Başak Şenova

Başak Şenova (born 1970) is an art curator, writer and designer based in Istanbul, Turkey.
She holds an MFA in graphic design and a PhD in art, design and architecture from Bilkent University, and is active internationally with art and technology related projects. She attended the Seventh Curatorial Training Programme of Stichting De Appel,[1] Amsterdam in 2002. She has been writing on art, technology and media,[2] initiating and developing projects and curating exhibitions since 1995.
Şenova is the editor of art-ist 6, Kontrol Online Magazine[3] and Lapses book series, UNCOVERED, Aftermath, Yane Calovski. Obje’ct and Scientific Inquiries among other publications. . She is an editorial correspondent for[4] and Flash Art International and also one of the founding members of NOMAD, as well as the organizer of ctrl_alt_del and Upgrade!Istanbul.
Şenova was the curator of the Pavilion of Turkey at the 53rd Venice Biennale. As an assistant professor, she lectured in various universities in Istanbul such as Kadir Has University, Bilgi University and Koç University. At the moment, she is lecturing at Bilkent University. Şenova has initiated projects and curated exhibitions in Turkey and abroad since 1996. Her curatorial projects include ctrl-alt-del sound art project series (since 2003), " 01", "losing.ctrl", "Serial Cases", "under.ctrl", "s-network", "Rejection Episodes", "Conscious in Coma", "Unrecorded", and "Aftermath". Şenova curated Zorlu Center Collection for two years (2011–2012). She co-curated the UNCOVERED (Cyprus) and the 2nd Biennial of Contemporary Art, D-0 ARK Underground (Bosnia and Herzegovina). In 2014, she acted as the Art Gallery Chair of (ACM) SIGGRAPH 2014 (Vancouver) the curator of the Helsinki Photography Biennial 2014 and the Jerusalem Show. Recently, she was appointed as the curator of the Republic of Macedonia at the 56th Venice Biennale.
Section In Book / Catalogue
- Şenova, Başak. 2014. "Protocological Hope". You are Here After Internet Ed. Omar Kholeif. Cornerhouse and SPACE, London. p. 150-152. ISBN 978-0-9569571-7-7
- Şenova, Başak and Stephane Ackermann. 2014. “Spinning on An Axis. Benji Boyadgian and Yane Calovski”. Curated by_Vienna: Century of the Bed Eds. Manisha Jothady. MVD Austria and Bundeskanzleramt, Austria. pp. 4–6. ISBN 978-3-86984-528-9
- Şenova, Başak. 2014. “Ecological Fallacy”. MUSTARINDA | The Helsinki Photography Biennial Edition | HBP14. Eds. Noelia Martínez, Paavo Järvensivu, and Başak Şenova. Mustarinda Association, Helsinki. p. 4-6. ISBN 978-952-67687-2-4
- Şenova, Başak. 2014. “Traces of Reenachments. On the drawings of Alban Muja”. Alban Muja. I never knew how to explain. Ed. Tevz Logar. National Gallery of Kosova and Galerija Skuc, Ljublijana p. 55-72.
- Şenova, Başak. 2014. “Scientific Inquiries/Bilimsel Sorgulamalar”. "Meridians/Meridyenler. Ali Taptık.”, “The Transparent Beehive Cabinet/Transparan Arı Kovanı. AnneMarie Maes”, “Higher Education Industrial Complex/Yükseköğretim Endüstriyel Kompleksi. Burak Arikan”, “I/P/O-cle. Candas Sisman”, “Inherent Light/Özündeki Işık. Hubert Czerepok”, “Public Education/Kamusal Eğitim. Mushon Zer-Aviv”, “Fuzzy Set/Bulanık Küme. Ilgen Arzik”. “Spatial Decisions/Mekansal Kararlar”. Scientific Inquiries / Bilimsel Sorgulamalar .Ed.
- Şenova, Başak. Koç University, Istanbul. pp. 18–27, 28–39, 40–51, 52–63, 64–73, 74, 87–97, 101–115.
- Şenova, Başak. 2013. “Editorial Note” “Time Cube”. The Project Biennial of Contemporary Art D-0 Ark Underground, Ed. Başak Şenova. Association Biennial of Contemporary Art, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzogovina . p. 13, 24–27. ISBN 978-9958-0966-0-0
- Şenova, Başak and Alexandru Balasescu. 2013 “ “Vintage”. The Project Biennial of Contemporary Art D-0 Ark Underground, Ed. Başak Şenova. Association Biennial of Contemporary Art, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzogovina . p. 182-185. ISBN 978-9958-0966-0-0
- Şenova, Başak, 2013. "Foreword.", "The Symphony of Death, Adel Abidin in Conversation with Başak Şenova", "An Incomplete Stanza", "Spatial Design". Symphony. Adel Abidin. ed. Başak Şenova and Adrian Notz. Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich pp. 5, 6–11, 12–13, 24–27. ISBN 978-9948-444-16-9
- Şenova, Başak, 2013. "The Translation", "The Conversation", "Wael Sawky on Translation", "Setting The Translation at CabareVoltaire". The Translation. ed. Başak Şenova and Adrian Notz. Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich pp. 3–4, 5–14, 15–20, 29–30. ISBN 978-3-9524111-0-0
- Şenova, Başak, 2012. "Onsoz/Foreword", "Kayip Hakalar ve Obje Üzerine / On Missing Links and Object", "Isler / Works". obje'ct. Yane Calovski.. ed. Başak Şenova. Zorlu Center Art Collection, Book for Artists Series, Istanbul, pp. 7–12, 13–24, 65–189.
