Subcomandante Marcos bibliography

Subcomandante Marcos (center, wearing brown cap) in Chiapas.
Subcomandante Marcos is the de facto spokesman for the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), a Mexican rebel movement. He is known as Delegado Cero in matters concerning the Other Campaign.
Marcos is an author, political poet, and outspoken opponent of globalization, capitalism and neo-liberalism. Marcos wants the Mexican constitution changed to recognize the rights of the country's indigenous Mexicans.[1] The internationally known guerrillero has been described as a "new" and "postmodern" Che Guevara, or a cross between Mad Max and Zorro.[1][2] Since 1994, his writings have been published internationally in several languages.
- Subcomandante Marcos (August 1992). "Chiapas: el Sureste en dos vientos, una tormenta y una profecía" (in Spanish). Archived from the original on September 28, 2007.
- Subcomandante Marcos (August 1992). "Chiapas: The Southeast in Two Winds, a Storm and a Prophecy". Archived from the original on September 28, 2007.
- Subcomandante Marcos (August 1992). "Chiapas: Le Sud-est en Deux Vents, Un Orage et Une Prophétie in Coffret" (in French). Archived from the original on September 28, 2007.
- Subcomandante Marcos (1994). México: A Storm and a Prophecy. Westfield, NJ, USA: Open Magazine Pamphlet Series.
- Subcomandante Marcos (1994). Voice of Fire: Communiques and Interviews from the Zapatista National Liberation Army. Berkeley, CA, USA: New Earth Press.
- Republished: Subcomandante Marcos (1997). Ben Clarke and Clifton Ross, eds. Voice of Fire: Communiques and Interviews from the Zapatista National Liberation Army. San Francisco, CA, USA: Freedom Voices. ISBN 0915117657.
- Subcomandante Marcos (January 1, 1995). John Ross, ed. Shadows of Tender Fury: The Letters and Communiques of Subcomandante Marcos and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. Translated by Frank Bardacke, Leslie López, and the Watsonville California, Human Rights Committee. New York, New York, USA: Monthly Review Press. ISBN 0853459185.
- Subcomandante Marcos (1996). La Historia de los Colores (in Spanish). Illustrated by Domitila Domínguez and translated by Anne Bar Din. Guadalajara, México: Colectivo Callejero.
- Republished: The Story of Colors/La Historia de los Colores. El Paso, TX, USA: Cinco Puntos Press.
- Bilingual softcover: (May 1, 1999) ISBN 0938317458
- Bilingual hardcover: (April 1, 2003) ISBN 0938317717
- Republished: Story of Colours/La Historia de los Colores: A Folktale from the Jungles of Chiapas. London, UK: Latin America Bureau.
- Bilingual: (February 20, 2001) ISBN 1899365486
- Republished: The Story of Colors/La Historia de los Colores. El Paso, TX, USA: Cinco Puntos Press.
- Subcomandante Marcos (June 1, 1996). ¡Ya Basta! Les insurgés zapatistes racontent un an de révolte au Chiapas [¡Ya Basta! The zapatista insurgents recount a year of revolt in Chiapas] (in French). Volume I. Paris, France: Éditions Dagorno. ISBN 2910019330.
- Subcomandante Marcos (October 1, 1996). ¡Ya Basta! Vers l'internatinale zapatiste [¡Ya Basta! Towards international zapatista] (in French). Volume 2. Annotation by Tessa Brisac and Translation by Anatole Muchnik, Alexandra Carrasco, and Eduardo Carasco. Paris, France: Éditions Dagorno. ISBN 2910019349.
- Christopher Day; Mariana Mora; Subcomandante Marcos (1998). EZLN Communiques: Memory from Below. Oakland, CA, USA: Regent Press. ISBN 1889059161.
- Subcomandante Marcos (1999). Desde las Montañas del Sureste Mexicano [From the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast] (in Spanish). Barcelona, Spain: Plaza y Janés Editores.
- Subcomandante Marcos (2002). Depuis les Montagnes du Sud-est du Mexique (in French). Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada: Écrits des Forges.
- Republished: Subcomandante Marcos (2003). Depuis les Montagnes du Sud-est du Mexique (in French). Pantin, France: Le Temps des Cerises.
- Subcomandante Marcos (2002). Depuis les Montagnes du Sud-est du Mexique (in French). Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada: Écrits des Forges.
- Subcomandante Marcos (2000). Detras de Nosotros Estamos Ustedes [Behind Us We Are You] (in Spanish). Barcelona, Spain: Plaza y Janés Editores.
- Subcomandante Marcos (2000). El Correo de la Selva [The Mail of the Jungle] (in Spanish). Buenos Aires: Retorica Ediciones.
- Subcomandante Marcos (2001). Contes Maya [Mayan Tales] (in Spanish). Paris, France: Éditions L'Esprit Frappeur.
- Subcomandante Marcos (May 1, 2001). Questions and Swords: Folktales of the Zapatista Revolution. Illustrated by Domitila Dominguez and Antonio Ramirez. El Paso, TX, USA: Cinco Puntos Press. ISBN 0938317539.
- Jose Agustin, Martha Cerda, Carlos Monsivais, Salvador Elizondo, Francisco Hinojosa, Barbara Jacobs, Augusto Monterroso, Alejandro Rossi, Daniel Sada, Guillermo Samperio, Subcomandante Marcos, and Paco Ignacio Taibo II (September 15, 2001). Relatos Mexicanos Posmodernos: Antologia de Prosa Ultracorta, Hibrida y Ludica [Postmodern Mexican Stories: An Anthology of Ultrashort, Hybrid, and Lucid Prose] (in Spanish). Selection by Lauro Zavala. Alfaguara, Santillana Ediciones Generales. ISBN 9681908597.
