Baboy Scouts

Baboy Scouts (a spoof of Boy Scouts) is an adventure story arc of the Philippine comic strip series Pugad Baboy, created by Pol Medina Jr. and originally published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. This particular story arc lasts 25 strips long. In 1992, the story arc was reprinted in Pugad Baboy 3, the third book compilation of the comic strip series.
Baboy Scouts Utoy, Paltik and Joma go on a camping trip with their unnamed Scoutmaster, who instructs them in the finer points of woodcraft, such as the use of wide plant leaves as protection from rain, using a magnifying glass to start a fire and of course, knot tying.
This particular adventure showcases the different gadgets and talents of the three Baboy Scouts. Utoy possesses an extraordinary Swiss knife which features among other tools, a hair brush, toothbrush, slingshot, racquet, frying pan, refrigerator, umbrella, hammer, TV set, a Nintendo gaming platform and an All-terrain vehicle. Joma turns his tent into a camouflaged foxhole. Not content with starting a camp fire using a magnifying lens, Paltik uses a flame thrower; he also sets man-catching traps around his tent.
In the midst of these activities, a band of Amazons capture the Scoutmaster, intending to use him to impregnate their Queen, after which he will be sacrificially thrown into a volcano. He is rescued by Polgas, in the guise of a canine version of Conan the Barbarian. Polgas urinates on the Amazons' feet and they run in terror. Everyone flees, afraid that the Amazons might return, becoming lost in the woods in the process. They finally stray near the training camp of a band of NPA rebels. Joma, whose father Noli is a member of the band, introduces the Scoutmaster to the camp's commander who sends them all down the mountain back home to Pugad Baboy.