- Şenova, Başak, 2012. "Hamle / The Move", Adel Abidin ile Başak Şenova arasinda Müsabaka 1’i takip eden bir diyalog /A dialogue between Adel Abidin and Başak Şenova following Event 1", "Rosa Barba ile Başak Şenova arasinda Müsabaka 2’yi takip eden bir diyalog / A dialogue between Rosa Barba and Başak Şenova following Event 2", "Runa Islam ile Başak Şenova arasinda Müsabaka 3’ü takip eden bir diyalog / A dialogue between Runa Islam and Başak Şenova following Event 3 ". Hamle / The Move. ed. Başak Şenova and Ilkay Balic. Arter, Istanbul, pp. 7–28, 58–65, 98–107, 136–169. ISBN 978-975-6959-60-2
- Şenova, Başak, 2012. "Foreword", "Aftermath", pp. 1–2, "Installing Lapses" pp. 59–60, "On Spatial Design" pp. 89–99. Aftermath, Ed. Başak Şenova. Akbank Art and Culture Center. 2012.
- Şenova, Başak and Ece Pazarbasi 2012. "Memory Transfer. A Hypnosis Session between A and B". Aftermath, Ed. Başak Şenova. Akbank Art and Culture Center. pp. 3–17.
- Şenova, Başak, 2012. "Siyah/White" pp. 34–56, "Spatial Design", 12–13, "Interview with Aya Ben Ron", pp. 15–16, "Interview with Alban Muja", pp. 23 –24, "Interview with Yane Calovski" pp. 28–29, "Interview with Luchezar Boyadjiev" pp. 36–37, "Interview with Erik Gongrich" p. 40, "Interview with Gozde Ilkin" pp. 46–47, "Interview with Ilgen Arzik" p. 49. Ed. Başak Şenova. Siyah/White. CDA Projects, Istanbul
- Şenova, Başak. 2011. "Curatorial Statement" Softborders. Exposicão Internacional de Artes de Novas Mídias, Centro Universitario, Artes de Sao Paola.
- Şenova, Başak, 2011. "Extracts from “Eclipsed Voices Auszuge aus "Eclipsed Voices”". Open Space – what is possible in the political potentiality/Mogliche Umrisse von politischen Potenzialität. Ed. Gulsen Bal. Divus, Vienna pp. 56–65.
- Şenova, Başak. 2011."Ping Pong. Adel Abidin", "A Conversation with Adel Abidin (Thinking with and after a 'conversation')/Adel Abidin ile Soylesi ('Soyleyisi'yle birlikte ve sonrasinda dusunmek)". Ping Pong. Adel Abidin. Ed. Başak Şenova. Zilberman Gallery, Istanbul. p. 1, 9, and pp. 19–29.
- Şenova, Başak, 2011. "Extracts from "Eclipsed Voices Auszüge aus "Eclipsed Voices"". Open Space – what is possible in the political potentiality/Mögliche Umrisse von politischen Potenzialität. Ed. Gülsen Bal. Divus, Vienna pp. 56–65
- Şenova, Başak, .-_-. , 2011. ".başka bir dünyanın mümkünlüğüne inanan çokluk_". Ikinci Sergi Kitap 2/2. Ed. Ilkay Baliç. s.80–107. Arter. Istanbul. ISBN 978-975-6959-44-2
Şenova, Başak. "On Extracted Objects/Ödünç Nesneler Üzerine" and "An Interview with Ipek Duben on Extracted Objects / Ipek Duben Ile Ödünç Nesneler üzerine bir söylesi". Ipek Duben. Extracted Objects. Ed. Başak Şenova. CDA Projects, Istanbul. pp. 2–3 and 4–9.
- Şenova, Başak, Erhan Muratoğlu. 2011. "Black Noise Kind of Pleasure – an assessment on experiencing sound-art performances". The Book of Guilty Pleasures: a collection of 100 contributions from different artists, curators, musicians, and writers on their aural guilty pleasures. Ed. Song-Ming Ang and Kim Cascone, Singapore.
- Şenova, Başak. 2011. "Exploring the City: Perceiving Istanbul through its Cultural Productions". International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 35: 405–413. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2010.01032.x
- Şenova, Başak. 2010. "Things We Count". Tactics of Visibility. Contemporary Artistic Positions from Turkey. Ed. Guldrun Ankele, Emre Baykal, Daniela Zyman. Thyssen-Bornmesisza Art Contemporary. Verlag der Buchhandlung Wather König, Köln. pp. 181–196.
