Berryz Kobo discography

Berryz Kobo discography
Studio albums 9
Compilation albums 2
Music videos 34
EPs 1
Singles 35

As of June 2014, the discography of Berryz Kobo consists of nine studio albums, and thirty-five singles. They are under Sharam Q vocalist Tsunku, who serves as their lyricist, composer, and producer.


# Title Release date Chart position Sales



1 "Anata Nashi de wa Ikite Yukenai" (あなたなしでは生きてゆけない)[4] March 3, 2004 18 9,252 15,315
2 "Fighting Pose wa Date ja Nai!" (ファイティングポーズはダテじゃない! Faitingu Pōzu wa Date ja Nai!)[5] April 28, 2004 25 6,783 9,634
3 "Piriri to Yukō!" (ピリリと行こう!)[6] May 26, 2004 37 7,883 10,476
4 "Happiness (Kōfuku Kangei!)" (ハピネス~幸福歓迎!~ Hapinesu ~Kōfuku Kangei!~)[7] August 25, 2004 20 10,529 13,691
5 "Koi no Jubaku" (恋の呪縛)[8] November 10, 2004 13 12,897 16,436
6 "Special Generation" (スッペシャル ジェネレ~ション Supesharu Jenerēshon)[9] March 30, 2005 7 19,814 24,449
7 "Nanchū Koi o Yatterū You Know?"
  (なんちゅう恋をやってるぅ YOU KNOW?)[10]
June 8, 2005 13 17,787 19,804 Ending theme of the Kids Station anime Patalliro Saiyūki
8 "21ji made no Cinderella" (21時までのシンデレラ Nijū-ichi-ji made no Shinderera)[11] August 3, 2005 13 17,648 20,464 Last single to feature Maiha Ishimura
9 "Gag 100kaibun Aishite Kudasai" (ギャグ100回分愛してください Gyagu Hyakkaibun Aishite Kudasai)[12] November 23, 2005 19 12,538 16,779 Ending theme of Pretty Cure Max Heart Movie 2
10 "Jiriri Kiteru" (ジリリ キテル)[13] March 29, 2006 6 14,727 19,273
11 "Waratchaō yo Boyfriend" (笑っちゃおうよ BOYFRIEND)[14] August 2, 2006 15 17,381 20,325
12 "Munasawagi Scarlet" (胸さわぎスカーレット Munasawagi Sukāretto)[15] December 6, 2006 11 19,292 23,090
13 "Very Beauty"[16] March 7, 2007 11 16,625 20,227
14 "Kokuhaku no Funsui Hiroba" (告白の噴水広場)[17] June 27, 2007 4 22,442 24,489
15 "Tsukiatteru no ni Kataomoi" (付き合ってるのに片思い)[18] November 28, 2007 6 28,307 31,787
16 "Dschinghis Khan" (ジンギスカン Jingisu Kan)[19] March 12, 2008 5 30,667 37,096
17 "Yuke Yuke Monkey Dance" (行け 行け モンキーダンス Yuke Yuke Monkī Dansu)[20] July 9, 2008 4 29,936 33,017
18 "Madayade"[21] November 5, 2008 6 22,861 25,469
19 "Dakishimete Dakishimete" (抱きしめて 抱きしめて)[22] March 11, 2009 8 24,786 27,797
20 "Seishun Bus Guide / Rival" (青春バスガイド/ライバル Seishun Basu Gaido/Raibaru) June 3, 2009 4 29,169 34,589 "Seishun Bus Guide" is an ending theme of Inazuma Eleven
21 "Watashi no Mirai no Danna-sama / Ryūsei Boy"
November 11, 2009 5 30,517 36,756 "Ryūsei Boy" is an ending theme of Inazuma Eleven
22 "Otakebi Boy Wao! / Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda!"
  (雄叫びボーイ WAO!/友達は友達なんだ!)
March 3, 2010 3 25,197 35,002 "Otakebi Boy WAO!" is an ending theme of Inazuma Eleven
23 "Maji Bomber!!" (本気ボンバー!! Maji Bonbā!!) July 14, 2010 6 13,958 22,641 Ending theme of Inazuma Eleven
24 "Shining Power" (シャイニング パワー Shainingu Pawā) November 10, 2010 7 23,450 27,402 Ending theme of Inazuma Eleven
25 "Heroine ni Narō ka!" (ヒロインになろうか! Hiroin ni Narō ka!) March 2, 2011 7 19 22,428 24,065
26 "Ai no Dangan" (愛の弾丸) June 8, 2011 11 18,526 20,100
27 "Aa, Yo ga Akeru" (ああ、夜が明ける) August 10, 2011 7 16,307 17,643
28 "Be Genki (Naseba Naru!)" (Be 元気<成せば成るっ!>) March 21, 2012 9 30 15,555 17,144
29 "Cha Cha Sing" July 25, 2012 6 17 29,099 33,001 Cover of the song "Row Mah Sing" by Thongchai McIntyre
30 "Want" December 19, 2012 3 24,622 28,157
31 "Asian Celebration" (アジアン セレブレイション Ajian Serebureishon) March 13, 2013 8 28,218 31,071
32 "Golden Chinatown / Sayonara Usotsuki no Watashi"
  (ゴールデンチャイナタウン/サヨナラ ウソつきの私 Gōruden Chainataun/Sayonara Usotsuki no Watashi)
June 19, 2013 6 31,558 36,023
33 "Motto Zutto Issho ni Itakatta / Rock Érotique"
Motto Zutto Issho ni Itakatta/ROCK Erotikku)
October 2, 2013 4 36,950 42,094
34 "Otona na no yo! / 1oku 3zenman Sō Diet Ōkoku"
Otona na no yo! / Ichioku Sanzenman Sō Daietto ōkoku)
February 19, 2014 4 10 30,229 31,816
35 "Ai wa Itsumo Kimi no Naka ni / Futsū, Idol 10nen Yatterannai Desho!?"
Ai wa Itsumo Kimi no Naka ni / Futsuu, Idol 10nen Yatteran Nai desho!?)
June 4, 2014 3 18 44,219 46,608
36 "Romance o Katatte / Towa no Uta" (ロマンスを語って/永久の歌) November 12, 2014 2 77,285 80,000+

