Berjalan ke Barat di Waktu Pagi Hari

Berjalan ke Barat di Waktu Pagi Hari is a poem by a famous Indonesian poet, Sapardi Djoko Damono. This poem is a part of the world's poem anthology.

Indonesian text

Berjalan ke Barat di Waktu Pagi Hari

Waktu berjalan ke barat di waktu pagi hari matahari mengikutiku di belakang

Aku berjalan mengikuti bayang-bayangku sendiri yang memanjang di depan

Aku dan matahari tidak bertengkar tentang siapa di antara kami yang telah menciptakan bayang-bayang

Aku dan bayang-bayang tidak bertengkar tentang siapa di antara kami yang harus berjalan di depan

English translation

Walking to the West in the Morning

When walking to the west in the morning the sun follows me from the back

I walk following my own shadow tall at the front

The sun and I did not argue about whom between the two of us created the shadow

The shadow and I did not argue about whom between the two of us is to walk at the front

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