- Republished: 2002. Miami, FL, USA: Santillana USA Publishing.
- Subcomandante Marcos (October 2001). Juana Ponce De Leon, ed. Nuestra arma es nuestra palabra: Escritos selectos (in Spanish). Forward by Jose Saramago and Afterward by Ana Carrigan. New York, New York, USA: Seven Stories Press. ISBN 1583222707.
- Subcomandante Marcos (May 2002). Juana Ponce De Leon, ed. Our Word Is Our Weapon: Selected Writings of Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. Forward by Jose Saramago and Afterward by Ana Carrigan. New York, New York, USA: Seven Stories Press. ISBN 1583224726.
- Noam Chomsky; James Petras; Subcomandante Marcos (December 2001). Afghanistan. Buenos Aires: Editorial 21. ISBN 9879368118.
- Atilio Boron; Chusa Lamarca Lapuente; Joseph E. Stiglitz; Subcomandante Marcos (2002). Mundo Global Guerra Global?. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Continente.
- Subcomandante Marcos (2003). Bayang Tak Berwajah: Dokumen Perlawanan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Zapatista 1994-2001 [Faces of Shadow: Documenting the Zapatista National Liberation Army 1994-2001] (in Indonesian). Edited and translated by Ronny Agustinus. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Insist Press.
- Indonesian translation of Marcos' essays and stories (1994–2001).
- Subcomandante Marcos (September 9, 2004). Ziga Vodovnik, ed. ¡Ya basta! 10 Years of the Zapatista Uprising—Writings Of Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. Forewords by Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein, Introduction by Ziga Vodovnik. Oakland, CA, USA: AK Press. ISBN 1904859135.
- Subcomandante Marcos (1999). Don Durito de la Lacandona. San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México: Centro de Información y Análisis de Chiapas. ISBN 9685112037.
- Subcomandante Marcos (October 2004). Don Durito de la Forêt Lacandone. Lyon, France: Éditions de la Mauvaise Graine. ISBN 291501308X.
- Subcomandante Marcos (2005). Botschaften aus dem lakandonischen Urwald. Hamburg, Germany: Edition Nautilus. ISBN 3894012595.
- Subcomandante Marcos (2005). Conversations with Durito: Stories of the Zapatistas and Neoliberalism. Brooklyn, NY, USA: Autonomedia. ISBN 1570271186.
- Subcomandante Marcos (2004). Kata Adalah Senjata: Kumpulan Tulisan Terpilih 2001-2004 [Our Word is Our Weapon: Selected Writings 2001-2004] (in Indonesian). Edited and translated by Ronny Agustinus. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Resist Book.
- Indonesian translation of Marcos' essays and stories (2001–2004).
- Subcomandante Marcos; Paco Ignacio Taibo II (2005). Muertos Incómodos: Falta lo que Falta (in Spanish). Miami, FL, USA: Planeta Publishing.
- German: Subcomandante Marcos; Paco Ignacio Taibo II (2005). Unbequeme Tote. Berlin, Germany: Assoziation A.
- Italian: Subcomandante Marcos; Paco Ignacio Taibo II (2005). Morti Scomodi. Padova, Italy: Società Cooperativa Carta. Archived from the original on September 27, 2007.
- French: Subcomandante Marcos; Paco Ignacio Taibo II (2006). Des Morts qui Dérangent. Paris, France: Éditions Rivages.
- English: Subcomandante Marcos; Paco Ignacio Taibo II (2006). The Uncomfortable Dead: What's Missing is Missing. New York, NY, USA: Akashic Books.
- Subcomandante Marcos (April 1, 2006). Greg Ruggiero, ed. The Other Campaign: la otra campana (in English and Spanish). Introduction by Luis Hernández Navarro. San Francisco, CA, USA: City Lights Books. ISBN 0872864774.
- Subcomandante Marcos (November 23, 2007). Canek Pena-Vargas and Greg Ruggiero, eds. The Speed of Dreams: Selected Writings 2001-2007. San Francisco, CA, USA: City Lights Books. ISBN 0872864782.
- El Kilombo Intergalactico; Subcomandante Marcos (2007). Beyond Resistance: Everything. An Interview with Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. Durham, NC, USA: Paperboat Press. ISBN 0979799309.
- Gloria Muñoz Ramírez (February 15, 2008). El fuego y la palabra: Una Historia del Movimiento Zapatista (in Spanish). Forward by Hermann Bellinghausen and Introduction by Subcomandante Marcos. San Francisco, CA, USA: City Lights Books. ISBN 0872864650.
- Gloria Muñoz Ramírez (February 15, 2008). The Fire and the Word: A History of the Zapatista Movement. Forward by Hermann Bellinghausen and Introduction by Subcomandante Marcos. San Francisco, CA, USA: City Lights Books. ISBN 087286488X.
- Subcomandante Marcos (2008). En algún lugar de la selva Lacandona : aventuras y desventuras de don Durito [Somewhere in the Lacandon Jungle: Adventures and Misadventures of Sir Durito] (in Spanish). Prologue by José Saramago, Illustrations by Beatriz Aurora. México City, México: Ediciones y Gráficos Eón. ISBN 6077519170.
- Laura Castellanos; Subcomandante Marcos (January 2009). Kassensturz: Interviews mit Laura Castellanos [Cash Check: Interviews with Laura Castellanos] (in German). Hamburg, Germany: Edition Nautilus. ISBN 389401590X.
- 1 2 BBC Profile: The Zapatistas' mysterious leader by Nathalie Malinarich, March 11, 2001
- ↑ Zapatistas Launch ‘Other’ Campaign by Ramor Ryan, The Indypendent, January 12, 2006
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