Beppe Costa

Beppe Costa

Beppe Costa in its library it:Pellicanolibri picture by Dino Ignani
Born (1941-08-25) 25 August 1941
Catania, Italy
Occupation Poet, writer, essayist, publisher

Beppe Costa (born Concetto Costa, on 25 August 1941, Catania, Italy) is an Italian poet, novelist and publisher.


The beginning

Born into a poor family grows, however, in an environment rich in books. He published the first volume of poems in 1970[1](Una poltrona comoda, Giuseppe Di Maria editore), characterized, like the others that follow, by the theme of love and nonconformity. Beppe Costa Beppe wrote and published two tour guides,[1] first at local level, Catania, Guida ai monumenti, and the second at regional level, Sicilia, Guida ai monumenti, both with Muglia publisher. Translated two books of the playwright Fernando Arrabal. In 1978 he met the poet Dario Bellezza which will begin with poetry readings and book presentations all around Italy, using everywhere is available: squares, bars, libraries, theaters.


He reaches fame with the book it:Romanzo Siciliano, that treat the autobiographical story of an intellectual Sicilian in his struggle and his complaint the south and the Mafia.

In USA the novel is reviewed by World Literature Today.[2]

Beppe Costa collaborate until 1985 with articles on Giornale del Sud and in Siciliani both directed by Giuseppe Fava. He publishes in Giornale di Sicilia interviews to Alberto Moravia, Enzo Jannacci, Léopold Sédar Senghor, Leo Ferré. He also participates to the radio program of poetry by it:RadioRai named Zenit & Nadir. In 1985 he finally left Sicily. He public other collections of poems and receive the Akesineide prize for Fatto d'amore and Canto d'amore.

In 1989 wins the Alfonso Gatto prize with the collection Impaginato per affetto. The preface is by it:Giacinto Spagnoletti, who, first, recognized the artistic talent of Pier Paolo Pasolini, positively appreciates the poetry of Beppe Costa, in which beautifully expresses the pain of living, the need to love and the difficulty of harmonizing this with the reality of another world. The book will be presented in different school, The book will be presented in different schools in common with the same Spagnoletti and, in Rome, from Giorgio Bassani.

His poems were read by actors like it:Lina Bernardi, Arnoldo Foà, Viviana Piccolo e Valeria Di Francesco and set to music, among others, by da Giovanni Renzo, Alessandra Celletti, Nicola Alesini, Giuliano Perticara, Mario Pettenati, and Gianluca Attanasio. Fascinated by the musical innovations, Beppe Costa recorded a cd with Giovanni Renzo. This experience led him quickly to make visual poetry with photos and music videos mostly of René Aubry and Alessandra Celletti. He inaugurate, with Beatrice Niccolai, in 2008, the exhibition Malaspinarte.[3]

In 2008 the encounter with the poet and composer Mario Salis contributes to greater synergy to the Italian edition of the Teranova Festival, who was born in France and founded by fr: Mario Salis under the leadership of Fernando Arrabal, has already seen the participation of Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Patrice Leconte and of the same Arrabal.

An event of enormous importance in March 2010 for the cycle Beppe Costa meetings, Fernando Arrabal in Rome,[4] guest of spent two days with the Poets From Space, a group of poets from different Italian regions, chosen by Fabio Barcellandi.

Came out in June 2010, for Multimedia Publishing (Casa della Poesia from Baronissi – Salerno), his new collection of poems it:Anche ora che la luna, with a letter from it:Adele Cambria and it:Lia Levi.
From 2011 began the partnership with the poet Stefania Battistella creating the new reading/show: "di me, di altri, ancora"[5]

Publishing activity

In 1976 he founded the publishing house Pellicanolibri, in promoting his work as editor of artists bashful, awkward or marginalized. He rediscovers and publishes the stories of Luigi Capuana: Si conta e si racconta Pellicanolibri, 1989 and a volume that Federico De Roberto dedicated to his city, Catania. He also publishes the translated texts of the contemporary French philosopher Gaston Bachelard[6] From a meeting with Jodorowsky, the idea of publishing the book on the Panic Movement,[7] a surrealist movement founded by Alejandro Jodorowsky with Fernando Arrabal and Roland Topor. In 1980 he translated and published the first work of the writer Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Manifesto subnormal.[8] It will be also editor of Gisèle Halimi, Luce d'Eramo, Alberto Moravia, Dario Bellezza, it:Goliarda Sapienza, Arnoldo Foà, it:Angelo Maria Ripellino. Since 1982, with the poet Dario Bellezza gives life to the series Inediti rari e diversi in order to report the authors excluded from the Italian literary society, like Anna Maria Ortese.