ISBN 978-9989-2776-3-4
- Lederer, Anton, Alenka Gregoric, Margarethe Makovec and Başak Şenova. 2009. "The Middle South East (MSE) Network – A Collaborative Lesson". Think. Think. Think. Expanding the Present, Launching the Future. Ed. Yane Calovski and Hristina Ivanoska. Press to Exit Project Space, Skopje. pp. 139–144.
ISBN 978-3-86560-823-9
- Şenova, Başak. 2010. "On Ali Cabbar’s Disquiet Shadow / Ali Cabbar’In Huzursuz Gölgesi Üzerine" and "In the Shadow: Interview with Ali Cabbar / Ali Cabbar Ile söylesi: Gölgede" Ali Cabbar. Disquiet Shadow / Huzursuz Gölge. Ed. Mine Haydaroğlu Yapi Kredi Yayinlari, Istanbul. pp. 7–15 and 15–23.
ISBN 978-975-08-1765-6
- Şenova, Başak. 2009. "Kayitsiz". Çağdas Sanat. Bir Akbank Antolojisi. Akbank Kültür ve Sanat Dizisi: 76. A4 Ofset, Istanbul. pp. 266–275. (Turkish Edition)
ISBN 978-605-5612-00-9
- Danon, Eyal, Anton Lederer, and Başak Şenova. 2009. "23. Uluslararasi Günümüz SanatçIlari Istanbul Sergisi: Juri/Küratörlerden Parçalari Biraraya Getiren Bir Metin". Çağdas Sanat. Bir Akbank Antolojisi. Akbank Kültür ve Sanat Dizisi: 76. A4 Ofset, Istanbul. pp. 349–350. (Turkish edition)
ISBN 978-605-5612-00-9
- Şenova, Başak. 2009. "Unrecorded". Contemporary Art. An Akbank Art Center Anthology. Akbank Culture and Art Series: 76. A4 Ofset, Istanbul. pp. 268–275. (English Edition)
ISBN 978-605-5612-00-9
- Danon, Eyal, Anton Lederer, and Başak Şenova. 2009. "The 23rd International Contemporary Artists Istanbul Exhibition. A Defragmented Text by the Jury/Curators". Contemporary Art. An Akbank Art Center Anthology. Akbank Culture and Art Series: 76. A4 Ofset, Istanbul. pp. 349–350. (English edition)
ISBN 978-605-5612-00-9
- Şenova, Başak. 2009. "A Brief Report on the Spatial Design of the Exhibition/ Serginin Mekansal Tasarimi Üzerine Kisa Bir Rapor". Ipek Duben. Artist's Books and Installations / SanatçI Kitaplari ve Yerlestirmeler: A Selection from / Bir Seçki 1994–2009. Akbank Art and Culture Center. pp. 128–131.
- Graf, Marcus and Başak Şenova. 2009. "tele-Kent / tele-City". Parçalanmis Gerçekler / Fragmented Realities. Siemens Sanat. Boyut Yayin Grubu, Istanbul. pp. 48–55.
ISBN 978-975-23-0472-7
- Şenova, Başak. 2009. "Animations on Altered Visions". Work to do! Self-organisation In precarious working conditions. Ed. By Sonke Gau and Katharina Schlieben for the Association Shedhalle, Kunst Nürnberg
ISBN 978-3-941185-76-0
- Şenova, Başak. 2009.
"Lapses". Lapses/*1. The Book Series of Pavilion of Turkey In the 53rd International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennial. Ed. Başak Şenova. Trans. Nusin Odelli, First Vol. IKSV. Istanbul, pp. 12–125. ISBN 978-975-7363-77-4
- Şenova, Başak. 2009.
"On a Spatial Lapse: Park Hotel. A short Interview with Korhan Gümüs" "Master Plan", "Detecting Lapse. A short Interview with Yane Calovski on Lapses through the Master Plan" "Archiving Lapses. A short Interview with Iris Dressler and Hans D. Christ on "Postcapital Archive 1989–2001" by revolving around the notion of "lapse". Lapses/*3. The Book Series of Pavilion of Turkey In the 53rd International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennial. Ed. Başak Şenova. Trans. Nusin Odelli, First Vol. IKSV. Istanbul, pp. 8–9, 43–48, 60–61, 74–78, 90–92, 144–149.
- Şenova, Başak. 2008. "The Log". Light, Illumination and Electricity. Ed. Deniz Ünsal. santalistanbul. Istanbul Bilgi University Publications. 2008.
- Şenova, Başak. 2008. "Congestion In the Data Flow" and "Unrecorded". Unrecorded. Ed. Başak Şenova. Akbank Art and Culture Center. 2008.
