Bernstein's inequality (mathematical analysis)

In mathematical analysis, Bernstein's inequality is named after Sergei Natanovich Bernstein. The inequality states that on the complex plane, within the disk of radius 1, the degree of a polynomial times the maximum value of a polynomial is an upper bound for the similar maximum of its derivative.


Let P be a polynomial of degree n on complex numbers with derivative P. Then

\max_{|z| \le 1}( |P'(z)| ) \le n\cdot\max_{|z| \le 1}( |P(z)| )

The inequality finds uses in the field of approximation theory.

Using the Bernstein's inequality we have for the k:th derivative,

\max_{|z| \le 1}( |P^{(k)}(z)| ) \le \frac{n!}{(n-k)!} \cdot\max_{|z| \le 1}( |P(z)| ).

See also


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