From 1992 it:Pellicanolibri becomes a great library on the edge of Rome. Here will reach authors from all parts of Italy and not only.

Beppe Costa and Bacchelli law

In 1986 manages together with it:Adele Cambria to make apply for the first time the it:"Legge Bacchelli in favor of it:Anna Maria Ortese.

Shows and Tours

Beppe Costa with Leonardo Omar Onida, Jack Hirschman and Paul Polansky at the Civic Theatre during Ottobre in Poesia.

Anche ora che la luna

From January 2008, begins the tour of poetry and music it:Anche ora che la luna.[9] Initially, in Salento with the composer Giovanni Renzo at the piano, after alone and performing throughout Italy in places like the Literary Cafe in Rome and the Civic Theatre in Sassari. This tour[10] will continue up to 2011.

Ho ancora voglia di sognare

In 2009, began a collaboration with the French singer fr:Eva Lopez, creating the show ho ancora voglia di sognare,[11] interpreting poems in their context and in the encounter with the songs of Leo Ferré, Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel, Georges Brassens.

Di me, di altri, ancora

In 2009, gets under way the new show "di me, di altri, ancora", touring around Italy[12](taken from the eponymous book forthcoming). In 2012 the tour[13] di me, di altri, ancora will restart with the poet Stefania Battistella.

Beppe, il poeta che amava le donne

The director Ricky Farina produces the film "Beppe, il poeta che amava le donne" (Quixote production, 2009).

Ottobre in Poesia

In 2009 he is the guest of honor at Ottobre in Poesia[14] in Sassari, and in 2010 participates in numerous meetings with students from different schools of Sassari. At the end of the Festival Ottobre in Poesia, at the Civic Theatre in Sassari receives the poetics key of the city. From 2011 takes its name the section unreleased of the International Literary Prize of the city of Sassari, an award that has the patronage of UNESCO, sponsored by the Presidency of the Italian Republic, the Italian Ministry for Arts and Cultural Affairs and the Italian Minister of Youth. During the 2011 edition of Ottobre in Poesia, Beppe Costa participated in several recitals together with Paul Polansky and Jack Hirschman, the latter, fond of his poetry, decided to translate them in English and inserted in the anthology Poets Revolutionary Brigade, forthcoming.

eVenti 2012

On the occasion of 20 years since the birth of the library Pellicanolibri, begin (from February to June) a series of meetings that will see, among the guests, personalities such as Arnoldo Foa, it:Adele Cambria, Paul Polansky, Jack Hirschman, Viorel Boldis, Alessandra Celletti, Dave Lordan, Andrea Garbin, Fabio Barcellandi, Don Backy and many others.

Our days

In 2012 is invited[15] at the 13th, then will be invited to the 14th and 15th, edition of the Nissan Festival which takes place in Maghar, (Israel) founded by the poet Naim Araidi.[16] In occasion of "Maggio dei libri" it is presented to the Sassari's old market, the new book "Gli alberi non scrivono poesie", written with Silvano Agosti and Leonardo Onida.[17] During the same period in Bosa and Sassari the new show: "Quanto Costa una vita", with Rita Casiddu and Salvatore Delogu.[18]





Prose and Poetry

Beppe Costa at Politeama Greco in Lecce


  1. 1 2 , Casa della Poesia: bibliography of Beppe Costa.
  2. , Denise Valtz Ferreri (Winter, 1986) "Beppe Costa -Romanzo Siciliano-". World Literature Today.
  3. , portal province of Massa.
  4. , Fernando Arrabal a Roma.
  5. , Beppe Costa "di me, di altri, ancora", with the participation of Stefania Battistella.
  6. , Comunicazione Filosofica n. 10, maggio 2002.
  7. , Panico, it:Pellicanolibri 1978.
  8. , Manifesto subnormale, it:Pellicanolibri 1980.
  9. , Anche ora che la luna date tour.
  10. , Anche ora che la luna at Civic Theatre in Sassari.
  11. , Beppe Costa and Eva Lopez.
  12. , date di me, di altri, ancora tour.
  13. , di me, di altri, ancora spazio Tadini.
  14. , Literary Prize "Città di Sassari" this morning the ceremony with Beppe Costa.
  15. , invito al Nisan Festival di Maghar, Israrele 2012.
  16. , Festival Internacional NISAN.
  17. , Quando gli alberi non scrivono poesie - La Nuova Sardegna.
  18. , Quanto Costa una vita? -La Nuova Sardegna-.
  20. , Premio Città di Ostia.
  21. , Beppe Costa e Tomaso Binga al PhotoFestival di Nettuno.


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External links

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