Baldassarre Carrari the Elder

Baldassarre Carrari the Elder was an Italian painter who worked at Forlì about the year 1354. He is supposed to be the author of a fragment of a series of paintings which once adorned the Schiavonia church. That which remains is now in the gymnasium at Forlì, and represents the Adoration of the Magi and figures of SS. Peter, Jerome, Paul, Augustin, three figures, and two horses, "creations that do more honour to the school of Giotto in these parts than any assigned to the artists named by Vasari".[1] He was a relative of Baldassarre Carrari the Younger.


  1. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, ' A New History of Painting in Italy,' 3 vols. 1864

This article incorporates text from the article "BALDASSARE" in Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers by Michael Bryan, edited by Robert Edmund Graves and Sir Walter Armstrong, an 1886–1889 publication now in the public domain.

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