- Sualp, Zeynep Tül Akbal and Başak Şenova. 2007. "Violence: Muted Women In Scenes of Glorified Lumpen Men: A conversation between Zeynep Tül Akbal Sualp and Başak Şenova". Worlds of Feminism, Queer and Networking Conditions. Ed. by Marina Grzinic and Rosa Reitsamer
Löcker. pp. 91–96 ISBN 3-85409-472-8
- Şenova, Başak. "Digital-Minded Attempt: Detecting Digital Culture In Turkey / Dijital Girisim: Türkiye'de Gelisen Dijital Kültürün Farkina Varmak". User's Manual: Contemporary Art In Turkey 1986–2006 / Kullanma Kilavuzu: Türkiye'de Güncel Sanat. Ed. Halil Altindere ve Süreyya Evren. pp. 124–129. ISBN 978-3-86588-423-7
- Şenova, Başak. 2006. "Uncovering Macedonia In the Atlas of Inspiration" press to exit space book one. Ed. Calovski Yane and Ivanovska Hristina. Veenman Publishers / Gijs Stork, Rotterdam pp. 23–29. ISBN 90-8690-036-4 EAN 9789086900367
- Erkal, Emre, Erhan Muratoğlu, and Başak Şenova. 2006. "Sonic Prescription For Instant DIY Network". Upgrade International: Oklahoma City: DIY, ed. by de los Santos, J. Untitled [Artspace], Oklahoma Visual arts Coalition, University of Central Oklahoma – College of Art, Media & Design pp. 18–19.
- Kosova Erden, Başak Şenova. 2006. "Istanbul, Daydreaming In Quarantine" Balkan Konsulat. Revolver Archiv für aktuelle Kunst pp. 60–77 ISBN 3-86588-230-7
- Şenova, Başak. 2005. "Anmerkungen zum Klang: Einige kurze Notizen, Aufzeichmungen und Zitate zu Istanbuls Langwelt. Auszügeaus Forshungsprojekten der Gruppe NOMAD / sonic Notes: A set of short notes, records and quotations for Istanbul’s sonic scene, extracted from NOMAD research projects". Urbane Realitaten: Fokus Istanbul. Martin Gropius-Bau Berlin – Küstlerhaus Bethanian GmbH, Berlin, 114–125. ISBN 3-932754-57-3
- Erkal, Emre, Erhan Muratoğlu, and Başak Şenova. 2005. "Çağdas Sanatta Teknolojik Dil". Çağdas Sanat Konusmalari. Yapi Kredi Yayinlari pp. 10–43 ISBN 975-08-1024-4
- Şenova, Başak. 2004. "NOMAD| Notes from the Quarantine". Kunst und urbane Visionen einer Metapolis: Call me Istanbul Ist mein Name. Ed. by Roger Conover, Eda Cufer, Peter Weibel. ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, 112–113. ISBN 3-8030-0700-3
- Şenova, Başak. 2004. "Die Geschichte von Istatistiklal: Ertuğ Uçar, Simge Göksoy, und Erhan Muratoğlu | Istatistiklal", Kunst und urbane Visionen einer Metapolis: Call me Istanbul Ist mein Name. Ed. by Roger Conover, Eda Cufer, Peter Weibel. ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, pp. 136–137. ISBN 3-8030-0700-3
- Danon, Eyal, Başak Şenova. 2004. "Proje Üzerine Notlar/ Notes on the Projects". 23. Uluslararasi Günümüz SanatçIlari Diyarbakir Sergisi / The 23rd International Contemporary Artists Diyarbakir Exhibition, Diyarbakir Art Center. p. 3–9
- Şenova, B., "Letter from Istanbul" Printed Project, Letters From Five Continents. Ed. by Saskia Bos, Sculptors’ Society of Ireland, Dublin. pp. 10–13, (2004) ISSN 1649-4075
- Danon, Eyal, Anton Lederer, and Başak Şenova. 2004. "Juri/Küratörlerden Parçalari Biraraya Getiren Bir Metin/ A Defragmented Text by the Jury/Curators". 23. Uluslararasi Günümüz SanatçIlari Istanbul Sergisi / The 23rd International Contemporary Artists Istanbul Exhibition. The Akbank Center for Culture and the Art. pp. 10–15.
- Şenova, Başak. 2002. "Disintegration", "I. A Script On Detail", "II. Hacking The Dream", "III. Loops of Time Sequences with Coincidence Jumps", Haunted by Detail. Stichting De Appel. Preface and pp. 38–40, 2003 ISBN 90 73501 60 1
- Şenova, Başak. 2002. "My mother Likes Fluxus, because Fluxus Is Anti-Art, 1998. / My mother Likes Pop Art, because Pop Art Is Colorful, 1998." –on Halil Altindere. In Search of Balkania. In Search of Balkania: Users’ Manual, Eds. Roger Conover, Eda Cufer, Peter Weibel. pp. 18–19. Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneeum, Graz.
