistance to the FMS of Russia in solving its tasks.
Medal "For Special Merit"
for the Sverdlovsk Region

Медаль «За особые заслуги»
по Свердловской области

Emblems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Branch/Department Emblem Branch/Department Emblem
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Министерство внутренних дел
Internal Troops
внутренними войсками

See also


External links

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