BBCH-scale (strawberry)

The BBCH-scale (strawberry) identifies the phenological development stages of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa). It is a plant species specific version of the BBCH-scale.

Phenological growth stages and BBCH-identification keys of strawberry
Code Description
Principal growth stage 0: Sprouting/Bud development
00 Dormancy: Leaves prostrate and partly dead
03 Main bud swelling
Principal growth stage 1: Leaf development
10 First leaf emerging
11 First leaf unfolded
12 2nd leaf unfolded
13 3rd leaf unfolded1
1 . Stages continuous till . . .
19 9 or more leaves unfolded
Principal growth stage 4: Development of stolons and young plants
41 Beginning of stolon (runner) formation: stolons visible (about 2 cm long)
42 First daughter plant visible
43 Beginning of root development in first daughter plant
45 First daughter plant with roots (ready for planting)
49 Several daughter plants with roots (ready for planting)
Principal growth stage 5: Inflorescence emergence
55 First set flowers at the bottom of the rosette
56 Inflorescence elongating
57 First flower buds emerged (still closed)
58 Early balloon stage: first flowers with petals forming a hollow ball
59 Most flowers with petals forming a hollow ball
Principal growth stage 6: Flowering
60 First flowers open (primary or A-flower)
61 Beginning of flowering: about 10% of flowers open
65 Full flowering: secondary (B) and tertiary (C) flowers open,

first petals falling

67 Flowers fading: majority of petals fallen
Principal growth stage 7: Development of fruit
71 Receptacle protruding from sepal whorl
73 Seeds clearly visible on receptacle tissue
Principal growth stage 8: Maturity of fruit
81 Beginning of ripening: most fruits white in colour
85 First fruits have cultivar-specific colour
87 Main harvest: more fruits coloured
89 Second harvest: more fruits coloured
Principal growth stage 9: Senescence, beginning of dormancy
91 Beginning of axillary bud formation
92 New leaves with smaller lamina and shortened stalk visible
93 Old leaves dying, young leaves curling; old leaves of cultivarspecific colour
97 Old leaves dead

1 Normally after the three leaf stage the bud development occurs in principal growth stage 5. Meier, U.; H. Graf; M. Hess; W. Kennel; R. Klose; D. Mappes; D. Seipp; R. Stauss; J. Streif; T. van den Boom (1994). "Phänologische Entwick-lungsstadien des Kernobstes (Malus domestica Borkh. und Pyrus communis L.), des Steinobstes (Prunus-Arten), der Johannisbeere (Ribes-Arten) und der Erdbeere (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.).". Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 46: 141–153. 


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