BhedÄbheda VedÄnta is a subschool of VedÄnta.
BhedÄbheda (Devanagari: à¤à¥‡à¤¦à¤¾à¤à¥‡à¤¦) is a Sanskrit word meaning "difference and non-difference".[1]
The characteristic position of all the different BhedÄbheda VedÄnta schools is that the individual self (jÄ«vÄtman) is both different and not different from the ultimate reality known as Brahman. BhedÄbheda reconciles the positions of two other major schools of VedÄnta. The Advaita (Non-dual) VedÄnta that claims that the individual self is completely identical to Brahman, and the Dvaita (Dualist) VedÄnta that teaches complete difference between the individual self and Brahman. BÄdarÄyaṇa’s Brahma SÅ«tra (c. 4th century CE) may also have been written from a BhedÄbheda VedÄntic viewpoint.[1]
Each thinker within the BhedÄbheda VedÄnta tradition has their own particular understanding of the precise meanings of the philosophical terms "difference" and "non-difference". BhedÄbheda VedÄntic ideas can traced to some of the very oldest VedÄntic texts, including quite possibly BÄdarÄyaṇa’s Brahma SÅ«tra (c. 4th century CE).
BhedÄbheda ideas had an enormous influence on the devotional (bhakti) schools of India’s medieval period. Among medieval BhedÄbheda thinkers are:
- Ramanuja (11th century), who pioneered the Sri Vaishnava school of Vishishtadvaita Vedanta
- NimbÄrka (13th century), who founded the Dvaitadvaita school[1]
- Vallabha (1479-1531), who founded Shuddhadvaita and the Puá¹£á¹imÄrga devotional sect now centered in Nathdwara, Rajasthan
- Caitanya (1485-1533), the founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism based in the eastern Indian State of West Bengal , and the theological founder of Achintya Bheda Abhedavedanta[2]
Other major names are BhÄskara (8th and 9th centuries),[1] RÄmÄnuja’s teacher YÄdavaprakÄÅ›a,[1] and VijñÄnabhiká¹£u (16th century).[1]
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Bhedabheda Vedanta". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 2015-02-04.
- ↑ Sivananda 1993, p. 247-253.
- Sivananda, Swami (1993), All About Hinduism, The Divine Life Society
Further reading
- Nicholson, Andrew J. (2010), Unifying Hinduism: Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual History, Columbia University Press
- Complete English Translation of Sri Subodhini jee, published in Collected Works of Sri Vallabhcharya series, Sri Satguru Publications