
Bhojgarh is a village in the Shekhawati region of Rajasthan, India. It is located in Jhunjhunu district; Bhojgarh is connected by road, and can be reached by car or bus from Gudha, Jhunjhunu, Jaipur or Udaipurwati. The Village is about 10 km from Gudha gorji, 40 km from Jhunjhunu and 150 km from Jaipur. Bhojgarh was founded by Thakur Gopal Singh Shekhawat. Number of its residents serves in Indian Army, Indian Airforce and Paramilitary Forces. However, the farming is the main occupation for the most of Bhojgarh residents. The main crops in the monsoon seasons are Bajara (Pearl Millet), Moth, and Guar. The main crops in the winter months are Wheat, Barley, Sarson ( Mustard seed), and Chana.


Bhojgarh was founded by Thakur Gopal Singh Shekhawat. In the name of Bhojraj ji (King of Udaipurwati). It is famous Thikana of Pentalisa, where ancient fort(burj) is also situated at the top mountain hill. Thakur Gopal Singh Shekhawat was pious, noble and brave man. Gopal Singh's three sons - Ashu Singh, Ghasu Singh & Ghaad Singh. Thakur Ashu Singh Shekhawat succeeded his father. He had four sons- Thakur Fathe Singh Shekhawat(Ex-Sarpanch), Thakur Sawai Singh Shekhawat, Thakur Devi Singh Shekhawat and Thakur Mool Singh Shekhawat. They decided to stay in Bhojgarh and their descendants still live in Bhojgarh.

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