* Billboard Japan Hot 100 is published since January 2008, RIAJ Digital Track Chart established in April 2009 and cancelled in July 2012.
*** These are unofficial figures obtained by adding together Oricon sales numbers for different periods of time when the single charted on Oricon.


# Title Release date Chart
1 1st Chō Berryz (1st 超ベリーズ)[24] July 7, 2004 18
2 Dai 2 Seichōki (第②成長記)[25] November 16, 2005 19
2.5 Special! Best Mini ~2.5 Maime no Kare~ (スッペシャル!ベストミニ ~2.5枚目の彼~)[26] December 7, 2005 45 Mini-album
3 3 Natsu Natsu Mini Berryz (③夏夏ミニベリーズ)[27] July 5, 2006 20 Mini-album
4 4th Ai no Nanchara Shisū (4th 愛のなんちゃら指数)[28] August 1, 2007 14
5 5 (Five) (5(FIVE))[29] September 10, 2008 11
— Berryz Kobo Special Best Vol. 1 (Berryz工房 スッペシャル ベスト Vol.1)[30] January 14, 2009 11 Compilation
6 6th Otakebi Album (6th 雄叫びアルバム)[31] March 31, 2010 12
7 7 Berryz Times (7 Berryz タイムス)[32] March 30, 2011 10
8 Ai no Album 8 (愛のアルバム⑧)[33] February 22, 2012 25
9 Berryz Mansion 9kai (Berryzマンション9階) January 30, 2013 24
— Berryz Kobo Special Best Vol. 2 (Berryz工房 スッペシャル ベスト Vol.2) February 26, 2014 26 Compilation
— Kanjuku Berryz Kobo The Final Completion Box (完熟Berryz工房 The Final Completion Box) January 21, 2015 5 Compilation


