Aztec: The Curse in the Heart of the City of Gold

The Curse in
the Heart of the City of Gold

Cover art
Developer(s) Cryo Interactive
Publisher(s) Telecom Multimedia
Platform(s) PlayStation, Microsoft Windows
Release date(s)
  • EU June 11, 2001
Genre(s) Adventure
Mode(s) Single-player

Aztec: The Curse in the Heart of the City of Gold is an adventure game designed for PlayStation. It was developed by Cryo Interactive and published by France Telecom Multimedia on 1 June 2000.


Snakeling is a young aztec from the village of Atoyac, near Tenochtitlan. One day out hunting, he stumbles across the death of a noble by an otomi warrior. Just before dying, the noble gives him an ornate neckless with two snakes around an obsidian circlet. He also murmurs the name of a poet: Tlatli. Shortly after, the killer reports Snakeling to the guards, making them think he is the killer. When he returns home, he is told his parents have been abducted and that a strange disease is affecting the region.

He goes to the market district of Tlatelolco where he learns the death of the poet. His slave tells him that before dying, Tlatli had asked him to go to the craftsman quarter to find some turquoise. The poet also owned an identical neckless given to him by the noble. Snakeling goes to the craftsman quarter where he meets a young warrior named Chimali who tells him that Turquoise is a young courtesan who lives in the neighbourhood. She tells him that Tlatli was about to leave the region with a craftsman, Chacoatl. Slowly it appears that the two deaths are connected to the disease that is devastating the region : Tlatli possessed a parchment mentioning it.

With the help of Chacoatl, Snakeling slips into the palace of emperor Moctezuma and meets his councillor the 'Woman Snake', who imprisons him. It is a sleight for the meeting not to be known by the emperor's enemies. A deal is finally concluded : if Snakeling does not discover the origin of the calamity, his parents will be sacrificed. In Tenochtitlan, Snakeling gives money to a beggar who gives him a golden bracelet in return. Back at the craftsman quarter, Snakeling is out looking for the crafter of obsidian necklaces, who tells him that five necklaces were made altogether. They were given to lord 'Three Rabbit'. A slave of the noble's palace explains that the lord used to go to a temple of the Ceremonial Center.

With the help of Turquoise, Snakeling slips into the temple and learns that the noble and the priestess Papatzin are plotting to poison the water and to discredit the emperor. He then discovers the source where the conspirators are poisoning the city's water. The head of the plot is lord 'Black Flower' who gives him the choice whether to poison the aqueduct or to drink the poison. Snakeling chooses to drink then jumps into the aqueduct.

He is picked up by Chimali and healed in the village. The lord 'Woman Snake' has been poisoned and Snakeling must bring him an antidote. However he as arrested by lord 'Three Rabbit'. He finds himself on the altar ready for sacrifice, but at the last moment, the emperor sees his bracelet given to him by the beggar. Begging was a way of rating the goodness of his people. Snakeling is pardoned and his family can explain themselves and reveal the plot.

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