Battle Command Training Center-Leavenworth

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Battle Command Training Center - Leavenworth (BCTC-Lvn) provides battle command and staff training, training support, and publications to Army National Guard Soldiers and units, at its facility in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA, or via mobile training teams, prior to mobilization to assist them prepare for full-spectrum operations in a joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational environment.

It was founded in 1991 by the National Guard (NG), in close cooperation with the Combined Arms Center (CAC), Kansas National Guard (KSNG), and the 35th Infantry Division (Mechanized), with the purpose of improving Army National Guard (ARNG) division battle command and staff training.

BCTC-Lvn has incrementally improved and expanded since its founding. The BCTC-Lvn is one of three ARNG Battle Command Training Centers within the Battle Command Training Capability Program (BCTCP). The other two centers are located at Camp Dodge, Iowa and Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania.

BCTC-Lvn is not to be confused with the Mission Command Training Program (MCTP) (formerly designated the Battle Command Training Program, or BCTP), also at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The MCTP, a subordinate organization of CAC, is tasked to provide full-spectrum operations training support for senior commanders and their staffs (brigade-level and above). BCTC-Lvn works with the MCTP to provide this training for ARNG battalion, brigade, and division commanders and their staffs. BCTC-Lvn provides the facilities, networks, equipment, and life support for ARNG units conducting MCTP-led, full-spectrum exercise rotations.


In the early 1980s, the National Guard Bureau (NGB), CAC, and the Adjutant General, State of Kansas (TAG-KS) envisioned constructing a combined federal facility to serve as a training center in support of ARNG division battle staff exercises required by the US Army Forces Command (USFORSCOM) and to provide a facility to host the Headquarters, 35th Infantry Division. The Army licensed land on Fort Leavenworth, KS to TAG-KS to build a facility with funding from NGB. This facility would serve the dual purpose as an armory and division training center for the newly activated 35th Infantry Division. The original organization, the Leader Development Center, later became a federal field operating agency of the NGB, with the mission to support the same battle command and staff training for the ARNG, as it was for Army Active Component units. BCTC-Lvn also hosts ARNG division-level full spectrum exercises and the 35th Infantry Division headquarters.

Major milestones


  1. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Among US Army Combined Arms Center (CAC), Army National Guard Bureau, the Adjutant General State of Kansas and Commander 35th Division (Mech) NG, 1990, para.1.
  2. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Among US Army Combined Arms Center (CAC), Army National Guard Bureau, the Adjutant General State of Kansas and Commander 35th Division (Mech)NG, 1994, pp.5-6.
  3. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Among US Army Combined Arms Center (CAC), Army National Guard Bureau, the Adjutant General State of Kansas and Commander 35th Division (Mech)NG, 2000, para.1.
  4. Borreson, MAJ. Elizabeth S. (NGB-JA). Memorandum for NGB-BCTC (LTC Munoz Atkinson), 2001, para.2.

External links

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