Bengangai Game Reserve

Bengangai Game Reserve
IUCN category IV (habitat/species management area)

The Bengangai Game Reserve is found in South Sudan. Established in 1939, it is both a game reserve and an Important Bird Area.[1] This site covers 170 square kilometres (17,000 ha).[2] Chimpanzees are thought to habitate the game reserve; however, there is no recent information on their population.[3]


  1. United Nations Environment Programme (2007). Sudan: post-conflict environmental assessment. UNEP/Earthprint. pp. 261, 263–. ISBN 978-92-807-2702-9. Retrieved 2 August 2011.
  2. World Database on Protected Areas
  3. Department of Wildlife Management (1982) Wildlife Information Booklet. Democratic Republic of the Sudan, Ministry of Wildlife Conservation and Tourism, Southern Region. Cited in: Lee, P.C., Thornback, J., Bennett, E.L. (1988) Threatened Primates of Africa. The IUCN Red Data Book. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

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