Bentonville Union order of battle

The following Union Army units[1] and commanders fought in the Battle of Bentonville of the American Civil War. The Confederate order of battle is shown separately.

Abbreviations used

Military rank


Grand Army of the West

MG William T. Sherman, commanding

Headquarters Guard

7th Company, Ohio Sharpshooters

Engineers and Mechanics

1st Michigan
1st Missouri (five companies)

Right Wing (Army of the Tennessee)

MG Oliver O. Howard


15th Illinois Cavalry

Pontoon Train Guard

14th Wisconsin, Company E

XV Corps

MG John A. Logan

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

1st Division
     Bvt MG Charles R. Woods

1st Brigade

   Bvt BG William B. Woods

2nd Brigade

   Col Robert F. Catterson

3rd Brigade

   Col George A. Stone

2nd Division
     MG William B. Hazen

1st Brigade

Col Theodore Jones

2nd Brigade

   Col Wells S. Jones

3rd Brigade

   BG John M. Oliver

3rd Division
     Bvt MG John E. Smith

1st Brigade

   BG William T. Clark

2nd Brigade

   Col Clark R. Wever

4th Division
     Bvt MG John M. Corse

1st Brigade

   BG Elliott W. Rice

2nd Brigade

   Col Robert N. Adams

3rd Brigade

   Col Frederick J. Hurlbut

Unassigned (not engaged)
  • 110th United States Colored Troops

   Ltc William H. Ross


XVII Corps

MG Francis Preston Blair, Jr.


11th Illinois Cavalry (Company G)
Division Brigade Regiments and Others

1st Division
     MG Joseph A. Mower

1st Brigade

   BG John W. Fuller

2nd Brigade

   Col Milton Montgomery

3rd Brigade

   Col John Tillson

  • 10th Illinois
  • 25th Indiana
  • 32nd Wisconsin

3rd Division
     BG Manning F. Force

Provost Guard
  • 20th Illinois
1st Brigade

   Col Cassius Fairchild

  • 30th Illinois
  • 31st Illinois
  • 45th Illinois
  • 12th Wisconsin
  • 16th Wisconsin
2nd Brigade

   Col Greenberry F. Wiles

4th Division
     Bvt MG Giles A. Smith

1st Brigade

   BG Benjamin F. Potts

3rd Brigade

   BG William W. Belknap

  • 32nd Illinois
  • 11th Iowa
  • 13th Iowa
  • 15th Iowa
  • 16th Iowa

   Maj Allen C. Waterhouse

  • 9th Illinois (mounted)

Left Wing (Army of Georgia, Recently the Army of the Cumberland)

MG Henry W. Slocum


58th Indiana

XIV Corps

Bvt MG Jefferson C. Davis

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

1st Division
     BG William P. Carlin

1st Brigade

   Bvt BG Harrison C. Hobart

2nd Brigade

   Bvt BG George P. Buell

3rd Brigade

   Ltc David Miles (w)
   Ltc Arnold McMahan

2nd Division
     BG James D. Morgan

Provost Guard
1st Brigade

   BG William Vandever

2nd Brigade

   BG John G. Mitchell

3rd Brigade

   Bvt BG Benjamin D. Fearing (w)
   Ltc James W. Langley

3rd Division
     Bvt MG Absalom Baird

1st Brigade

   Col Morton C. Hunter

2nd Brigade

   Ltc Thomas Doan

3rd Brigade

   Col George P. Este


   Maj Charles Houghtaling

XX Corps

Bvt MG Alpheus S. Williams

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

1st Division
     BG Nathaniel J. Jackson

1st Brigade

   Col James L. Selfridge

2nd Brigade

   Col William Hawley

  • 2nd Massachusetts
  • 13th New Jersey
  • 107th New York
  • 150th New York
  • 3rd Wisconsin
3rd Brigade

   BG James S. Robinson

2nd Division
     Bvt MG John W. Geary

1st Brigade

   Bvt BG Ario Pardee, Jr.

2nd Brigade

   Col George W. Mindil

  • 33rd New Jersey
  • 73rd Pennsylvania
  • 109th Pennsylvania
  • 119th New York
  • 134th New York
  • 154th New York
3rd Brigade

   Bvt BG Henry A. Barnum

  • 60th New York
  • 29th Pennsylvania
  • 102nd New York
  • 137th New York
  • 149th New York
  • 111th Pennsylvania

3rd Division
     Bvt MG William T. Ward

1st Brigade

   Col Henry Case

2nd Brigade

   Col Daniel Dustin

3rd Brigade

   Bvt BG William Cogswell


   Maj John A. Reynolds


Division Brigades Regiments and batteries

3rd Division
     Bvt MG Judson Kilpatrick

1st Brigade

   Col Thomas J. Jordan

2nd Brigade

   Bvt BG Smith D. Atkins

3rd Brigade

   Col George E. Spencer

4th Brigade (provisional)

   Ltc William B. Way

  • 1st Regiment
  • 2nd Regiment
  • 3rd Regiment
  • 10th Wisconsin Battery


  1. Multiple commander names indicate command succession of command during the battle or the campaign.
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