Base change

In mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry, base change refers to a number of similar theorems concerning the cohomology of sheaves on algebro-geometric objects such as varieties or schemes.

The situation of a base change theorem typically is as follows: given two maps of, say, schemes, f: Y \rightarrow X, g: X' \rightarrow X, let f' and g' be the projections from the fiber product Y' := Y \times_X X' to X' and Y, respectively. Moreover, let a sheaf \mathcal F on X' be given. Then, there is a natural map (obtained by means of adjunction; see base change map)

f^* R^i g_* \mathcal F \rightarrow R^i g'_* f'^* \mathcal F.

Depending on the type of sheaf, and on the type of the morphisms g and f, this map is an isomorphism (of sheaves on Y) in some cases. Here R^i g_* \mathcal F denotes the higher direct image of \mathcal F under g. As the stalk of this sheaf at a point on Y is closely related to the cohomology of the fiber of the point under g, this statement is paraphrased by saying that "cohomology commutes with base extension".[1]

Flat base change for quasi-coherent sheaves

The base change holds for a quasi-coherent sheaf \mathcal F (on X'), provided that the map f is flat (together with a number of technical conditions: g needs to be a separated morphism of finite type, the schemes involved need to be Noetherian).

Proper base change for etale sheaves

The base change holds for etale torsion sheaves, provided that g is proper.[2]

Smooth base change for etale sheaves

The base change holds for etale torsion sheaves, whose torsion is prime to the residue characteristics of X, provided f is smooth and g is quasi-compact.[3]

See also


  1. Hartshorne (1977, p. 255)
  2. Milne (1980, section VI.2)
  3. Milne (1980, section VI.4)


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