Major achievements in swimming by nation
This is a list of the best results achieved by athletes from different nations at four major competitions where swimming events are (or were) competed. Results from diving, high diving, synchronized swimming and water polo were not added to the list. The results listed here only refer to swimming and open water swimming events. Medals earned by athletes from defunct NOCs or historical teams have been merged with the results achieved by their immediate successor states, as follows: Russia inherits medals from the Soviet Union and the Unified Team; Serbia inherits medals from Yugoslavia; Australia inherits medals from Australasia; and Germany inherits medals from West Germany and East Germany. The table is pre-sorted by total number of gold medal results, silver medal results and bronze medal results, respectively. When equal ranks are given, countries are listed in alphabetical order.
| | | Asia | | |
| Africa | |
| Americas | |
| Europe | |
| Oceania | |
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