- Şenova, Başak. 2002. "A simple photograph: On I love you (1999), Halil Altindere / Basit bir fotoğraf: Seni Seviyorum (1999), Halil Altindere". Istanbul Pedestrian Exhibitions I, Istanbul, Personal Geographies, Global Maps. Ed. Liz Amado. pp. 97
- Şenova, Başak. 2002. "Fusing Into the Translucent Layers: On the Biennial and the Venues / Sirça Katmanlar Arasina Süzülmek: Bienal ve Sergi Mekanlari Üzerine". Biennial 7+ Egofugal/Egokaç, 7th International Istanbul Biennial Catalogue. Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, Istanbul. pp. 18–23.
- Şenova, Başak. 2001. "Falling Upon a Parallel Life / Ensopegant amb una vida paral-lela / Trapezando con una vida paralela" Trans Sexual Express Barcelona 2001: A Classic for the Third Millennium. Ed. Rosa Martinez. Centre D'art Santa Monica, Barcelona. pp. 176–177, 148, 149.
- Şenova, Başak. 2001. "On the artist and 'the works' –on Ebru Özseçen", "Obscure reminiscences of the Mind" and "Embeded Phases". De Appel, Amsterdam. Unlimited.Nl #4. Ed. Edna van Duyn. pp. 80, 84–86. ISBN 90-73501-54-7
- Şenova, Başak. 2001. "Treasure Hunt/Hazine Avi". Karsi Sanat Çalismalari, Istanbul. Regrets, Reveries and Changing Skies. Ed. Fulya Erdemci. Chapter 3, pp. 65–68 ISBN 975-93621-6-3
- Şenova, Başak. 2001. "Clashing with Liquid Crystal Memories / Likit Kristal Anilarla Çarpismak –Ebru Özseçen". Metropolis Now. Ed. Elga Wimmer. Borusan Sanat Galerisi, Istanbul. pp. 14–15
- Şenova, Başak. 2000. "Facing with Liquid Crystal Memories / Begegnung mit Erinnerungen aus Flüssigkristall" –on Ebru Özseçen’s work "The Red Architecture Venetian Boy’s Dream Ornaments, 1997–2000". Das Lied Von Der Erde. Ed. Rene Block. Museum Fridericianum Kassel. pp. 104 ISBN 3-927015-23-7
- Şenova, Başak. 2000. "Excerpts from Delicate Taste of Being Conquered". EV+2000 Friends and Neighbours: Exhibition of Visual Art. Belltable Art Center and Limerick City Gallery of Art, Limerick. pp. 176 ISBN 978-0-946846-40-5
- Şenova, Başak. 2000. "Delicate Taste of Being Conquered". Nikolaj Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen. Spring Time-New Art from Istanbul. pp. 43. ISBN 87-88860-66-3
- Şenova, Başak. 2000. "La passion mécanique de l’or digital / Dijital Altinin Mekanik Ihtirasi" (The Mechanical Passion of the Digital Gold). Önermeler/Arguments. Centre d’Art Contemporian, Geneva and Atatürk Cultural Centre, Istanbul. ISBN 975-7363-17-0
- Şenova, Başak. 2000. "Monologue: Cases of Sexual Intercourse..." –on Ebru Özseçen’s video film "Ambiguity Zones, 2000". strange<>home. Zehn Künstlerinnen aus dem außereuropaishen Raum Historishes Museum, Kestner Museum, Hannover, Salon Verlag. ISBN 3-89770-105-7
- Şenova, Başak. 2000. "Curator’s statement/Küratör’ün sergi tanimi", "Invitation to the Game/Oyuna Davet", "Notes on the Process /Süreç üzerine Notlar". Zemin: mekan_yüzey_katman / Ground: space_surface_layer. ED. Başak Şenova. BIR, Istanbul.
- Şenova, Başak. 1996. "Etnik Gölgelerin sehre Düsen Dokusu". Adana'nin Kentsel Gelisme Sorunlari ve Koruma Amaçli Planlama, Tasarim, Uygulama Hedefleri. Çukurova Üniversitesi Yayinlari, Vol.1, pp. 89–90
Book Review
- Şenova, Başak. 1997. Book Review of Still Life In Real Time by Richard Dienst, Ed. Stanley Fish and Fredric Jameson, Durham, 1994. Toplum ve Bilim. No.: 74, pp. 210–212.
(sociological abstracts Index).
- Şenova, Başak. 1995. Book Review of Promotional Culture by Alfred Wernick, London: Sage, 1991. Toplum ve Bilim. Media Special Edition. 67, pp. 243–245 (sociological abstracts Index).
- PhD Thesis: "Dimensions of Televisual Ontology: The Alchemy of Time In Television", unpublished. Institute of Economics and Social Sciences and Institute of Fine Arts of Bilkent University. 1999.
- Master's Thesis: "A Vanguard of Postmodern Condition: Verbal and Visual Rhetoric In Contemporary Advertising", unpublished. Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Department of Graphic Design of Bilkent University. 1995.
