B-admissible representation

In mathematics, the formalism of B-admissible representations provides constructions of full Tannakian subcategories of the category of representations of a group G on finite-dimensional vector spaces over a given field E. In this theory, B is chosen to be a so-called (E, G)-regular ring, i.e. an E-algebra with an E-linear action of G satisfying certain conditions given below. This theory is most prominently used in p-adic Hodge theory to define important subcategories of p-adic Galois representations of the absolute Galois group of local and global fields.

(E, G)-rings and the functor D

Let G be a group and E a field. Let Rep(G) denote a non-trivial strictly full subcategory of the Tannakian category of E-linear representations of G on finite-dimensional vector spaces over E stable under subobjects, quotient objects, direct sums, tensor products, and duals.[1]

An (E, G)-ring is a commutative ring B that is an E-algebra with an E-linear action of G. Let F = BG be the G-invariants of B. The covariant functor DB : Rep(G) → ModF defined by


is E-linear (ModF denotes the category of F-modules). The inclusion of DB(V) in BEV induces a homomorphism

\alpha_{B,V}:B\otimes_FD_B(V)\longrightarrow B\otimes_EV

called the comparison morphism.[2]

Regular (E, G)-rings and B-admissible representations

An (E, G)-ring B is called regular if

  1. B is reduced;
  2. for every V in Rep(G), αB,V is injective;
  3. every bB for which the line bE is G-stable is invertible in B.

The third condition implies F is a field. If B is a field, it is automatically regular.

When B is regular,


with equality if, and only if, αB,V is an isomorphism.

A representation V ∈ Rep(G) is called B-admissible if αB,V is an isomorphism. The full subcategory of B-admissible representations, denoted RepB(G), is Tannakian.

If B has extra structure, such as a filtration or an E-linear endomorphism, then DB(V) inherits this structure and the functor DB can be viewed as taking values in the corresponding category.


Potentially B-admissible representations

A potentially B-admissible representation captures the idea of a representation that becomes B-admissible when restricted to some subgroup of G.


  1. Of course, the entire category of representations can be taken, but this generality allows, for example if G and E have topologies, to only consider continuous representations.
  2. A contravariant formalism can also be defined. In this case, the functor used is D_B^\ast(V):=\mathrm{Hom}_G(V,B), the G-invariant linear homomorphisms from V to B.


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