Bartholomew W. Hogan
Bartholomew W. Hogan (born on January 29, 1901 in Quincy, Massachusetts) was a psychiatrist, professor and Naval officer. Hogan graduated from Boston College in 1923 and received a M.D. from Tufts University in 1925. In the thirties, he taught at Georgetown University School of Medicine and at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Annapolis, Maryland. During World War II, he served as a Senior Medical Officer on several ships. He was appointed to the rank of Rear Admiral in 1952 and became Surgeon General of the United States Navy in 1955. After he retired from the U.S. Navy in 1961, he served as Deputy Medical Director of the American Psychiatric Association until 1971. Rear Admiral Hogan died on March 17, 1983.[1] Adm Hogan is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Hogan Award
The Bartholomew Hogan Award for Outstanding Research Paper Among Navy Psychiatry Residents is awarded annually at the Braceland Seminar, a yearly academic conference held prior to the American Psychiatric Association annual meeting.