Articles and Interviews
- Şenova, Başak. 2011. "El Reflojo del cambrio Arte Contemporáneo Turco". Culturas. No 11 pp. 127–137.
- Şenova, Başak. 2011. "Zorlu Center Art Collection/Zorlu Center Sanat Koleksiyonu". ICE, Istanbul Contemporary, No 5 pp. 82–84.
- Şenova, Başak. 2011. "Year-End and 12th Istanbul Biennial /Yil Sonu ve 12. Istanbul Bienali". ICE, Istanbul Contemporary, No 5 pp. 94–95.
- Şenova, Başak. 2011. "Istanbul Biennalari, Kuratorleri, ve Donusun Dinamikleri Uzerine". Sanat Dunyamiz Kultur Sanat Dergisi. No: 125 pp. 16–27. ISSN 1300-2740-125
- Şenova, Başak. 2011. “10. Sharjah Biennale "Plot for a Biennial" ”. Springerin. Trans. Thomas Raab. Band XVII Heft 3 – Sommer 2011 – Umbruch Arabien. Vienna. pp 72–73. ISSN 1029-1830, ISBN 978-3-85256-586-6
- Şenova, Başak. 2011. "Kanatlar, Anılar ve Anıtlar: Gülsün Karamustafa’nin "Anit ve Çocuk" Sergisi". Sanat Dünyamız Kültür Sanat Dergisi. No:122 pp. 39–46. ISSN 1300-2740
- Şenova, Başak. 2006 "Producing Content, Establishing Culture and Visibility through the Operational Logic of NOMAD" and "Rejection Episodes". Vector: Art And Culture In Context (Documenta 12 magazines). 03/06, pp. 38–39, 40–42. ISSN 1842-8657
- Campbell, K. and Başak Şenova 2006. "HTMlles EXPORT 2 [06] Belgrad | Sofia | Istanbul"". Vector: Art And Culture In Context (Documenta 12 magazines). 03/06, pp. 252–253. ISSN 1842-8657
- Şenova, Başak. 2006. "On Trespassing: Interview with Eyal Danon". Bidoun, Arts and Culture from the Middle East. New York, Fall, Issue 01, Vol. 01, pp. 89–91. ISSN 1551-4048
- Şenova, Başak. 2006. "Banu Cennetoğlu. Fernüberwachung des Ungewissen / Remotely Spying on Uncertainty". Camera Austria, International. No. 94, pp. 49–56. ISBN 3-900508-62-3 ISSN 1015-1915
- Şenova, Başak. 2006. "Een ander geluid". Metropolis M. Tweenaandelijks tijdschrift over hedendaagse kunst. No. 4, pp. 19–20. ISSN 0168-9053
- Şenova, Başak. 2006. "Seri Vak’alar" (Serial Cases). Sanat Dünyamiz. Yapi Kredi Yayinlari. No. 97, pp. 212–217. ISSN 1300-2740-97
- Şenova, Başak. 2005. "Osman Bozkurt. Abstossungsreaktionen und Erinnerungsfetzen / Rejection Episodes And Fragments Of Memory". Camera Austria, International. No. 92, pp. 31–38. ISBN 3-900508-59-3 ISSN 1015-1915
- Şenova, Başak. 2005. "Hatice Güleryüz. 4 Imge". Sanat Dünyamiz. Yapi Kredi Yayinlari. No. 95, pp. 120–123. ISSN 1300-2740-95
- Muratoğlu, Erhan and Başak Şenova. 2004. "Yeniden Kurulan Gerçeklik, Yanilsama ve Yalan – Sabreen Stüdyo: "Arshawat" ve "Çocuğun sahitliğI" Üzerine" (The Re-created Reality, the Illusion and the Lie – On Sabreen Studio: "Arshawat", and "Child Testimony"), Bant Dergisi. No. 4, pp. 26–27 ISSN 1305-0672
- Şenova, Başak. 2004. "Istatistiklal Hikayesi". XXI Mimarlik Tasarim ve Kent Dergisi. No. 26, pp. 44. ISSN 1303-9598
- Şenova, Başak. 2003. "8th International Istanbul Biennial: Poetic Justice. When Poetry and Justice are Processed as Subjects of a Set of Experiments". Camera Austria, International. No.84, pp. 113–114 ISBN 3-900508-48-8 ISSN 1015-1915
- Şenova, Başak. 2003. "8th International Istanbul Biennial Dossier: Knut Asdam,, Marjetica Potrc, Natasa Petresin, Ergin Cavusoglu". XXI Mimarlik Tasarim ve Kent Dergisi. No 16 pp. 62–77. ISSN 1303-9598
- Şenova, Başak. 2003.
"Glassights, The Apartment Project, Istanbul" The HTV 50, pp. 23, 24, 25.
- Şenova, Başak. 2003. "Revolutions On Request". Trendsetter Magazine. Issue 5, vol. 2, pp. 68–71.
