Benson Latin American Collection

The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection is part of the University of Texas Library system, located in Austin, Texas. The collections is housed in the Sid Richardson Hall, which also houses the Dolph Briscoe Center of American History[1] and Barker Texas History Collections Center.[2] This library is in affiliation with Tereza Lozano Long Institute for Latin American Studies (LLILAS), which this library serves as a hub for studies pertaining to Latin American history and studies.[3] Some of the collections housed in this library include over 970,000 books, 19,000 maps, 93,500 photographs, 4,000 linear feet of manuscripts, 11,500 broadsides, and 50,000 items in other multimedia formats. Most of the focus of the sources are of Texas and Mexico, the concentration of items are also from all of the other Latin American countries, namely Central America, Chile, Peru, and Brazil.[4]


Sid Richardson Hall 1 University Station Austin, Texas 78712

External Links


  1. Dolph Brisco Center of American History,
  2. Eugene C. Barker Texas History Collections Center,
  3. About the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection,
  4. Benson Latin American Library Collections,
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