Beurling algebra

In mathematics, the term Beurling algebra is used for different algebras introduced by Arne Beurling (1949), usually it is an algebra of periodic functions with Fourier series

f(x)=\sum a_ne^{inx}

Example We may consider the algebra of those functions f where the majorants

c_k=\sup_{|n|\ge k} |a_n|

of the Fourier coefficients an are summable. In other words

\sum_{k\ge 0} c_k<\infty.

Example We may consider a weight function w on \mathbb{Z} such that

w(m+n)\leq w(m)w(n),\quad w(0)=1

in which case A_w(\mathbb{T}) =\{f:f(t)=\sum_na_ne^{int},\,\|f\|_w=\sum_n|a_n|w(n)<\infty\} \,(\sim\ell^1_w(\mathbb{Z})) is a unitary commutative Banach algebra.

These algebras are closely related to the Wiener algebra.


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