- Şenova, Başak. 2003.
"An Interview with Cevdet Erek and Emre Erkal" Picus: Kültür Sanat ve Edebiyat Dergisi. No. 2, pp. 100–103
- Şenova, Başak. 2003. "2/5 BZ". Trendsetter Magazine. Issue 4, vol 2, pp. 80–81.
- Şenova, Başak. 2003. "The absolute mode of guiding processes: Manifesta 4 and Documenta 11" "Yönlenme/yönlendirilme süreçleri: Manifesta 4 ve Documenta 11"
"But, Is It an exhibition? A short Interview with Suzanne van de Ven, curator of Cargo Series / Ama bu bir sergi mi? Kargo Serisinin küratörü Suzanne van de Ven Ile Kisa bir Söylesi" "Fluxus""Notes On Fluxus / Fluxus Üzerine Notlar" "40 years: Fluxus And The Consequences, 2002, Wiesbaden / 40 yil: Fluxus ve Sonuçlari 2002, Wiesbaden" "An Interview With René Block on 40 years: Fluxus And The Consequences / 40 Yil: Fluxus Ve Sonuçlari Üzerine René Block Ile Söylesi"
- Muratoğlu, Erhan and Başak Şenova. 2002. "Texts, Dialogues, Notes and Footnotes Stalking the 7th International Istanbul Biennial / 7. Uluslararasi Istanbul Bienali’nin Ardindan Yol Alan Metinler, Diyaloglar, Notlar ve Dipnotlar":
"New Age Myth And The Theme Of Mutual Existence: Matti Suuronen, David Noonan Simon Trevaks and Motohiko Odani / Gelecek Miti ve Birlikte Varolus Temasi: Matti Suuronen, David Noonan, Simon Trevaks, and Motohiko Odani" "Suspense/Thriller/Pornography: Mutant Beauty: Chris Cunningham / Gerilim/Korku/Pornografi: Mutant Güzellik: Chris Cunningham" "Ann Lee’s Dream Life: Shells And Ghosts: Phillipe Parreno, Pierre Huyghe, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster / Ann Lee’nin Düs Yasami: Kabuklar Ve Hayaletler: Phillipe Parreno, Pierre Huyghe, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster" "The Alchemy Of Sleep : Ma Liuming" "Leaving The Body: A Short Interview With Ma Liuming On His Performances" "Bedenini Birakmak / Ma Liuming’le Performanslari Üzerine Kisa bir Söylesi" "Perception Borrowed: Jan Fabre / Ödünç Algi: Jan Fabre"
- Şenova, Başak. 2002. "Ron Mueck" and "Jemima Stehli". Art-Ist 5: Contemporary Art Magazine. pp. 88–95, 110–112
- Şenova, Başak. 2001. "A Clandestine Door: 7th International Istanbul Biennial, 2001 / Una Porta Clandestina: VII Biennal Internacional d’Istanbul / Una Puerto Clandestina: Istanbul Biennial, 2001". Barcelona Art Report 4, Experiencies, pp. 24–26, 51–53, 73–74
- Şenova, Başak. 2001.
"Mekan Algisi, Oyun Kurgusu ve Sunny Lin/ The perception of Space, Construction of the Play and Sunny Lin" "Sonsbeek 9: LocusFocus, Arnheim and Translucent Lucidity: Ebru Özseçen" "7. Uluslararasi Istanbul Bienali: Gelecek Olusum Icin Egodan KaçIs /7th International Istanbul Biennial: Fugue from Ego for the Next Emergence" Domus, m Magazine of Architecture, Design, Art and Communication. no.13, pp. 32–34, 35–36, 154–157.
- Şenova, Başak. 2001. "Yadsimanin SaçmaliğI Üzerine/ The Pointless Act of Denial" on "Trans Sexual Express Barcelona 2001: A Classic for the Third Millennium". Domus, m Magazine of Architecture, Design, Art and Communication. no.12, pp. 34–39.
- Muratoğlu, Erhan and Başak Şenova. 2000. "simdiki Zamanda Sifirlanan Coğrafya: Greenwich’ten Internet’e / Geography that annihilated In the Present Time: From Greenwich to Internet". Maviology, Winter, no: 13 pp. 30.
- Şenova, Başak. 2000. "Pencerenin Diğer Yüzü/The Other Side of the Window". Domus, m Magazine of Architecture, Design, Art and Communication, 2000 pp. 169–170.
- Şenova, Başak. 2000. "Bilim kurgu: Mekan ve Insan öngörüleri/Science fiction: Previsions about space and human" and "KaçIsin sikistirdigi arayuz: Cyberpunk /The Interface where escape Is trapped: Cyberpunk". Domus, m Magazine of Architecture, Design, Art and Communication "m, tema/ m, theme". pp. 96–98
- Muratoğlu, Erhan and Başak Şenova. 1998. "Winter Depression + connecthing" Derin Uyumak
–on Huseyin B. Alptekin’s exhibition. Arredamento Decoration. No. 100, pp. 36–38.