# Title Release вate Contents
1 2004 Natsu First Concert Tour ~W Standby! Double You & Berryz Kobo! (2004夏 ファーストコンサートツアー~Wスタンバイ!ダブルユー&ベリーズ工房!) November 17, 2004
2 2005 Shoka Hatsutandoku ~Marugoto~ (ライブツアー2005 初夏 初単独~まるごと~) September 22, 2005
3 2005nen Natsu W & Berryz Kobo Concert Tour ~HIGH SCORE!~ (コンサートツアー「HIGH SCORE!」) November 9, 2005
4 Berryz Kobo Live Tour 2005 Aki ~Switch ON!~ (ライブツアー 2005秋 ~スイッチ ON!~) December 28, 2005
5 Berryz Kobo Concert Tour 2006 Haru ~Nyoki Nyoki Champion!~ (コンサートツアー2006春~にょきにょきチャンピオン!~) July 19, 2006
6 Berryz Kobo Summer Concert 2006 ~Natsu Natsu - Anata wo Suki ninaru Sangensoku~ (サマーコンサートツアー2006『夏夏!~あなたを好きになる三原則~』) October 25, 2006
7 Berryz Concert Tour 2007 Sakura Mankai Berryz Kobo Live ~Kono Kandō wa Nidoto nai Shunkan de Aru!~
(Berryz Concert Tour 2007 Cherry Trees in Full Bloom Berryz Kobo Live - This is a Once in a Lifetime Event!) (2007 桜満開 Berryz工房ライブ~この感動は二度とない瞬間である!~)
June 27, 2007
8 Berryz Kobo Concert Tour 2007 Natsu ~Welcome! Berryz Kyouden~ (Berryz工房コンサートツアー 2007夏 〜ウェルカム!Berryz宮殿〜) October 31, 2007
9 Berryz Kobo & °C-ute
Nakayoshi Battle Concert Tour 2008 Haru
~Berryz Kamen vs Cutie Ranger~
with Berryz Kobo tracks (Berryz工房&℃-ute 仲良しバトルコンサートツアー 2008春 〜Berryz仮面 vs キューティーレンジャー〜 with Berryz工房 Tracks)
July 16, 2008
10 Berryz Kobo Concert Tour 2008 Aki ~Berikore!~ (Berryz工房コンサートツアー 2008秋 〜ベリコレ!〜) December 17, 2008
11 Berryz Kobo Concert Tour 2009 Haru ~Sono Subete no Ai ni~ (Berryz工房コンサートツアー 2009春 〜そのすべての愛に〜) July 29, 2009
12 Berryz Kobo Concert Tour 2009 Aki ~Medachitai!!~ (Berryz工房コンサートツアー 2009秋 〜目立ちたいっ!!〜) February 10, 2010
13 Berryz Kobo Festival ~Youkoso Otakebi Land e~ (Berryz工房 フェスティバル 〜ようこそ雄叫びランドへ〜) June 23, 2010
14 Berryz Kobo Concert Tour 2010 Shoka ~Umi no ie Otakebi House~ (Berryz工房コンサートツアー 2010初夏 〜海の家 雄叫びハウス〜) due August 25, 2010
Music Video Compilations
1 Berryz Kobo Single V Clips 1 (Berryz工房シングルVクリップス①) December 15, 2004
2 Berryz Kobo Single V Clips 2 (Berryz工房シングルVクリップス②) February 22, 2006
3 Berryz Kobo Single V Clips 3 (Berryz工房シングルVクリップス③) December 12, 2007
4 Berryz Kobo Single V Clips 4 (Berryz工房シングルVクリップス④) December 2, 2009
1 Hello! Project: Edo kara Chakushin!? ~Timeslip to Kengai~ (江戸から着信!?~タイムスリップto圏外!~) January 17, 2007
Television shows
— Berikyuu! Vol. 1 (ベリキュー!Vol.1) May 27, 2009 Berryz Kobo, °C-ute
— Berikyuu! Vol. 2 (ベリキュー!Vol.2) May 27, 2009 Berryz Kobo, °C-ute
— Berikyuu! Vol. 3 (ベリキュー!Vol.3) June 24, 2009 Berryz Kobo, °C-ute
— Berikyuu! Vol. 4 (ベリキュー!Vol.4) June 24, 2009 Berryz Kobo, °C-ute
— Berikyuu! Vol. 5 (ベリキュー!Vol.5) July 22, 2009 Berryz Kobo, °C-ute
— Berikyuu! Vol. 6 (ベリキュー!Vol.6) July 22, 2009 Berryz Kobo, °C-ute
— Berikyuu! Vol. 7 (ベリキュー!Vol.7) August 26, 2009 Berryz Kobo, °C-ute
— Berikyuu! Vol. 8 (ベリキュー!Vol.8) August 26, 2009 Berryz Kobo, °C-ute




Concert tours





  1. ↑ "オリコンランキング情報サービス「you大樹」". Oricon. (subscription only)
  2. ↑ "Cute CD single ranking - Oricon" (in Japanese). Oricon, Inc. Retrieved 2012-03-06.
  3. ↑ "Hot 100|JAPAN Charts|Billboard JAPAN".
  4. ↑ "Anata Nashi de wa Ikite Yukenai" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  5. ↑ "Fighting Pose wa Date ja Nai!" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  6. ↑ "Piriri to Yukō!" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  7. ↑ "Happiness ~Kofuku Kangei!~" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  8. ↑ "Koi no Jubaku" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  9. ↑ "Special Generation" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  10. ↑ "Nanchū Koi wo Yatterū You Know?" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  11. ↑ "21ji made no Cinderella" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  12. ↑ "Gag 100kaibun Aishite Kudasai" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  13. ↑ "Jiriri Kiteru" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  14. ↑ "Waracchaō yo Boyfriend" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  15. ↑ "Munasawagi Scarlet" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  16. ↑ "Very Beauty" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  17. ↑ "Kokuhaku no Funsui Hiroba" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  18. ↑ "Tsukiatteru no ni Kataomoi" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  19. ↑ "Dschinghis Khan" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  20. ↑ "Yuke Yuke Monkey Dance" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  21. ↑ "Madayade" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  22. ↑ "Dakishimete Dakishimete" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  23. ↑ "Berryz Kobo CD album ranking - Oricon" (in Japanese). Oricon, Inc. Retrieved 2012-03-06.
  24. ↑ "1st Cho Berryz" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  25. ↑ "Dai 2 Seichōki" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  26. ↑ "Special! Best Mini ~2.5 Maime no Kare~" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  27. ↑ "3 Natsu Natsu Mini Berryz" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  28. ↑ "4th Ai no Nanchara Shisū" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  29. ↑ "5 (FIVE)" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  30. ↑ "Berryz Kobo Special Best Vol. 1" (in Japanese). Up-Front Works.
  31. ↑ "6th Otakebi" (in Japanese). UP-FRONT WORKS Co.,Ltd.
  32. ↑ "7 Berryz Times" (in Japanese). UP-FRONT WORKS Co.,Ltd.
  33. ↑ "Ai no Album 8" (in Japanese). UP-FRONT WORKS Co.,Ltd.
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