- Muratoğlu, Erhan and Başak Şenova. 1998. "Retro Parliyor: Endustri Tasarim Urunleri" (Retro Is Shinning: Industrial Design Products). Maviology. No.8, pp. 16–17.
- Şenova, Başak. 1997. "Yesilcam Melodraminda Bastan Çikarma" (Seduction in Yesilcam Melodrama). 25.Kare: Sinema Kültür Dergisi. no. 20, pp. 25–32.
- Şenova, Başak. 1996. "İkilemin Kaliciliği: Maskesini Kay(d)irmak" (Permanency of Duality: Unmasking the Mask) Arredamento Decoration. December, pp. 50–51
- Şenova, Başak. 1996. "Zamanla Mekan Arasinda Sessiz Bir Devinim" (Silent Action Between Time and Space -on Erdag Aksel's work "Bu Sergi" (This Exhibition). Hürriyet Gösteri. No. 192, pp. 72–73
- Şenova, Başak. 1996. "Missing Persons and Lost Bearings" on the play "A Fantasy on Missing with One Piano and Four Player" performed by Nesrin Kazankaya, Mahir Günsiray, Özden Çiftci, Ayse Günsiray. Turkish Probe. pp. 30
- Şenova, Başak. 1996. "Sirk sehri Terk Ediyor" (Circus is Leaving The Town) -on Zeki Muren and Turkish Popular Culture. Arredamento Decoration. pp. 74–75.
- Şenova, Başak. 1995. "Kaygan Zemin/Sabit Düzlem: Neville Brody" (Shifting Ground/Stable Plane: Neville Brody). Arredamento Decoration. October, pp. 75.
- Özkal, Özlem and Başak Şenova. 1995. "38. parallel: Beuys Tartismasi ve 'Merkezkaç'" -on Beuys, Fourth International Istanbul Biennial and Rene Block. Express. No. 88, p. 14.
- Şenova, Başak. 1995. "Sophie Calle" (the preface and the translation of Marcia Tanner's essay: "The Woman of Mystery"). Anons-Plastik Sanatlar Dergisi, No. 51-52, pp. 16–18.
- Özkal, Özlem and Başak Şenova. 1995. "Gerçeğin Kurgusu, Kurgunun Gerçeği- Yeni Bir Realite Show: Acil Servis". (Fiction of Reality, Reality of Fiction-A New Reality Show: Acil Servis). Express, NO. 64, pp. 11.
- Şenova, Başak. 1995. "Elestirinin Elestirisi: sizofreniyi Yadsimak" (Critique of Critiques: Denying Schizophrenia. Express. No. 60, p. 18.
- Şenova, Başak. 1994. "O* Zone" (cyberzone) with Cyberzone Groupp. -on cyber culture. Arredamento Decoration, July–August, pp. 98–107.
Items in Encyclopedia
- Şenova, Başak. 2008. "Bienal". Eczacibasi Sanat Ansiklopedisi: Resim, Heykel, Mimarlik, Tasarim, Arkeoloji, Fotoğraf. No 1. A-F, Yem Yayin, Istanbul. pp. 222 ISBN 978-9944-757-09-6 (All/Takim), ISBN 978-9944-757-10-2 (Vol.1)
- Şenova, Başak. 2008. "Küratör". Eczacibasi Sanat Ansiklopedisi: Resim, Heykel, Mimarlik, Tasarim, Arkeoloji, Fotoğraf. No 3. G-N, Yem Yayin, Istanbul. pp. 925–926 ISBN 978-9944-757-09-6 (All/Takim), ISBN 978-9944-757-11-9 (Vol.2)
- Şenova, Başak. 2012." Occupying the Occupied: Perceptions of Occupation and Control in Cyprus" Ibraaz. Contemporary Visual Culture in the Middle East and North Africa. Platform for discussion 002.
- Şenova, Başak. Review on Art-Agenda (November 2011). “An exhibition by Annika Eriksson” (Galeri NON, Istanbul October 29 – December 9, 2011)
- Şenova, Başak. 2011."A Conversation with Ahmet ogut" Ibraaz. Contemporary Visual Culture
in the Middle East and North Africa. Platform for discussion 002.
- Şenova, Başak. 2003. "Activating an Adrenalin Node". The Role of the Curator. Mogadishi, Mogapress. ISBN 87-989720-0-6
- Şenova, Başak. 2003. "The Alchemy of Memory through Formulas for Identity: On ‘Kidnapping Europe: Turning Dreams and Shifting Harbours’ by Christina Clar and Peter Jap Lim". Home and Away. Ed. Max Presneill. Raid Projects, Los Angeles. pp. 17–18
- Şenova, Başak. 2003. Sancho Silva –Shortcut (with CTP de Appel 2002), Stichting Kunst en Openbare Ruimte (SKOR), Amsterdam.